Showing posts with label gadgets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gadgets. Show all posts

May 2, 2017

Sliced Bread

We are living in a Snapchat Instagram patience of a three year old world. We want the thing to work. We want to make quick touches. We rely too much on technology. Sometimes we just want to buy a loaf of bread and have a sandwich.


November 14, 2014

Our Most Precious Resource

Technology is exploding at a rate our minds can’t fathom. Life is whizzing by us while we try and hang on to the tailpipe. There is no time to even take a breath, never mind figure out what we want to do with the rest of our lives. Or perhaps we don’t make time to breathe and think.

Five hundred years ago, there were no phones. People in the 1700’s didn't have cars. Several centuries ago, there was no way to schedule your next haircut through your personal computer. But we have made room for those and thousands of other gadgets, inventions, and advancements.

Tick Tock

We humans make room for new stuff and since we have a finite amount of time, we toss aside other stuff to make room for the new stuff. It's been said for generations that time is our most precious resource but there is something else we might be sacrificing.

Look around the room at your next meeting - after you check your phone for new messages, of course. Email is fast. Short texts are easy. Relationships take time and care. In our quest to do more with our time, let's not forget one critical element.

Each other.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit


November 18, 2013

The Disconnected Leader

I saw Warren Buffet along with his son and grandson on CNN last week. One of the richest humans on earth has sent exactly one email, drives a six year old car, and lives in the same Omaha, Nebraska home he and his family has lived in since 1957. Something to think about the next time we feel compelled to want the newest latest shiniest gadget.

Imagine we woke up tomorrow and there was no Internet, the smartphone had not been invented and there is no email. We have all those things but one idea we could try is to type less, turn off our toys more, and speak directly with humans rather than devices or channels. Mr. Buffett is worth more than $63 Billion. He may be on to something.

If we disconnect once in a while we may be amazed how connected we can become with each other.
Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.


October 31, 2013

Did You Know?

There are people working on inventions we will someday feel we can’t live without but don’t even know we want or need yet. There will be channels and gadgets and toys and advancements that may give us the impression they have improved our lives. At the core of it all is our ability to connect human to human which began thousands of years ago and we've been trying to figure out how to do it properly ever since.

This may be scary, it could be a refresher, it might be exciting, but it is our reality.

Watch this.

Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.

Virtue | Shift Happens | Coldplay

October 28, 2011

Making Digital Simple

I was chatting with a colleague this week and we talked about how often technical glitches happen when we're using gadgets that are supposed to improve business and communication. Bad phone lines, email problems, servers down, weak cell patches, lost files, the list goes on.

We know that a web presence is important. Online, social and mobile purchasing continues to increase so it's imperative that companies have a digital interface for their customers. And there is ample data to prove connecting with a vibrant and active customer base helps drive better service and increase revenue.

However, it’s crucial not to let technology hamper your customers' ability to interact with you

Kneale Mann

visual credit: youtube | google

January 2, 2011

Digital Predictions from the Past

It’s early in the New Year. We tend to feel brave and have a penchant to make predictions. These predictions are often more long term than our resolutions. So I thought it would be interesting to rewind to almost seven years ago and see what a guy who is always living on the early adopter curve said about some things back then.

Chris Anderson, as you may know, is the editor-in-chief
of Wired magazine and website

He is also a speaker and author. His first book in 2007 entitled The Long Tail argued that products in low demand or that have a low sales volume can collectively make up a market share that rivals or exceeds the bestsellers and blockbusters, if the store or distribution channel is large enough.

His second book Free was released in 2009. It was available as a free download for two weeks and over a quarter of a million took advantage of it. Amid controversy of his tactic, the book still debuted on the New York Times Bestseller list at #12 when the paid version was released.

This was a TED Talk Anderson did in 2004. Since then Wired has sustained an onslaught of unrelenting competition from official organizations and the blogosphere. Since this is prediction season, I thought it would be interesting to see how many of Chris' thoughts have come true, seven years later.

Wired is one of the most respected resources on technology and culture. Anderson continues to lead the charge. [video]

knealemann | email

visual credit: TED

September 10, 2010

Do You Have a People Plan?

We are social media.

Unless you work in a fully automated business where you are the only human involved, you work with people.

And it takes many people to make the machines to create a fully automated workspace so you're always working with people in one way or another.

We live in a time where stuff appears and we integrate it into our lives without much thought.

It takes a village to raise a child.
It takes a community to build a business.

The notion that we are going to survive in a world where the boss barks the orders and the minions carry out her wishes in neatly formed cubicles is both archaic and broken. People are working in their homes, bars, coffee shops, airports, via cell phone and through telecommunications. People have surpassed the drone mentality.

This is not our grand parents business environment.

The world is becoming more digitally social. The largest aggregated social networking site on the planet is QQ from mainland China which has over one billion subscribers. Facebook has over half a billion, Twitter is approaching 200 million, three quarters of North Americans have Internet access and there are more than 4.6 billion cell phones currently in use around the world.

Mobile penetration is increasing every day and our ability to connect to each other is getting simpler and easier by the week.

Technology is not just making fun gadgets and toys but solving real human crises as well. Yet companies are still focused solely on revenue.

There is nothing human about the bottom line.

Money is important, it keeps businesses in business but without employees, stakeholders, associates and ultimately customers the company doesn’t exist.

We are a connected world. We are finding similar thinking people across thought silos not just proximity circles.

How does that relate to your business?

These are people and they are wired up, hooked up, creating their own customized user experiences and yet many companies are still grappling with this whole social media thing.

Concentrate on their behavior and your actions. This has absolutely nothing to do with a particular web portal, this is about us wanting to be creative human beings.

When developing a business plan, do you think it is equally imperative to keep your eye on a people plan?

Create experiences not campaigns.

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image credit: jerdi

March 31, 2010

Proximity + People = Profit

I was talking with a friend recently about a friend I had known for twenty years who passed away last summer. Many of us who hadn’t kept in touch got back in touch.

Proximity is a strange thing.

Sometimes you feel close to people, then you move apart. Life and lame excuses get in the way.

As we navigate all the new gadgets and social circles, argue over usb connectors and web browsers, stand on the PC or Apple side of the room, it all make sense. Without us, this is irrelevant. Without people, your business or circle of influence is vapor.

Your customers are not revenue, they are people. Your business is not built with bricks and mortar and desks and chairs, it is built by people.

The next time you get caught up in all the stuff we talk about here and many other places, think of the people you work with or work for you. They are not numbers, they are not cogs in the wheel; they are people.

Gadgets and doohickeys are fun - I love my new smartphone - but without the people, who really cares? Technology has given us instant proximity if we want it - to other people!

If we paid closer attention to people, wouldn't that improve the bottom line?

strategy. marketing. social media.

photo credit: skydiveorange

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January 20, 2010

Early Adopters | Stick Around A While

You Were Here First. Congratulations. Now What?

As I was preparing for a couple of presentations this week I got to thinking about early adopters.

These are the people who grab on to new concepts developed by the explorers and innovators and often champion them until the rest can catch up.

First In.
First Out.
Move On.

Too often those who are too cool for the room get bored and move on to the next idea long before they can share their experiences.

How beneficial would it be if some early adopters stuck around a bit longer? It is a fine line because often they are the types who become critical to the very thing they discovered first.

Patience and People.

Early adopters can make terrible managers because there will always be others in the room who aren't as up on the newest and coolest. Early adopters are chance takers but don't necessarily have patience like my buddy Mike who has been teaching school longer than his students have been alive.

I worked in the music industry for years and remember championing my share of new artists who became stars. There were plenty who didn't reach that status but I don't remember saying: "I was the first to support that band, they went no where."

Tired Of Talking About This Stuff?

In the world of digial advancements, while early adopters roll their eyes when talking about tools and gadgets, I happily discuss these things with clients. It's a safe guess if they knew already, they probably wouldn't ask.

We all must be mindful of getting too far ahead of the curve. If you live on the edge, you can't expect a crowd. And when they finally arrive, it may be wise not to poke fun at their lack of vision.

This is not about digital channels.

The guy who sold me my tires a few months ago was happy to spend half an hour to explain my options. No doubt, it's something he does all day long. If he was "tired of talking about this stuff" there is a good chance he'd see a significant decrease to his revenue line.

Should early adopters stick around a little longer?

business. marketing. social media. communications.

image credit: crazyjourneys

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October 19, 2009

Communicating with Other Creatures

Nice To Meet You

It hit me last week while having coffee with someone I had just met. We were having a great conversation.

It weaved from family stuff to work stuff to ideas and plans. The exchange felt very natural. We had met through the social network but the commonality was work.

In order to activate the true power of digital and social channels we must be able to navigate actual conversations with other humans. The tweets and emails are not enough. I look forward to more conversations this week with new people - it's cool, you should try it!

Gadgets and Gossip

The debate over formats and tools may never end but if your personal skills in areas such as talking with people and face-to-face correspondence are lacking you may need to give that some attention.

Because I paid attention to the conversation, I now have the privilege of being involved in TEDx Ottawa.

Science Fact or Fiction?

Often when "the future” is portrayed in films, we are donning uniforms and flying in cars. Medicine has advanced to the point where doctors simply zap us in the shoulder with a silver implement and the poison from the alien force is removed.

We walk on escalator type sidewalks and no one can explain how we can fly in our space ship through an asteroid storm hundreds of light years away the nearest fueling station.

Horses and Horsepower

Centuries ago it would take weeks to deliver a letter written with an ink-dipped feather to its recipient via horseback. But do our thumbs on a smart phone make the message more important?

Has technology allowed us to forget how to speak with each other?

Helping you create your best business,
marketing and social media strategy.

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September 22, 2009

Communications and Conversations

Let Them All Talk

I posed a simple question on Twitter: I see a trend toward DMs over emails for some people. Not a huge email fan either but still not sure I like said trend. Thoughts?

A Twitter “DM” is simply the email platform called Direct Message.

Email me your fax so I can DM the response to your PDA

In the course of a day, I will use literally every medium at my disposal and I don’t give it much thought. Some prefer email, others like calls, social media portals for others, texts are the way to chat with some and there are friends and colleagues who don’t do anything unless it’s face-to-face.

Here are some responses to my query...

joshchandler: it's interesting, a lot of people DM me as if they were sending an email.

ethanwaldman: If the connection is meaningful- networking, NOT selling, I prefer email. 140 characters is not enough for correspondence.

clothbot: DM is the new IM replacement.

MarkBlevis: The problem is the amount of time & energy it takes to move the conversation in DM (140-char) vs. email or in-person.

knealemann to ethanwaldman: In the course of a day, I may 'converse' with someone in five different ways. #technology

Wooby: Excellent point about new communications tools giving us more choice. This is left out of social media conversation too much. I get notified of DMs via email anyway. Ditto for FB msgs. On my end, they're all the same.

knealemann to wooby: some just grab whatever is convenient and use that. I correspond with some on several medium (email, DM, phone, person) at once.

Rebelcontent: DM's to be less efficient.

knealemann to joshchandler: some want to conduct business without it going on the company email server, as an example.

SuzeMuse: Everyone uses the media in a different way. It comes down to personal preference. I've been using skype video lots. I also think it depends how well you know the person. I've had plenty of meaningful text conversations.

I'll take face-to-face over every other portal, tool or gadget.

What is your preferred form of communication?

Helping you improve your media, marketing,
bizdev and social networks

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April 4, 2009

The Power Of Words

All our words are but crumbs that fall down
from the feast of the mind.
Kahlil Gibran

Words are important.

But not simply because they are needed for one of our most utilized forms of communication, but because of how much they can pique our other senses.

Words can come to our aid, hurt us and make us fall in love. They can bring joy and cause tears. Words have started wars and ended marriages. They can be enough to lift a team of people past any lack of resources or experience and crush any deficiencies there may be on paper.

Words can help us heal and can stifle our dreams before even leaving our minds.

All this chatter about toys and gizmos, thingamajigs and doohickeys, websites and interfaces, this site that site, profiles and apps, without words we ain't got much.

Here are 17 words that I like, maybe some are on your list too;

Think Create Smile
Desire Listen
Passion Share Live
Dream Believe
Thanks Do Magic
Enjoy Decide
Teach Laugh

What are yours?


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March 26, 2009

Spam Scam Scram

There are more emails sent and received every day, than there are humans walking the earth.

We are officially overwhelmed by email, advertising, marketing, voice mail and gadgets. The chatter is deafening and the chances of being heard are getting tougher every day. And social media is the new petri dish for advertisers and marketers.

The attention span of hummingbirds

During one of our long phone chats about how we would change the radio industry for the better, my good friend Sean Demery asked, "What is the lottery jackpot in Toronto this week?" I said, "$10 Million". He quipped back, "And you think you are going to cut through with free concert tickets?" That was 10 years ago.

Those were the days, my friend...

If you have ever seen footage of an NHL game from the 60’s, you will notice how bare the arena looks. There are no ads on the boards, the stairs are clear of logos, it’s pure and clean. But as soon as one advertising agency, one PR expert, one savvy marketing person realized that there were ways to exploit any flat surface, that all changed.

Watch a European hockey game now and you can't see the ice or the players for all the advertising. It's gotten just a tad ridiculous. Then again, it seems to be working for NASCAR.

Shut it off..

If you decided that for just one day you were going to avoid all advertising, public relations or marketing messages, your only choice would be to sit still in a dark room with the lights off. And try not to hear thousands of those messages in your head whilst sitting in said dark room. When you emerge, someone will be hoping to catch your attention.

We are consuming (and often discarding) content and messages everywhere, all the time. Annual online advertising in estimated at $24 Billion in the U.S. and $1.6 Billion in Canada. In comparison, Obama & Co. bailed out AIG to the tune of $185 Billion. So, digital revenue streams have a way to go. Sadly, so does the clutter.

Spam vs. Conversation

If you work in marketing, advertising or public relations you have clients that want you to help them make more money. But how often are you interrupted by messages you didn’t ask for or calls from people you don’t know or flip up, pop up, drop down, auto email blasts, dancing avatars or skyscraper ads in your day?

We laugh whenever we get the Nigerian bank email or someone claims that it’s ‘no money down’, 'guaranteed' or 'a sure thing'. With the National No-Call List in effect for Canada and the U.S., telemarketers have had to look at other avenues for revenue growth.

Advertising on Twitter? Shock horror!

When I used to talk on the radio, I really had no idea who was actually listening. It’s the same with this post or any messages we send to each other. There are some great ideas and deals for us all to enjoy. Equally, there is no shortage of people who are happy to spam, scam and scram. Why do they do that? Enough people say yes to make it worth their while.

How do you cut through the noise and get your message to its intended receiver without it appearing like spam or an interruption?

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February 8, 2009

The Cell Phone Turns A Page

Have we lost the passion for reading books?

One of the rising categories in electronics over the last few years has been portable e-readers. If you’re not familiar, you can buy a device that will download full-length books. Then you can have a bunch of books all stored in one handy handheld device. You can buy one in the $250-$400 range.

There are a few models on the market. Read Gizmodo's take on all the models if you're not sure which one to buy. Amazon got a nice bump from Oprah last year and sold out of the Kindle - twice. The company is expected to announce the Kindle 2.0 for the U.S. market tomorrow.

Check Your Lane!

A spokesperson for the company said that their cell-ready device is coming too. You will be soon be able to download a book on to your phone or PDA.

And you thought people were distracted sending emails in traffic!

Just imagine some guy in front of you at a stoplight getting distracted because he's reading a novel. Of course if you're sitting on a long flight, these can be very handy.

Those Were The Days, My Friend

The newspaper industry was wildly successful for generations. Many have booked the funeral in the last couple of years.

Pardon the pun, but stop the presses!

Is this an issue about newspapers and books or our desire for news and content? Is this about holding a paper or book in our hands or the content itself?

Has our quest for information decreased?

This is about the ability for each of us to control our environment.

Our demand for instantly delivered content seems to increase every day. We want it now and we want it fast. We don't want to wait until tomorrow to read yesterday's news.

You know times are changing when The Huffington Post hosts its own inaugural ball for President Obama.

Now What?

The publishing industry needs to have a good look at the music industry’s reaction to downloading. The challenges may be similar, they may be different, but one thing is certain - change is here to stay.

If you’re in the area, join the free discussion on June 6th at BookCamp Toronto where some possible solutions for the publishing industry may arise.

Do you want books on your cell phone?

What does the future hold for the publishing industry?


January 10, 2009

The Evolution of Content

The three words I use a lot are: content, context and community. Words that roll off the tongue and sound kinda cute but they are – in my opinion – essential to most of the stuff we do, create, consumer and share.

We All Have A Voice
Technorati estimates there are about 150 million blogs in the world – that number is probably low. Anyone with a laptop and an internet connection has the ability to create content and discussion starters.

There are no interviews, no one will vet you, your resume will not be scrutinized, and you may gain a sizeable audience for what you have to say.

Toys Toys Toys
The Consumer Electronics Show is on right now in Las Vegas and while the throng gawk and point and touch and fiddle with all the coolest latest stuff, the challenge remains that we need stuff to put on all these toys.

Content comes in all shapes and sizes and sounds and tastes. It’s all too overwhelming for any of us to get a handle on what is available.

You Have To Be Good
A musician without good songs can have the nicest guitar on the market and it doesn’t matter. You can spend thousands on a Hi-Def plasma surround sound system but you still need quality content or all you have are more dust collectors.

The challenge is not content – it is quality content. Quantity is a word usually reserved for items that hold no emotional value and the lowest price will usually win the day. It’s okay to search for the best price on bathroom tissue but not when you are selecting a new cell phone.

Choice Is Everywhere
I would never suggest that we don’t have gobs of excellent choices available to us. Great music is being made, top-notch movies are being produced, bright minds are finding a space in the blogosphere and the world of podcasts, and the cable companies are providing a wide choice of shows.

And if you are in the area, you should check out Podcamp Toronto February 21 and 22nd.

While we continue to feed our seemingly endless appetite for the newest and shiniest gadgets, it’s important for us to spend an equal amount of time on the content that goes on these things.

What are your thoughts?


January 5, 2009

Stuff For Your Stuff

Are you satisfied with the content for your gadgets?
I’m sure you have a few gadgets in your life. You probably have a computer, PDA or cell, mp3 player, digital camera, printer, television, and other electronic entertainment equipment.

There’s Nuthin’ On!
The Holidays are officially over and you may have realized something startling. We seem to have to weed through a lot of crap to get to the stuff we want. Years ago Bruce Springsteen had a song entitled 57 Channels and Nothing On which can be said about most of the gadgets in our lives. Some days there are 300 channels and nothing on!

The Google Stare
Perhaps this has happened to you. Over the Holidays whilst trying to digest more bad food, I was often stuck not knowing where I wanted to go. So out of habit, I would check Twitter and Facebook, then Google Reader, perhaps a music site and the cycle continued. There are billions of sites to visit but why do we get stuck?

Perhaps we still don’t feel we have enough control over our environment – despite our spoiled existence? And that includes living through these tough economic times.

Thingamajigs and Doohickeys
One of the most popular sites in the world is Gizmodo. It has all the newest coolest toys available. It's cool that you can buy a Bugatti for a million bucks, but what good is it if your route to work consists of urban gridlock? And do we really need a toaster radio?

Everything we own depends on other things to make it work. No power, no service. No content, your laptop is landfill. If you are out of cell range, your phone is rendered useless.

What is Stuff?
Stuff is content. Stuff is the device we need to access that content. Stuff is tools for work, games to play, words to read and music to enjoy.

It is fun to play with all applications on your iPhone or Blackberry but once that novelty wears off, what do you do then? You must then search for stuff to put on your stuff.

The great news is we can create whatever we want. If we don’t know how to write that computer code to make that cool thing dance on that website, we can find someone who can do it. If we want to gather a group of people to create a new concept or project we have that ability. The first stop is to ask ourselves - what we want to create?

Are you satisfied with the stuff on your stuff?


December 8, 2008

Long Live Visuals

The topic of music videos has come up lately as the recent job cuts at MuchMusic, MuchMoreMusic and MTV in Canada continues to be long and painful.

Years ago, I was at a convention and on the panel was someone from MTV in NYC. During the Q&A session, someone asked the person from MTV – what the “M” stood for which was followed by an uproar of laughter. By that time, the focus away from music programming at the network had begun.

In the 80s and 90s, video flow was huge. In our cross-media, cross-platform, gadget laden world it's ridiculous to expect anyone today to sit in front of a television and watch music videos. That notion is about as ridiculous as to claim Paris Hilton is popular because of talent.

YouTube is the #3 website on earth. This is not because we are watching Jim smack Bill in the face with a baseball bat, or watching Sally's wedding video. Bright forward-thinking companies are realizing that online visuals are a way to tell more of their story. Have a look at the Doghouse Video.

YouTube may be the most popular, but it's obviously not the only outlet. We can produce material that goes to cellphones, emails, microsites, the ideas are only limited by our imagination.

The best advice I can give in our economic times is to seek out potential customers and go to them. Few will survive on the hopes their phone will ring on its own.

Coldplay is the biggest band on the planet right now. "Viva La Vida" has sold more copies – online and in stores – than any other collection in 2008. Their world tour broke records. But at the core is good bloaks making great music and fun visual stories linked to their songs.


December 7, 2008

It’s Not About The Canvass Or The Canvas

It’s everywhere: pontification, prediction, forecasting, and we still have no idea what’s next. And we never will know. The reason we all try our best to look toward the future is because we think that something magical will happen some day that will solve any problems we may be facing today. All we have is now.

Media Media Media

Media is a word lobbed around to give us all the appearance of knowledge and wisdom. It seems to be all about social media, digital media, or mass media.

The word media is used primarily as a technological reference. Whether it is a radio station transmitter, a website mainframe, an outdoor surface, or a television broadcast tower; content transmitted from one source to a desired listener, user, viewer, or community seems to be the reference point.

But as you know, media is simply the plural of medium. Medium is the canvas that content is placed upon, that’s all.

Toys Have Become The Message

What is scary is when the content becomes less important than the thingamajig.

The most successful of the last decade is the iPod. It’s portable, (mostly) user friendly, nimble and cool. Apple has done a remarkable job of creating a need to own their portable mp3 player which has given them more than a 70% share of the market.

It matters not that the battery dies too quickly, the ear buds are uncomfortable, and the sound quality is horrible. Audiophiles need not apply. And it doesn’t matter.

Facebook has an estimated 100 million profiles and growing every day. But the interface is still awkward to navigate and there are very few customizable options – other than adding more applications to the left side of the screen or in a hidden box. It’s not the prettiest website on the planet. And it doesn’t matter.

Radio has been under attack for many years because of their musical safeness, horrifically inaccurate ratings’ system, and lack of deep rich content. Instead of growing bands online and on the street, the response for the most part has been to create even safer environments and hope not to cause “tune out”. The phrase “shut up and play the hits” grew tired decades ago.

Have you ever been watching TV, scrolled through hundreds of channels several times only to find “nothing to watch”?

Have you ever experienced the Google stare? There are an estimated 10 Billion websites available at a click, and you don’t have a clue where you want to go.

And I'm done with the BlackBerry vs iPhone discussion. Pick your favorite, you're both right.

Toys and sites are cool. They are requisite to all of this. But if we don’t continue to work on the stuff that we’re putting on the stuff, we may as well offer the unit in fifty colors. It won’t matter.


November 12, 2008

Twitter Doesn’t Make You Hemingway

A couple of years after the invention of what is now known as the Internet, Ernest Miller Hemingway died of a self inflicted gun shot wound on July 2, 1961.

Today you can have the choice of creating a multitude of social media profiles, picture sites, and blogs with gadget add-on doohickeys and thingamajigs. Most offer the choice of colors and backgrounds, font choices and design options.

But none will make you a better writer or contributor.

There seems to be quite a bit of chatter in the blogosphere lately about the responsibility we all share as our own personal broadcasters, content providers, writers, editors and information givers and takers.

Start a blog. Get in the game. Have your say. Add your thoughts. But don’t expect any of the trappings to make you interesting or entertaining. Hemingway used paper and a pen, a typewriter and a bottle, to create timeless literature. Today, with a cup of coffee and blog software you can start.

Writing and being a writer are vastly different things.

I have worked in radio, television, and online for quite a while and there are two camps in this world. The scared old-school bunch that is afraid of an open source user-created entertainment model. And the ever-growing group that understands we have the power to; create, contribute and share.

That still doesn’t guarantee any of us are any good.

Some say Ernest Hemingway was the greatest short story writer in history. That’s a personal decision. But forty years after his passing, his books are still sold and his work is still studied in the most respected schools on earth. And he did it without templates and software.

If you have a passion, follow it with fervor. If anyone follows you, bonus.


© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
leadership development business culture talent development human capital