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[232] be a bold man who can be sure that it will last as long as a Sunday morning service, or be less decisive than the last Sunday's.

Liverpool “courier” account.

When the meagre telegrams from Cherbourg were received on Sunday night, stating that an engagement was reported to have taken place between the Alabama and the Kearsarge, and that the confederate vessel had been sunk, the statement was regarded as an idle rumor without the slightest foundation in fact. Indeed, Liverpool people were very reluctant to give credence to the report, and the baldness of the telegrams almost justified their rejection. The first impulse, therefore, was to regard the alleged fight as altogether mythical. But as people began to arrive in town for business yesterday morning, the second edition of the Daily Courier informed them that the Alabama and the Kearsarge had really met in stubborn conflict, that the confederate cruiser had proved unequal to her adversary in strength of hull and weight of armament, and that gallantly fighting until their vessel was half engulfed, Captain Semmes and the remnant of his crew were at length constrained to jump into the sea to avoid being carried to the bottom in their sinking craft.

The naval duel between the Alabama and the Kearsarge is not one of the least brilliant incidents in the American war. Even prejudiced Federalists will not deny Captain Semmes credit for almost romantic gallantry in the struggle. He accepted a challenge from a far more powerful adversary; he knew his antagonist was in good repair and better armed, and he also knew that his own vessel was in a wretched state of dilapidation, the inevitable result of a world-wide cruise. Under such circumstances, it is no disgrace to Captain Semmes that he was worsted. Preponderance of force, not superior bravery or skill, was the cause of failure, and this was beyond his control. All persons may not be disposed to concur in the propriety of the mission in which Captain Semmes was employed, but after reading the account of Sunday's encounter, they must feel convinced that he is a chivalrous officer, on whose fame the term “pirate” is a foul aspersion.

The accounts of the fight are still somewhat meagre, but we must wait until some of those on board the vessels have had an opportunity of supplying the details. These will be looked forward to with considerable interest, and in the mean time the particulars which we are able to publish, will, no doubt, be eagerly read. The following telegrams were received at the Liver-pool underwriters' rooms from Lloyd's agent at Cherbourg:

Cherbourg, Sunday, ten minutes past twelve P. M.--The Alabama left this morning, and is now engaged with the Kearsarge. A brisk cannonade is heard.

Forty minutes past one P. M.--The Kearsarge has just sunk the Alabama. An English yacht has saved the crew.

The telegraph company's express from Southampton was to the following effect. It contains the account furnished to the newspapers by Mr. John Lancaster, of the steam-yacht Deerhound, which, by the way, is one of the Royal Mersey Yacht Club vessels:

Southampton, June twentieth.--The steamyacht Deerhound has arrived off Cowes with Captain Semmes and the crew of the confederate steamer Alabama. The following are the details of the engagement, which took place yesterday:

At half-past 10, the Alabama was observed steaming out of Cherbourg harbor toward the Federal steamer Kearsarge. At ten minutes past eleven, the Alabama commenced the action by firing with her starboard battery at a distance of about one mile. The Kearsarge also opened fire immediately with her starboard guns, and a sharp engagement, with rapid firing from both ships, was kept up, both shot and shell being discharged. In the manoeuvring, both vessels made seven complete circles at a distance of from a quarter to half a mile. At twelve o'clock, the firing from the Alabama was observed to slacken, and she appeared to be making head-sail and shaping her course for land, which was distant about nine miles. At half-past 12, the confederate vessel was in a disabled and sinking state. The Deerhound immediately made toward her, and on passing the Kearsarge, was requested to assist in saving the crew of the Alabama. When the Deerhound was still at a distance of two hundred yards the Alabama sank, and the Deerhound then lowered her boats, and with the assistance of those from the sinking vessel, succeeded in saving about forty men, including Captain Semmes and thirteen officers.

The Kearsarge was apparently very much disabled.

The Alabama's loss in killed and wounded is as follows: Drowned, one officer and one man; killed, six men; wounded, one officer and sixteen men. Captain Semmes is slightly wounded in the hand.

The Kearsarge's boats were lowered, and, with the assistance of the French pilot, succeeded in picking up the remainder of the crew.

Southampton, June twentieth.--From further particulars received here of yesterday's engagement, it appears that Captain Semmes accepted the challenge of the Kearsarge to fight, although aware that his adversary carried fifty more men than his own vessel, and was a larger ship with heavier guns. Captain Semmes was not, however, aware that the Kearsarge was chain-plated under her outside planking. Shortly after the action commenced, a shot from the Kearsarge killed three men on board the Alabama, cutting them to pieces, and a second shot wounded three more men and killed another, while a third shot carried away the blade of the Alabama's fan and part of the rudder, on her deck disabling a gun, and causing much damage below and forward. Her compartments were all carried away, and the fire-room was filled with water.

The Alabama fought under sail, first using her

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