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LIVE from the NEWS™ where we make sense of the
Blurring between What is News, Who makes it and the Audience who cope with it ..
Thanks to Porthgwidden Beach, Cornwall, UK for the photo .. 1940s on the left, more recent on the right .. Which do you prefer: The Romance or The Reality only you can Decide .. The same applies to the News doesn't it ?
Take this from wikipedia where the word blurred is used in every step:
Schudson has identified the following six specific areas where the ecology of news in his opinion has changed:
1. The line between the reader and writer has blurred
2. The distinction among tweet, blog post, newspaper story, magazine article, and book has blurred
3. The line between professionals and amateurs has blurred, and a variety of “pro-am” relationships has emerged
4. The boundaries delineating for-profit, public, and non-profit media have blurred, and the cooperation across these models of financing has developed
5. Within commercial news organizations, the line between the news room and the business office has blurred
6. The line between old media and new media has blurred, practically beyond recognition
These alterations inevitably has fundamental ramifications for the contemporary ecology of news. “The boundaries of journalism, which just a few years ago seemed relatively clear, and permanent, have become less distinct, and this
blurring, while potentially the foundation of progress even as it is the source of risk, has given rise to a new set of journalistic principles and practices”,[17] Schudson puts it. It is indeed complex, but it seems to be the future.