Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Sunday, 31 July 2011

The Red Rock Crawler is In the Woods - Filmed on Location in Kenilworth

I welcome any reader contributions and I'm pleased to say we have a movie first. The Red Rock Crawler is a short video (made by IsaacDuk) showing a radio controlled car. I'm told this type of Maisto Rock Crawler on YouTube can attract views of around 50,000.

There are weeks ahead of entertaining the kids, so why not head out to make something like this. When the sun shines, Kenilworth can equal any of the great movie locations. Weren't Colin Firth and Cameron Diaz wandering around in Warwickshire a few weeks ago?

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

WDC have a FREE Family Fun Day and Open Weekend: It's the One Year Countdown to the Olympics 2012

Warwick District Council are hosting an Open Weekend Saturday 23 July and Sunday 24 July 2012. Loads of FREE activities going on. See WDC Leisure

Activites include: Bouncy castle, face painting, parachute games, krafty kids Olympic torch making, sports games, refreshments... and more

Abbey Fields: Splosh Session Saturday and Sunday 2-3pm

Monday, 27 June 2011

The Paddock in Castle Road - Could the Ponies be back?

It was nearly two years ago that saw passers by enjoying the ponies in The Paddock in Castle Road. But, since August 2009, the area has been empty. Biodiversity has flourished - but the ponies could be back after the hay cut in August.

Warwick DC confirmed today that negotiations are in an early stage that could see grazing return to this popular site at the far end of Abbey Fields. In the meantime, for those who missed it, are two newspaper clippings (background reading), two aerial maps, the paddock as it looks today and plenty of photos of the ponies that once were.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

February Half Term Activities for Children 2011

Kenilworth School have kindly provided a collection of activities for Half Term 2011, so here they are:
Kenilworth Area Holiday Activities February Half Term 2011
Castle Farm Recreation Centre
Krafty Kids (Star wars)
Monday 21st February 10am – 11-30am
Age 5 – 10 years Cost £3 per child
To book call 01926 850550

Friday, 14 January 2011

Foxes in Kenilworth - Are they a Problem?

In June 2010, a fox entered a house in London and attacked two children while they slept (BBC News). Following that, experts said a cull would be needed to keep down Britain's out of control fox population. Further stories hit the media around the same time such as the woman who was sleeping and thought her cat was nibbling her ear - it wasn't. 

What is interesting, in my view, is how local Councils do not have to remove foxes. Warwick DC have produced a document called Urban Foxes outlining where a fox may live, why the council does not control them (it's difficult, expensive and rarely successful apparently) and what you can do about them yourself.

So what about Kenilworth? I live off Warwick Road - I've seen up to three foxes together wandering down the centre of the road, inspecting every house and being pretty relaxed about it. In six weeks time, the weather will turn and the occasional back door maybe left open. So is there a problem with foxes in Kenilworth? Kenilworth Pest Control and Search UK are the two experts in town - they don't seem to have many calls about foxes (as yet), but as I was told - it may help if people stopped feeding them.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Spring Playgroup Celebrates Anniversary – but will it be the last one?

The Spring Playgroup's home is at The Youth Centre
SIGN NOW The Petition needs 5,000 signatures by 31 January 2011 SIGN NOW

Kenilworth’s Spring Playgroup has been running at it’s new home in the Youth and Community Centre for nearly two years.  During this time, they have been able to invest in new equipment, take on more staff and offer a far wider variety of activities for the children.  For example, the children use the sports court for outdoor play every day. There is a lot to celebrate. Numbers have risen – 90 children attend the Playgroup each week, including four pairs of twins! There is also a long waiting list. Kenilworth parents  have shown how much they appreciate having  a playgroup located in the centre of the town with up-to-date facilities and caring staff. 

The manager Jackie Cross, said, 'The Centre is the ideal place for our Playgroup.  We can’t imagine anywhere else with the same environment for the children and the same fantastic back-up we get from the Centre’s management team.'

The Centre is the ideal place for our Playgroup
While the Playgroup has flourished since moving to the Centre, the future of the Centre itself has suddenly come under threat. The County Council wants to save money by slashing the budget for Youth Services all over the county. The implications are that all Youth Centres would be closed. Kenilworth Centre, like the others, relies on county council funding for it’s running costs and overheads and if it is forced to close, all the community groups who use it would become homeless.

The children continue to play and learn together happily, but parents and staff are extremely worried. They are hoping enough people will sign the Petition to force the County Cabinet to think again. To find out more, contact Mrs Jackie Cross (Manager of the Playgroup) email: or call 01926  864443. The Spring Playgroup has 36 places per session. It is open mornings and afternoons, and has recently started a Toddler Group on Monday mornings. It is a not-for-profit Registered charity.  

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Raring2go South Warwickshire - What to do with the kids

See the Raring2go Magazine for What to do and where to go with the kids. It's run by Kenilworth's Sara Carnduff who said, 'There are lots of great things to do in this area - fantastic days out, lots to do and see, as well as every kind of club and class you could want for your children and heaps of party ideas. Have a good look around the website at all the great things there are to do locally, across South Warwickshire and the surrounding areas. Don't miss the great local competitions as well and all the offers on the website for you as well as in the magazine! Have a look as well at the current magazine if you haven't already seen a copy.  If you didn't get one home from school, nursery or playgroup, just pop into any library in South Warwickshire and pick up a copy (do ask if you can't see them!) Raring2go Website

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Halloween Activity Week October 2010 for the Baby Lifeline Charity

A week of Halloween fun with local Kenilworth businesses to support the Baby Lifeline Charity at half term

Halloween Activity Week - A series of activities for children. Places limited, book now to avoid disappointment! Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Monday 25th October - Spooky Story Time Sessions at Kenilworth Books, Talisman Square. Times: 10.30am, 2.30pm, 3.30pm. Cost: £2.50 per child, 3-10 years For details please visit, 01926 855784

Friday, 17 September 2010

Kenilworth School Extra Curricular PE Programme 2010-11

Here are all the Kenilworth School and Sports College before school, lunchtime and after school Clubs for 2010-11. This table appeared in the first school newsletter on 10th September 2010.

Everyone from Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 has the opportunity to enjoy: Basketball, Dance, Fitness, Football, Hockey, Orienteering, Netball, Rugby, Table Tennis, Trampolining, X Country and Young Leaders.

Mr Cassell tells us, 'Cheerleading and Ski Fitness will be added later in the year All pupils are welcome to attend any of the sports clubs. Pupils must wear the correct kit for the activity.If you have any questions please ask in the PE office. Some clubs will be added at a later date'.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Kenilworth School and Castle Sixth Form

Kenilworth School and Sports College
Leyes Lane
Kenilworth CV8 2DA
01926 859421

Kenilworth School Intranet (login required)

Castle Sixth Form Centre
Rouncil Lane
Kenilworth CV8 1FN
01926 859421

Kenilworth School News Letter 10th Sptember 2010 (view in Google docs)

Dear All,

Welcome back to all students, parents and staff, and in particular a warm welcome to our Year 7 students who seem to have settled in very well indeed.  I am positive that the year ahead will be a successful one, building on our recent successes.

I would like to congratulate all of our students who sat their GCSE and A level examinations in the summer.  We are very proud of their achievements. This summer, our pupils achieved a record number of GCSE passes.  An outstanding 79% of students achieved 5 A* - C passes including English and Maths, and 84% achieved 5 A* - C passes overall.  Almost all students achieved 5 A – G passes and an impressive 40% of all exams taken resulted in A* or A grades.

Monday, 14 June 2010

React Kidz Academy and React Kids Agency

React Kidz Academy
Acting for Film and TV, Camera Technique, Script Writing, Story Boarding, Lighting, Sound and Editing.
Every Wednesday 5:30-7pm
 (ages 10-16yrs) at
The Kenilworth Youth Centre
Samantha Ferry
07900 921779
01926 710001


React Kids Agency
Exciting new Casting Agency and training Academy representing Children, Teens and Adults, in the Film/TV and Modelling Industries. All the Children attend workshops where they learn Audition Technique, Acting for Camera and what to expect on set in order to give them confidence at Auditions and Castings to increase their chances of success.


Wednesday, 19 May 2010

M D M Music in The Square

M D M Music Store‎
1st and 2nd floors
30 The Square
01926 863130
Tues to Fri 11-5pm
Sat 10-4pm

Great website - take a look at:

Monday, 17 May 2010

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

The Kenilworth Sweet Shop now with a full A to Z of all sweets

The Kenilworth Sweet Shop has so much choice at 47 Warwick Road, CV8 1HN tel 01926 855245  Here is the full A to Z of all the Sweets, Drinks and Ice Cream in the shop, also see the photo album here.

Find old fashioned sweets, retro sweets, candy, liquorice, jelly and of course chocolate!

ABC Candy Letters, Acid Drops, Aniseed Balls, Aniseed Twist, Apple Bonbons, Army and Navy, Assorted Royal Olde English Toffees

Barley Sugar, Barratt Anglo Bubbly, Black and White Mints, Black Bullet Mints, Black Jack, Blackberry and Raspberry Gums, Brown Drops, Bubble Gum Filled Sour Candies, Bullseyes, Bumper Bananas, Buttered Brazils, Butterscotch

Cable Marshmallows, Candy Necklaces, Candy Watches, Cherry Lips, Chewing Nuts, Chocolate Bonbons, Chocolate Brazil Nuts, Chocolate Coconut Macaroons, Chocolate Covered Cinder Toffee Chocolate Eclairs, Chocolate Flavoured Beans, Chocolate Footballs, Chocolate Limes, Chocolate Limes, Chocolate Peanuts, Chocolate Raisins, Chocolate Stem Ginger, Chupa Chups, Cinnamon Balls, Cloudy Lemonade, Coca- Cola, Coconut Mushrooms, Coconut Rolls, Cola Bottles, Colts Foot Rock, Cough Candy Twist, Cream Soda, Crystallised Stem Ginger

Dandelion and Burdock, Dandelion and Burdock, Diet Coke, Dip Dab, Dolly Mixtures, Drench Spring Water, Drumsticks

Edinburgh Rock, Everton Mints

Fairy Satins, Fanta Orange, Fizzers, Fizzy Bubble Bottles, Fizzy Cherry Cola Bottles, Fizzy Cola Bottles, Fizzy Fish, Fizzy Strawberry Laces, Floral Gums, Flying Saucers, Foam Jelly Mushrooms, Foam Shrimps, Fried Eggs, Fried Eggs – Large, Fruit Bonbons, Fruit Caramels, Fruit Pips, Fruit Salad, Fruit Salad, Fruity Pastels, Fruity Sherbets

Giant Gobstoppers, Giant Pink White Mice, Ginger Bear, Gobstoppers, Golf Balls, Grey's Teacakes

Haribo Giant Strawberries, Haribo Live Wires, Hearts, Herbal Tablets

Ice Cream from Marshfield Farm

Jargonelle Pears, Jazzies, Jelly Bean Walking Stick, Jelly Beans, Jelly Buttons, Jelly Love Hearts, Juicy Lips

Kola Cubes, Kopp Kops

Lemon Bonbons, Lemonade 7-Up, Lemonade Crystal, Lions Midget Gems, Lions Sports Mix, Liquorice Allsorts, Liquorice and Blackcurrant, Liquorice Comfits, Liquorice Cream Rock, Liquorice Cuttings, Liquorice Toffee, Liquorice Torpedoes, Love Hearts, Love Hearts Dip

Mega Double Lollies, Mega Gobstoppers, Mega Rainbow Dust, Mega White Jazzies, Mixed Fudge, Midget Gems, Milk Bottles, Milk Chocolate Covered Toffee, Milk Chocolate Eggs, Milky Bar, Millions Bubblegum, Millions Orange, Millions Strawberry, Millions Strawberry Yoghurt, Mini Mallows, Mint Chocolate Nibs, Mint Creams, Mint Humbugs, Mint Imperials, Mintoes, Mixed Fruit Rock, Mixed Millions
Nibbles, Nut Cluster, Nutty Brazil Toffee

Original Toffees
Parma Violets, Pineapple Cubes, Pineapple Fizz, Pineapple Rock, Plain Chocolate Ginger, Pontefract Cakes, Poor Bens, Popping Candy, Porky Pigs

Rainbow Crystals, Raspberry Ruffles, Refreshers, Rhubarb and Custard, Rosy Apples, Rum Balls,

Sarsaparilla, Seaside Rock, Sherbet Strawberries, Sherbet Fountain, Sherbet Lemons, Sherbet Pips, Small Pear Drops, Snakes, Snowies, Soor Plums, Sour Apple Cubes, Sour Apples, Sour Blue Raspberry Bonbons, Sour Dummies, Spearmint Chews, Strawberry Bonbons, Strawberry Candy Sticks, Strawberry Crème, Strawberry Milkshakes, Stripy Fizzy Belts Strawberry, Sugar Mice, Sugared Almonds, Sweet Peanuts, Sweet Tobacco

Teddy Bears, Teeth and Lips, Terror Eyes, Throat and Chest, Toasted Teacake, Toffee Bonbons, Treacle Dabs, Troach Tablets,Turkish Delight, Twin Cherries,

Uncle Joe's Mint Balls

Vanilla Fudge

White Candy Sticks, White Mice, Winter Mix

Yorksire Mix

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