What are the odds?
Just weeks after the NYT article about the existence of Hillary’s private email server, she – without intent, because Mr. Comey told us there was no intent, and Mr. Comey is an honorable man - had her aides wipe it clean. Presumable it was routine spring housekeeping.
Butt Hillary doesn’t really recall because she fell down, hit her head and got a boo-boo. Possibly with a hammer.
Meanwhile, another aide was, allegedly, dispatching some of her old cell phones with a hammer. So they wouldn’t fall into the wrong hands. Like the FBI.
Some would say that the lawyerly way she avoided answering the direct question raised by a journalist last spring, “did you wipe the server clean” was enough to establish intent:
Butt due to her boo-boo I guess we can’t draw logical conclusions. Butt if we knew then what we know now the logical follow up to Hill’s “what, like with a cloth or something?” response would have been “No, with a hammer or something.”
Need I remind you of the harm inflicted upon America by Barry with nothing more than his pen and his phone? Imagine if his successor brings a hammer to the mix.
The way I see it Hillary is either incompetent or lying, two distinct possibilities not at all mutually exclusive. So the only hammer I want anywhere near Hillary Clinton is the hammer of justice.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network