Showing posts with label talisman square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label talisman square. Show all posts

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Recycling On The Go in Kenilworth and Warwick District - it's those big black bins

WDC Recycling On The Go
New to Kenilworth and Warwick District are some big black bins which are all about Recycling On The Go. There are seven units in Kenilworth at: Abbey End, Talisman Square, Abbey Hill/Abbey Fields, Albion Street Shopping Precinct, Leyes Lane, Whitmoor Road and Oaks Road Precinct. Warwick District has 27 Units.

WDC explain, The new recycling units will have 5 sections; 2 for general litter and 3 for recycling and will be placed across Leamington, Kenilworth and Warwick in areas of high foot fall, including many school routes

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Boots Opticians in Talisman Square

Boot Opticians
(incorporating Dollond and Aitchison)
20 Talisman Square CV8 1JB
01926 856025
Boots Local Website
Opening Hours?
Dollond and Aitchison wiK Post

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Kenilworth Wines in Talisman Square

Kenilworth Wines
14 Talisman Square CV8 1JB
01926 858332 ‎
Every Business has it's own page - so if you know something about this one email wiK

Thursday, 9 December 2010

whatsin The Coventry Times - Talisman Car Park Objections 8 Dec 2010

Is this the latest on plans for a new Car Park in Talisman Square?

Kenilworth weekly News ran this last week  Objection to Town Car Park

whatsinKenilworth's post

Monday, 6 December 2010

The Kenilworth Chamber of Trade

What's in Kenilworth? became whatsinKenilworth and then became wiK - shortened name, but the aim is just the same - to answer the question What is in Kenilworth?. 

So here goes for whatsin The Kenilworth Chamber of Trade - they have a website and a twitter page, they say (from their website) they have been established for 15 years and are the voice of business owners and retail traders in Kenilworth. Their aims are to: Promote all businesses within Kenilworth, Communicate local business opinion to decision making bodies and Provide networking opportunities for their members.

Sounds great, so how many members do they have? Well, I took a walk from the clock tower Abbey End down Warwick Road, into Station Road, Talisman Square and then back to Warwick Road ending at St John's Church - I counted 163 walk in businesses alone - shops, pubs and the odd guest house. Then I searched The Chamber of Trade's website directory and came up with just 53 businesses - I thought there would be more members than that. wiK has 270 listings already. 

If you want to see for the Chamber of Trade list yourself, here it is  (if they are errors, please email the chamber of trade or

Monday, 15 November 2010

New Car Park in Talisman Square - You decide, see the facts here

The Kenilworth Weekly News front page story this week was New plans for town car park. But where are the facts to help the Kenilworth people decide?In this internet age, we all expect website links, plans and interaction, don't we? So, here is what you need - see the full Planning Application W/10/1364, from that page at Warwick DC there are some plans, like the to the left which is called the PROPOSED TEMPORARY CAR PARKKenilworth Books have already added their own online consultation response in favour of the scheme - do you agree?  Does Kenilworth need 34 extra car parking spaces? See this website's article New Look Talisman Square posted here in May 2010 giving some background to Discovery Properties/Cobalt Estates.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Ardens in Talisman Square

Ardens Cafe and Shop
17 Talisman Square
02476 422422
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 7.30 - 5.00pm
Sat 7:30 - 6.00pm
Sun 9.30 - 5.30pm

Deli Cafe with a wide range of UK and Continental biscuit and bakery products. Coffee, Teas and cold drinks with a wide range of pastries, sandwiches and snacks. There is free Wifi at Ardens.

The Orangery Flower Shop in Talisman Square

The Orangery Flower Shop
19 Talisman Square
01926 859712
Mon to Fri 9-6pm
Sat 9-5pm, Sun Closed
 This shop also stocks the PTMD Collection as a Style Partner, see

The Orangery now have their own website at: as it will provide a welcome expansion for their business after growing out of this page. Their website was designed by TMDP (

After spending time with Gabrielle Robbins (the owner) I came away with a renewed enthusiasm for not just flowers, but pollination and the role of the bee. Gabrielle is fascinated with flowers and that natural enthusiasm shines through, especially the love of species from England, which is very interesting as many blooms come from Holland - with some imported from as far away as Columbia and Ecuador. I am told The Flower Council of Holland is excellent for general information and there is a Flower Council UK website as well.

For those who do not know, an Orangery was a building found in fashionable residences in the 17th to 19th century where citrus trees were often wintered. The shop has been converted to incorporate a roof lantern to provide natural light for the flowers. The Orangery Flower Shop is at the rear of Talisman Square directly facing Waitrose. Home delivery is now offered along with floral arrangements for Weddings and Special Occasions. The Orangery now has a Google Owner Verified Business Listing.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Joe Richards in Talisman Square

Joe Richards
Fruiterer and Greengrocer
Talisman Square
Warwick Road
Mon to Sat
7.30 - 5.30pm

See the previous Joe Richards Page at
What's in Kenilworth?
This shop has an infectious enthusiasm. It is not like any other fruit and veg shop I have visited. Joe Richards have a way of presenting the fruit and veg so they shine. It is no secret to say there are some brilliant prices on fresh produce, but there are some added extras that are unusual.

For example, there is a selection of pick and mix at 59p per 100g and £2.50 for a cup. Add a fridge full of cold drinks, a range of groceries, some flowers and we have a shop worth visiting. Joe Richards is the only dedicated fruit and veg shop in Kenilworth.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Joe Richards Fruit and Veg is coming to Talisman Square

Joe Richards Fruiterer is OPENING Friday 11th June 2010 

Joe Richards Fruiterer and Greengrocer is soon to occupy the corner of Warwick Road at Talisman Square.  Joe Richards already has seven shops (five in Coventry). The photo on the left is the Daventry Road, Cheylsmore shop where the current head office is based. It will take about six weeks to refit, with opening expected to be at the start of June incorporating Joe Richards offices on the first floor of the building.

Monday, 31 May 2010

New Look Talisman Square

After all the demolition, this is what we can look forward to. Discovery Properties (Cobalt Estates) have put up a few blue boards with the Talisman Kenilworth web address and a big MORE SHOPPING! - irony at work here?

Looks to me like the developers have successfully saved some money on paying the business rates on those empty properties then. They have twelve other projects knocking around with nine completed and four ongoing (including Kenilworth). In my opinion, it looks like the big stuff like Waitrose, Homebase and the odd Vue Cinema are easier to slot into a large unit than the small ones with small businesses. We can see Darlington, Letchworth and Wells and next on the list for Discovery Properties.

So, no car park and with the promise that some Kenilworth Art will feature on the hoarding it looks like that's it until next year. Perhaps we can see the square come to life with some markets on a Saturday or the people of Kenilworth setting up some stalls of their own? Who knows.

Friday, 14 May 2010

Boots in Talisman Square

2 Talisman Square CV8 1JB
01926 854 606
Mon to Sat 8.45-5.30pm
Photo Processing Digital
Local Store Website 

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Astral Computers in Talisman Square


Astral Computers‎
14 Talisman Square CV8 1JB
01926 850004‎

The May Vaughan Salon in Talisman Square

The May Vaughan Salon‎
13 Talisman Square

01926 855 277‎

Sylvesters in Talisman Square

Sylvesters‎ est 1985
16 Talisman Square CV8 1JB
01926 853 964‎
Jewellery Repaired & Remodelled
Watch Repairs
Jewellery Purchased &
Part Exchanged
Watch Batteries Fitted

Costa Coffee in Talisman Square

Costa Coffee‎
15 Warwick Road CV8 1HN
01926 853 163‎
Mon to Fri 8-6pm
Sun 10-4pm
Free Wifi

Drinks Menu
Coffee, Classic,
Frescato, Tea,
Speciality Lattee,
Iced Coffee and
Hot Chocolate
and the kids favourite
Refreshing and Fruity
Citrus, Summer Berries, 
Mango and Passionfruit

Waitrose at Bertie Road

51 Bertie Road, Kenilworth CV8 1JP
01926 858 461‎
Local website (very good site with loads of offers and info)

Mon to Thurs
and Sat:  8:30-8pm
Fri:  8:30 - 9pm
Sun:  10 - 4pm

Cycle trailers for loan
This branch is introducing cycle trailers to help customers transport their shopping home by bike. Equipped with large canvas shopping bags, the trailers will be loaned out free of charge to any Waitrose customers who wish to use them.

Thomas Cook in Talisman Square

Thomas Cook‎
8 Talisman Square CV8 1JB
0871 664 7257‎

Please note, as Aug 2014, there is a new Thomas Cook
Sunny Heart logo. We will update this page soon with a current photo.

Scope in Talisman Square

21 Talisman Square CV8 1JB
01926 851 330‎

Our vision is a world where disabled people have the same opportunities to fulfil their life ambitions as non-disabled people

Donate to Scope Online

The Clarks Shop in Talisman Square

Clarks Shop‎
24 Talisman Square CV8 1JB
01926 850 831‎
Mon to Sat 9-5.30pm

Local Store Info

The Clarks Shop Kenilworth is a Clarks Franchise Store run by Charles Ager Kenilworth
email from

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