Showing posts with label hs2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hs2. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

GOVERNMENT ANNOUNCEMENT OF HS2 DECISION (as emailed to me at 9.06am today) In full it reads..

HS2 at Kenilworth, Warwickshire

Find Revised Route Maps (Kenilworth is Map 23)

Justine Greening, Secretary of State for Transport, has today announced her decision to proceed with the plans to build a high speed rail line between London and the West Midlands and on to Manchester and Leeds. HS2 will improve capacity across the rail network, shorten journey times between Britain’s major population centres, boost the economy and create thousands of jobs.
I am aware of the strong feelings for and against HS2 but the Government has now decided that the time is right to build a high speed network that connects our major cities, Heathrow and continental Europe.  This will be one of the most significant transport projects ever undertaken in the UK.
Burton Green
The first phase – from London to the West Midlands - will free up much needed space for other services on the West Coast Main Line, help drive economic benefits and enhance business productivity, while taking you from London to Birmingham in just 49 minutes.
Now that ministers have decided to go ahead with the project our purpose changes significantly.  Rather than just advising Government we will now move to promoting the project as well.   Engineering, design and environmental work begins immediately in preparation for the hybrid Bill for the London to West Midlands section, and we will continue to develop proposals for the Manchester and Leeds legs.
The consultation that ran from February to July last year generated 54,909 responses and helped inform a series of refinements that have been made to the route. 
A package of alterations were recommended by HS2 Ltd and accepted by the Transport Secretary. (See key changes below) Compared to the consultation route there will be a 50 per cent increase in tunnel or green tunnel - totalling around 22.5 miles.  In addition, around 56.5 of the 140 miles of the London to West Midlands line will be partially or totally hidden in cutting.  In the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) just over one and a half miles of the route will be visible.

  1. Increase the clearance of HS2 over the Trent and Mersey Canal near Lichfield. The change is required to keep the canal navigable and will slightly improve flood management.
  1. Move the route slightly further away from Middleton. The changes to the scheme in this area will result in fewer demolitions and less noise impacts.
  1. Mitigation of impacts on Balsall Common by moving the line further away from the community and lowering the height of the viaduct.
  1. A shallower cutting and longer green tunnel at Burton Green. Changes here include mitigating local impacts and reducing spoil generation, whilst still shielding the visual impact of the trains from the community.
  1. Avoid Kenilworth Golf Club, lower the line further into cutting through the National Agricultural Centre, and introduce a narrower cutting through South Cubbington Wood. This will help mitigate the impacts in this area and also avoid the need for the demolition of a Grade II listed farmhouse at Kenilworth.
  1. Introduce a longer bored tunnel at Long Itchington Wood. This will reduce land take, noise, landscape and visual impacts significantly.
  1. Introduce a longer green tunnel past Chipping Warden and Aston le Walls, and curve the route to avoid a cluster of important heritage sites around Edgcote. These changes will provide additional mitigation for Aston le Walls, reduce setting impact on Grade I listed Edgcote House, avoid a Scheduled Monument (the Roman Villa site) and the possible location of the historic Edgcote Moor battlefield.
  1. Lower the alignment and introduce a green tunnel past Greatworth, and a short green tunnel at Turweston.  These changes will help mitigate landscape, noise and visual impacts as well as remove the need for a viaduct.
  1. Move the route further from Twyford, taking it further away from Twyford and reducing noise. This will assist mitigating impacts on Twyford by making some land available between HS2 and the village that would allow for landscaped earthworks that will reduce noise and visual impacts.
  1. Lower the alignment past Aylesbury and Stoke Mandeville to reduce local impacts and eliminate the need for larger scale works to local roads and the Chiltern Railways line.
  1. Introduce a longer, now continuous tunnel from Little Missenden to the M25 through the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) to reduce the need for deep cutting and to avoid a major aquifer. This will provide an overall benefit to landscape and features in the AONB.
  1. Introduce a 2.75 mile (4.4 km) bored tunnel along the Northolt Corridor to avoid major works to the Chilterns Line and impacts on local communities in the Ruislip area. This will have the effect of removing all surface impacts apart from the need for an intervention shaft.



The Department for Transport intends to introduce a hybrid Bill to Parliament by the end of 2013 to provide the necessary powers to construct and operate Phase 1 of the project.  In order to achieve this timetable the following work will be carried out.
Environmental Impact Assessment
HS2 Ltd will develop the preliminary design of the route and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to enable an Environmental Statement to be produced and consulted on in the Spring 2013.

Safeguarding consultation

Safeguarding boundaries will protect the land that will eventually be needed to build and operate HS2 from the development of new construction projects. We intend to draw up a provisional set of boundaries and hold a consultation on them also in Spring 2012, around the same time as the consultation on blight proposals.
We will consult with the statutory bodies, including local highways authorities and planning authorities, which have a direct involvement in safeguarding issues. We will use their feedback to finalise the arrangements for safeguarding, which are likely to be in place in autumn 2012.

Blight consultation

In Spring 2012 HS2 Ltd will undertake a public consultation on proposals to help people who are close to and affected by the route. The consultation will last for 12 weeks and it will help to shape a package of compensation measures which we again expect to be in place for autumn 2012.
The revised route announced today almost halves the numbers of dwellings at risk of land take and reduces by a third the number experiencing increased noise levels.  To assist affected homeowners, communities and businesses a package of property measures are to be brought in over and above what affected homeowners are already entitled to under law. 
There will be a streamlined purchase scheme, a refreshed hardship scheme, support for those affected by construction, measures to reinforce confidence in properties above tunnels and a sale and rent scheme

How will we work with local communities?

We will work closely with local authorities, communities and stakeholders to develop the route, identifying potential impacts and exploring the best opportunities to mitigate them.
As part of our ongoing engagement with local people and organisations on the London to West Midlands route we will set up community forums, planning forums and an environment forum.

  • Community forums will enable communities to identify the most significant impacts in each area and contribute to our efforts to mitigate them.
  • Planning forums will facilitate discussion of route design development, planning issues, environmental impacts and mitigation principles. They will involve officers from local authorities and other transport and planning bodies.
  • An Environment forum will involve national representatives of environmental consultees and government departments. This group will assist the development of environmental policy for the development stage of HS2.

Community Forums:

We will establish community forums along the line of route from London to the West Midlands as one way of working with local communities. We will discuss with county, district and parish councils how best to create community forums that will work in each area.
These forums will meet over the coming year. We hope that approximately 15-20 representatives of each local community will work with us to:
  • inform the local community about HS2 proposals and consultations.
  • highlight local priorities for mitigating the environmental impacts of the route.
  • discuss potential mitigation options, such as screening views of the railway, managing noise and reinstating highways.
  • identify possible community benefits.


HS2 Ltd will also continue to work on proposals for the line of route from Birmingham to Leeds and Manchester - phase 2 of the project. 
We plan to submit recommendations for route and station options for phase 2, including a connection to Heathrow, to ministers by Spring 2012.  We anticipate that a period of engagement and consultation will follow.  Following consultation, it is expected that a decision will be made by ministers on the preferred route for phase 2 by December 2014.
This timetable will be kept under review with a view to ensuring as swift a process as possible while recognising the need for extensive engagement.
You can find all the recently published decision documents at:

You can also contact the public enquiry line for more information on 020 7944 4908 or

Yours sincerely,

Sir Brian Briscoe

High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, registered in England.  Registered number 06791686.  Registered office Eland House, Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DU

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Unusual Footpath, but worth the visit: Knowle Hill, Golf Course and beyond

I've always seen this on the map, but never walked it myself. It seems to go nowhere, but it's an essential part of the Centenary Way

So, a few days ago, I gave it a go and when I was in the open fields near a very large log, realised that's exactly where the HS2 line will go.

View Knowle Hill footpath Kenilworth in a larger map

Thursday, 28 July 2011

STOP HS2 Miniature White Elephants on Show in Warwick Road - But for how long?

This was the scene earlier today as the Life Size White Elephant was asked to leave by the council. In it's place stood two miniature White Elephants - but for how long?

In a story that seems to run on and on (unlike the HS2 Consultation that ends tomorrow), the STOP HS2 banner is now claimed to be under investigation.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

STOP HS2 Life Size White Elephant on Show in Warwick Road - But for how long?

There have been a few mentions of a Life Size White Elephant on Show in Warwick Road.

Here are the photos, you can judge for yourself if this is here to stay or will create some interest from complaining residents (and the council).

Saturday, 9 July 2011

STOP HS2 Information Shop at The Kenilworth Business Centre in Warwick Road

UPDATE 7 July 2011: Council allows HS2 rail line protesters free use of Kenilworth building for national headquarters (Coventry Telegraph)

Those people still looking for information on HS2 will be pleased to know The Kenilworth Business Centre has been used as a window display. This building has been vacant for many years.

If you know something about how it may be used again, please get in touch. I do know it was mentioned in plans to re-site Buildbase if Kenilworth Railway Station had been given the go ahead.

Joe Rukin STOP HS2 to wiKenilworth on New HS2 Headquaters (mp3)

  Joe Rukin STOP HS2 to wiKenilworth on New HS2 Headquaters by wiKenilworth
Joe Rukin explained, 'That's why this is a bit of a one-off situation. The building as stated was bought to relocate Buildbase into as part of the Kenilworth Station project. Because the Govt didn't come up with the funding for that, the Council are a bit stuck with a building they can't do anything with - they can't take a commercial tenant in case the do get the funding, so have agreed to let us have it rather than leave it empty. 
There will be a working party to clear up and accept donations of furnature this Saturday from 10.40 (9th July) and we are aiming at an official opening on the 16th. 

Monday, 13 June 2011

HS2 Roadshow is now OPEN in Abbey Fields, Kenilworth 8-8pm 13 & 14 June 2011

The HS2 Roadshow Exhibition opened this morning in Abbey Fields, Kenilworth. I have been allowed these photographs.

If you are not sure what's in store, see the images and then attend any time over the next two days to find out as much as you can. From my own experience, the staff and engineers on hand will tell you the facts, show you the plans and be as helpful as they can.

For those people from Burton Green, there is a large artists impression of how the village will look with the line in place (see images below).

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Saturday, 11 June 2011

HS2 Roadshow marquee comes to Abbey Fields - here's the first look

At 6pm today (Sat 11 June 2011), a 20 x 12 metre marquee was standing ready for the HS2 Roadshow information stands to arrive. As expected, the marquee is located close to the St Nicolas Church/Tennis end of Abbey Fields.

The exhibition will open to the public on Mon 13 and Tues 14 June from 8am -8pm.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

BBC HS2 Live Debate Radio Trailer Now Available - Sun 12 June 6pm

HS2 Route Kenilworth
For those people without tickets, you can still listen to BBC Coventry and Warwickshire to hear the live HS2 debate direct from The Kenilworth Centre. Also on Twitter.


Wednesday, 8 June 2011

YES v HS2 v STOP - three websites, three views, one decision

If you're still sitting on the fence over the HS2 debate and it's getting a tad uncomfortable, have a look at these three sites.

And before anyone asks, they'e in random order, with no preference.

Monday, 6 June 2011

HS2 Mobile Roadshow at Cubbington - what to expect for Kenilworth

This was the scene (this morning) at the Cubbington Sports and Social Club, Windmill Hill. The HS2 Mobile Roadshow consisted of three areas which made up the smaller version of the roadshow. There are many leaflets to take away including a CD which includes 60 documents/maps (392mb of data - helpful for all of us).

This time next week, Kenilworth will host the full size HS2 Exhibition in Abbey Fields (Bridge Street) in a marquee (Mon 13 and Tues 14 June). 

Having chatted to the HS2 staff at the roadshow, I understand the grass area next to the tennis courts in Abbey Fields is the expected location. 

It will be interesting to see where the STOP HS2 gazebo will be. This morning in Cubbington, STOP HS2 campaigners were handing out leaflets as vehicles arrived, with the gazebo located quite far away (and hidden) in the next door primary school grounds - they were not allowed any closer (apparently).

Thursday, 2 June 2011

HS2 Roadshow in Kenilworth on Mon 13 and Tues 14 June in Abbey Fields

The High Speed 2 Roadshow organised by the Department for Transport will be in Abbey Fields for two days on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 June (8am to 8pm). UPDATE (6 June): HS2/DFT have confirmed Kenilworth will be in a marquee housing the full size exhibition (not the smaller mobile roadshow).
The Roadshow will also visit Burton Green on 10 June 2011

The Kenilworth Centre will host a BBC Live Radio HS2 Debate on Sun 12 June at 6pm

BBC Shane O'Connor will host
I am delighted to tell everyone that the BBC will be coming to The Kenilworth Centre to broadcast a Live High Speed Rail 2 Radio Debate on Sunday 12 June 2011 from 6-7pm. 

It's been wonderful for to have been involved in the planning of this event showing how well the BBC work with local communities. Full event details and ticket availability: 

Join BBC Coventry and Warwickshire's HS2 debate (from BBC News)

The debate on the HS2 high speed rail plans will be chaired by breakfast show presenter Shane O'Connor.

The panel will be made up of those who are for and against the route, including rail experts, businesses, anti-HS2 groups, and MP Jeremy Wright. It will be held at the Kenilworth Youth and Community Centre between 1800-1900 hrs on Sunday, 12 June.

The debate will be broadcast live on BBC Coventry and Warwickshire and there will be updates via Twitter at: @bbccov_newsroom hashtag #BBCCWHS2.You can apply for free tickets via the BBC Tickets website: BBC - Be in the audience - BBC Coventry & Warwickshire's Live HS2 Debate

Monday, 28 February 2011

High Speed Rail Beacon was lit tonight at 6pm as consultation is opened

A Beacon was lit tonight in a field at Crackely in Kenilworth. There were 30 in all streching from Bucks to Staffs which mark the proposed route the HS2 may take. The video shows TV Crews from BBC Midlands Today and ITV as they interview Kenilworth People on the day that marks the opening of the government's public consultation on the project. UPDATE: see BBC Video

Friday, 11 February 2011

High Speed Rail Noise played at Conservative Party Local Conference

HS2 protestors gathered at Chesford Grange this morning to make their voices (and the noise of a High Speed Train) heard in preparation for Eric Pickles and Caroline Spelman to speak (Coventry Telegraph 10 Feb 10).

This short video was recorded by wiK at 11.00 this morning showing the HS2 campaign playiung the noise of a HS2 train.

Monday, 20 December 2010

High-speed Rail - Preferred Route revealed today 20 December

Overview HS2 route Kenilworth
Read the Kenilworth Weekly News article (20 Dec 5.35pm), see the plan on the left in full from the DFT 04000 (25mb file) and see the DFT Route 04023 map.

The farm lying in the path of the new rail route (video from the BBC) showing Middleton House Farm near The Belfry Golf Club and the Route published today (DFT Map 04027)

HS2 route at Burton Green
HS2 route at Kenilworth near Crackley

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Warwickshire councillors vote against high-speed link

BBC Local News A county council has voted to oppose the proposed HS2 high speed rail line. Warwickshire County Council took the decision as campaigners demonstrated outside Shire Hall in Warwick as the meeting took place. Some residents living by the proposed route, between London and Birmingham, have formed a campaign group.

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