Showing posts with label day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label day. Show all posts

January 1, 2021

What's New With You?

It's a new year after a crap year that we hope is a great year. I don't know about you, but the end of the year usually brings me the most reflection. It's as good a time as any to review the past 12 months and make some plans and ideas for the next 12 months.

We have all spent WAY too much time watching our screens and seeing bad news, so it's not easy to make plans per se when we don't know what normal is anymore. Nonetheless, we have to remain diligent. Vaccines are coming and we have to keep our masks on and our social distancing in place.

What Day is It? 

 I have lost count how many times I've had to check my phone to discover what day of the week it is and time seems to be flying by. Days pass like a few hours and months feel like a few days. it's weird, isn't it? 

I'm among the tens of millions of humans on the planet whose career was affected by the Covid-19 virus. In my case, I may have pushed a bit to make it fully happen as it felt like the perfect time but perhaps most would have disagreed.

So as I embark on new adventures, I hope you will take even a few moments during this once in many lifetime chance to allow yourself to dream a bit. 

Perhaps this is the time to look at starting that business or making a shift in something that is stuck in your life. One thing is for sure, it is never easy to make a change. 

Stay safe and be kind to yourself.

April 2, 2015

37 Ideas

Trust yourself. Learn every day. Keep moving. Be bold. Learn from yesterday focus on today. Try something new. Ignore naysayers. Eat the cookie. Keep something just for you. Do not give up. Listen to your heart. Imagine then do. Laugh daily.

Take control of your life. Say thank-you. Fill your life with music. Get back up. Be open. Turn your phone off. Have the pie. Walk away from hurtful people. The past has passed. Have compassion for others. Don't be so hard on yourself.

Take more chances. Spend an entire day with your favorite person, often. Love yourself. Enjoy life. Take one more step every day. Be kind to you. Lose the fear. Learn the lesson. Sleep in. Take the shot. Keep at it. Love unconditionally.

Enjoy the moment.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit

November 6, 2014

34 and Counting...

We love lists. Here’s another one. Many of the items here I don’t practice enough. It’s not always easy. We let busy get in our way. We let doubt creep in. We get lost in work. We get lost in life. We give up too easily. Perhaps you can relate.

Let’s keep at it!

Trust yourself. Learn every day. Keep moving. Be bold. Learn from yesterday focus on today. Try something new. Ignore naysayers. Eat the cookie. Keep something just for you. Do not give up. Listen to your heart. Imagine then do.

Take control of your life. Say thank-you. Fill your life with music. Get back up. Be open. Turn your phone off. Have the pie. Walk away from hurtful people.

Take more chances. Spend an entire day with your favorite person, often. Love yourself. Enjoy life. Take one more step every day. Be kind to you. Lose the fear. Believe. Learn the lesson. Sleep in. Take the shot. Keep at it. Love unconditionally.

Enjoy the moment.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit


November 18, 2013

The Disconnected Leader

I saw Warren Buffet along with his son and grandson on CNN last week. One of the richest humans on earth has sent exactly one email, drives a six year old car, and lives in the same Omaha, Nebraska home he and his family has lived in since 1957. Something to think about the next time we feel compelled to want the newest latest shiniest gadget.

Imagine we woke up tomorrow and there was no Internet, the smartphone had not been invented and there is no email. We have all those things but one idea we could try is to type less, turn off our toys more, and speak directly with humans rather than devices or channels. Mr. Buffett is worth more than $63 Billion. He may be on to something.

If we disconnect once in a while we may be amazed how connected we can become with each other.
Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.


May 26, 2010

Changing The Lens

Millions are going through significant changes right now and it can be incredibly distracting and destructive.

If you spend any time networking socially online, you know that no one likes to hear about a bad day – they are going online to be lifted up, touch base, share and learn.

It was the end of a weird day yesterday and thought I'd see how others were doing and look for some inspiration. I sent out a simply tweet - What was your wow moment today?

Within minutes, my day was lifted up by others talking about their kids and job interviews, articles they had discovered and people they had met. My wow moment was that others were happy to share what turned their head and made a difference.

This is not about Twitter, this is about humans.

Once in a while, when you know you’re too close to it, would it help to put down your camera and have a look through another lens for a while?

Helping you integrate all you do with all you do.

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photo credit: anewmorning
© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
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