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[138] Atlanta. The regiment has drawn during the campaign, as follows, namely: Six days rations of salt meat, twelve of bread, twenty-one and a half of coffee, eleven of sugar, and eleven of salt. Thirty-five horses and mules were captured and turned over to the Brigade Quartermaster during the march.

The following is a list of casualties since the date of last report: Commissioned officers killed, none; commissioned officer wounded, one-total, one; enlisted men killed, none; enlisted men wounded, none ; enlisted men missing, nine--aggregate, ten.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Philo B. Buckingham, Lieutenant-Colonel Twentieth Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, Commanding Regiment.

Captain Stuart's Report.

office of the Commissary of Subsistence, Third division, Twentieth army corps, Savannah, Georgia, December 27, 1864.
Captain Speed, Assistant Adjutant-General:
sir: I have the honor to submit the following statement of amount of subsistence stores with which we started from Atlanta: The division started from Atlanta with thirteen days rations of hard bread, and about twenty days rations of sugar and coffee, and about fifty days rations of salt. On hand, when division arrived at Savannah, about twenty-five days rations of salt. The period from the time of our starting from Atlanta to our arrival at Savannah, should be recorded from November fifteenth to December twentieth, 1864, the latter date being that on which we issued the first rations. Since the twentieth instant we have received and issued about three days rations.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

L. G. Stuart, Captain and Commissary Subsistence, Volunteers.

office of the Commissary of Subsistence, Third division, Twentieth army corps, Savannah, Georgia, December 26, 1864.
Captain John Speed, Assistant Adjutant-General, Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps:
Captain: I have the honor to report the following amounts of subsistence stores taken on the march from Atlanta, Georgia, to Savannah, Georgia:

Thirty-eight thousand pounds of fresh pork, two thousand pounds of bacon, seven hundred head of cattle, seven hundred and seventy-five head of sheep, three thousand pounds of poultry, thirteen thousand pounds of corn-meal, five thousand three hundred pounds of flour, twelve thousand pounds of rice, eleven thousand four hundred and fifty bushels sweet potatoes, five thousand five hundred pounds of sugar, six hundred pounds of salt, one thousand nine hundred and twenty gallons sorghum syrup, five hundred pounds of honey.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

L. G. Stuart, Captain and Commissary Subsistence, Volunteers.
P. S.--This report does not include the subsistence taken by straggling parties, or by detachments sent out from regiments, but is the actual or approximate amount which was received by the brigade commissaries, and by them issued to the troops. The commissaries of brigades do not report any subsistence stores taken while at Atlanta, Georgia.

L. G. Stuart. Captain and Commissary Subsistence, Volunteers.

Captain Lacey's reports.

Office Assistant Quartermaster, Third division, Twentieth corps, Savannah, Ga., Dec. 26, 1864.
Captain: I have the honor to submit the following report of forage received from various expeditions while at Atlanta, Georgia:

commands.corn, (lbs.)remarks.
Division Quartermaster,69,600 
Ordnance Train,57,561No animals were captured.
Ambulance Train,3,920 
First Brigade Train91,580 
Second Brigade Train,18,480 
Third Brigade Train,29,720 

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

H. A. Lacey, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster Third Division, Twentieth Corps. Captain John Speed, Assistant Adjutant-General.

Office Assistant Quartermaster, Third division, Twentieth corps, Savannah, Ga., Dec. 27, 1864.
Captain: In compliance with orders of December twenty-third, 1864, I have the honor to make the following report of the approximate number of horses and mules captured, and amount of forage seized on the march to this city:

command.Animals Capt'd or received as Captured.Forage Seized on March.
Horses.Mules.Pounds Corn.Pounds Fodder.
Capt. H. A. Lacey, A. Q.M.,347090,403Estimated at
Capt. J. C. McKell, A. A.Q. M.,88760,740
Lieut. R. P. Edgington, A. A.Q. M., 65,660
Lieut. H. Hamilton, A. A.Q. M.,133860,394
Lieut. L. M. Wing, A. A.Q. M.,363260,000
Lieut. B. C. Tabor, A. A.Q. M.,216551,000
Capt. D. P. Rennie, A. A.Q. M., 1920,000

The animals of this division were abundantly supplied with forage obtained from the country during the march. The average condition of the transportation on leaving Atlanta was considered serviceable, although many of the animals were poor and weak, and unfit for a long campaign. The amount of captured animals being put in the place of the unserviceable ones, rendered my transportation on arriving at Savannah in excellent condition.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

H. A. Lacey, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster Third Division, Twentieth Corps. Captain John Speed, A. A. General Third Division, Twentieth Corps.

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