Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts

Friday, 12 January 2018

Finding a Drone Font for Police

On reading a tweet from Devon and Cornwall Police, there was a line, 'insert drone emoji here' which got me searching. I've drawn a blank on emoji (so far).

However, I have found a brilliant drone font and it's free. Thought it maybe useful for the odd bullet point or illustration on a poster or collage.

Friday, 15 January 2016

How to Start a Blog for Police Officers

Police Officer blogs are not new, but we're now in 2016 and with that comes the realtime web - which makes it faster and easier than ever before to get your message out.

Twitter seems to be by far the choice for Police and Law Enforcement (for named officer accounts). It's quick, easy and fits in your pocket.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

How to follow a Police hashtag like #NorfolkLive by making something useful and fast

screenshot of the website
In this post, you'll learn about making something online for free that support Community Safety.

In this case, Norfolk Police UK made one tweet with a slide on 28 Oct 2015 at 7am. Sgt Joe Simon said, Me + @RPFOUSgt will be broadcasting live on patrol via @periscopeco on Fri 30th and Sat 31st. Follow #NorfolkLive.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Blogging with Blogger and a Model Post for Blogger Talk

this blog's home page as a collage
In this post, I don't want it to be about me, but about the story I have told in the last four years.

And in this case, what I've used to tell it, Google's +Blogger.  This site or blog is written by me and no one else.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Considering a blog column width - what's best on desktop?

My blog has 932 posts (yes this one you are reading), with a column width of 580 and a sidebar of 280 (total 900 pixels wide with padding).

I have a second blog with a one column set at 886, no sidebar with only nine posts.

The question I have for myself, and anyone who reads, is what reads best on desktop? For mobile, there is little difference.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Season One of #bloggertalk Episodes 1-12 January 2014 now available uisng Google's Blogger

Season One Playlist at YouTube

Season One of #bloggertalk is now complete.

This Playlist includes all 12 Episodes and 8 extra videos in support of the main episodes.

Join the Google+ Blogger Talk Community .. Season two will start filming immediately.

Thanks for all your support so far ..
20 videos 2 hours, 55 minutes

Sunday, 18 August 2013

I've hit at Google+ wall, so I'm going back to Blogger for more Creative Multi Media Posting

I've made over 9,000 posts at Google+, but I'm running a little low on self expression and creativity.

Typing without limits is valuable - choosing a video, or photos or a link is not so great. As is the bold, italic and strikethrough.

Monday, 30 May 2011

How to add in line links in a Comment to a Blogger Post

When adding a comment to a blog post using Blogger, automatically, it is text only. Some websites/blogs allow links to be left using these tags

If you wish to add an in line link (and you are using Blogger). Compose a new draft post, using HTML like this:

viewing on the blog (with the link) as...

I agree with this post and see for more. HTML looks like this...

Then copy and paste this to Comment box (from the Edit HTML tab) and base of the post you are commenting on. See base of this post. That's it.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Social Media v Industrial Media v Web 2.0 - is there a difference?

Social Media by khalid Albaih
It seems the phrase Social Media is everywhere. Not so long ago, everyone was talking about Web 2.0 as the next big thing and as for Industrial Media - what's that all about? Let me tell it in my own words, with a little help from Wikipedia: Social Media.

When people talk about Web 2.0 they usually mean where information is published (like a news website) and then a reader can interact with it (by leaving a comment).

Social Media, from my understanding, is the same as Web 2.0, but came along a little later in time. It seems, that in November 2009, Social Media overtook Web 2.0 as main phrase. Google Insights for Search shows this here:

Social Media can be made by people (like you and me) very quickly, inexpensively and shared to everyone. I wrote about this a year ago in Here Comes Everybody (by Clay Shirky) when it was called Mass Amateurization. Years ago, you needed a printing press and a few hundred people to form a newspaper - all you need now is a laptop, wifi connection and a cheap digital camera.

However, Industrial Media (like newspapers, television and films) is costly and time consuming to produce. But, there are some common traits such as Reach (reaching small or large audiences), Accessibility, Usability, Immediacy and Permanence (see Wikipedia to read more).
There are various statistics that account for social media usage and effectiveness for individuals worldwide. Some of the most recent statistics are as follows:
  • Social networking now accounts for 22% of all time spent online in the US.[8]
  • A total of 234 million people age 13 and older in the U.S. used mobile devices in December 2009.[9]
  • Twitter processed more than one billion tweets in December 2009 and averages almost 40 million tweets per day.[9]
  • Over 25% of U.S. internet page views occurred at one of the top social networking sites in December 2009, up from 13.8% a year before.[9]
  • Australia has some of the highest social media usage statistics in the world. In terms of Facebook use Australia ranks highest with almost 9 hours per month from over 9 million users.[10][11]
  • The number of social media users age 65 and older grew 100 percent throughout 2010, so that one in four people in that age group are now part of a social networking site.[12]

The fascinating attraction to Google Insights for Search (and GoogleTrends) is the ability to play around with search terms. Here are Email, Gmail, Twitter and MSN compared. A few years ago MSN (instant chat) was a real buzz word - look at the chart and draw your own conclusions.

Here are some Examples I use at wiK: Communication Tools (like Gmail and Blogger), Microblogging (like Twitter and Foursquare).  Multimedia: Picasa, YouTube, Livestream (Twitcam), Audacity and Audioboo.

As a footnote, if you were following the @wiKenilworth twitter stream last week, you would have seen #BBCdigjo which was the pilot BBC Digital Journalism Social Media Training Course in London. The BBC were kind enough to share their story on Twitter.

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