Showing posts with label komu-tv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label komu-tv. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Hangouts: How to Guide for U News Co Hosts from Sarah Hill

Sarah Hill at KOMU TV and the U News Hangout CoHosts recorded this How to Video Guide. KOMU public hangouts are being LIVE Streamed from 4pm GMT every weekday. If you are new to g+ and hangouts and want to know more, get in touch.

Sarah wrote: Check out this "Hangout How to" Guide for U_News. We figured this would be far more interesting than a google doc with a bunch of rules. Kind of a trip down memory lane. Thanks again for continuing to co-host with us! :-)

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

KOMU-TV Missouri talks to CI Kerry Blakeman on the Live Cyber Couch

Chief Inspector Kerry Blakeman from West Midlands Police is a regular on this site. He's now made it to Columbia, Missouri with U News @ 4 with Sarah Hill. I've been on the show for three weeks running now.

This broadcast made history as it was the first time a mobile hangout was broadcast at KMOU (using an iPhone). Link to: Official KOMU Monday News Segment with Kerry Blakeman and thanks go to +Al Navas for the video.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

U_News @ 4 with Sarah Hill Watch Again - Week One from 12 September 2011

Here are the Sarah Hill show to watch again. This is a test post to see how the code performs and embeds. looking good so far. Expand this post for the player...

Kenilworth Broadcasts to Columbia, Missouri from yours truly Johnny English aka Mike Downes

Sarah Hill, Mike and Dave Schmidt
It was our turn last night U News @ 4 with Sarah Hill KOMU-TV live from the Cyber Couch.

So, when you see this style of program (eventually) in the UK - just say you saw  it here first. This show will be available to watch again on the KOMU Player. In the meantime, see the last two days on this full screen KOMU-TVPlayer.

Monday, 12 September 2011

LIVE SHOW from Missouri 10-11pm and backstage debrief

Sarah Hill recording a promo
To watch a live news TV show and watch the live hangout at the same time is very unusual. What it is, is new and ground breaking. For example, what would it be like to hangout with Fiona Bruce or Huw Edwards from the BBC. My prediction is it will happen when the full force of new media like this is common place.

From my viewpoint (watching on a laptop), I had streaming live cast on one screen, live YouTube and a G+ browser open (for messages and alerts). It totally blew me away as a learning curve. To feel an intricate part of the show and feel so included in the show's production. And that was just as a viewer. I will be on air Wed 14 September.

Then the backstage in Sarah's office was sublime with coworker's, bosses and people dropping by. Have I just witnessed a real news room or a fictional drama set in a news room? News is the story and so are the real people who produce it. For example, the smiles on +Jen Reeves face to name but one.

To see what happened after the show in Sarah's office, set the video to 1 hr 28:41 or open Sarah's Office

Global People Map for U News

This post supports the Article: U News-from Columbia Missouri Launches this week with a UK link: +Mike Downes

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