Showing posts with label attention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attention. Show all posts

January 23, 2019

The People Part

There has been significant change in my life this year and if you've ever had a patch like this, you may have reflected on it the same way. The change is big but what has been the most stark is the areas of my life that haven't moved forward or improved and they seem even more in need of my attention.

Many say we have five pillars in our lives; health, finances, spirituality, relationships, and intellectual growth. If money needs our attention, our relationships suffer; if we're focusing on our studies, our health falters, etc. I feel all pillars are integrated.

Reflections and Changes

So how does this all play into leadership and culture, careers and collaboration? In every way! If we are concerned about personal issues then our work will be affected; not always overly negative, but in some way or another.

So take time with your team to understand what they're going through outside of the office. I'm not suggesting you get too personal, that's up to each individual, and don't run the risk of losing the too much information work life balance. We are all flawed people going through stuff at work and/or at home and one size fits all is a myth. Remember the people part of your work and your work will become much more personable.

The results might amaze you.

May 3, 2018

Humility and Humans

It looks great in a book or tweet; set against an inspiring backdrop framed on your wall; or on a coffee cup, but being authentic isn’t easy. We often don't make time to be completely ourselves. Busy at work, busy at home, busy being busy.

We work on relationships all day long but rarely take a moment to figure out who we are in our lives. Synonyms include; reliable, trustworthy, accurate, and genuine. That seems simple enough until we let the harmful self-talk or influence of others get in our way. What could be so difficult in being reliable or dependable or genuine?

Something to Ponder

Intelligent labor is writing a book; manual labor is building a fence; emotional labor is something most of us spend very little time on. I've had it backwards my whole life that if we stand up for ourselves or say we're good at something, we're not being arrogant.

Confidence is okay and it doesn't mean we're bragging. Taking some for you is allowed. So celebrate what you do well and perhaps you'll find a way to dig deeper to figure out what you want, need, and stand for in all this chaos we call life.

Make time for you to get to know you.

July 22, 2016

Five Pillars

There has been significant change in my life this year and if you've ever had a patch like this, you may have reflected on it the same way. The change is big but what has been the most stark is the areas of my life that haven't moved forward or improved and they seem even more in need of my attention.

Many say we have five pillars in our lives; health, finances, spirituality, relationships, and intellectual growth. If money needs our attention, our relationships suffer; if we're focusing on our studies, our health falters, etc. I feel all pillars are integrated.

Changes and Reflections

So how does this all play into leadership and culture, careers and collaboration? In every way! If we are concerned about personal issues then our work will be affected; not always overly negative, but in some way or another.

So take time with your team to understand what they're going through outside of the office. I'm not suggesting you get too personal, that's up to each individual, and don't run the risk of losing the too much information work life balance.

We are all flawed people going through stuff at work and/or at home and one size fits all is a myth. Remember the people part of your work and your work will become much more personable.

The results just might amaze you.

January 25, 2016

Authenticity with You

It looks great in a book or tweet; set against an inspiring backdrop framed on your wall; or on a coffee cup, but being authentic isn’t easy. We often don't make time to be completely ourselves. Busy at work, busy at home, busy being busy.

We work on relationships all day long but rarely take a moment to figure out who we are in our lives. Synonyms include; reliable, trustworthy, accurate, and genuine. That seems simple enough until we let the harmful self-talk or influence of others get in our way. What could be so difficult in being reliable or dependable or genuine?

Something to Ponder

Intelligent labor is writing a book; manual labor is building a fence; emotional labor is something most of us spend very little time on. I've had it backwards my whole life that if we stand up for ourselves or say we're good at something, we're not being arrogant.

Confidence is okay and it doesn't mean we're bragging. Taking some for you is allowed. So celebrate what you do well and perhaps you'll find a way to dig deeper to figure out what you want, need, and stand for in all this chaos we call life.

Make time for you to get to know you.

July 1, 2012

30 Ideas for Life and Business

Everyday on Twitter I share a saying or quote, quip or idea that may inspire you. Some are deep, some are silly but all are meant to make us think for a moment.

Here’s the list from June 2012

• How will you turn your dreams into action?
• Attempting to change the past is futile
• Enjoy an offline day once in a while
• Be yourself, everyone else is taken. Oscar Wilde
• Would you rather create a quick win or a win-win?
• Never underestimate the power of your next step
• Could today be the day?
• Hitting people over the head, that's assault, not leadership. Dwight Eisenhower
• Your curiosity needs more attention
• Those who matter don't mind
• Help someone today and expect nothing in return
• Take a moment to say thank-you
• If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. Dalai Lama
• If you seek strong leadership, provide it.
• It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln
• Leadership is not on a business card or an org chart
• Thanks Dad!
• Turn what if into why not
• The answer you're looking for is inside you, once you get quiet and listen
• The art of communication is the language of leadership. James Humes
• The accomplishment of your dreams lies with you
• The difference between those who get it done and those who don’t is action
• Now is all we got
• Turn off technology and turn on your mind
• The function of leadership is to produce leaders not followers. Ralph Nader
• Busy is a victim word
• If you promise good service to customers, promise the same to co-workers
• If you stop now, how will you know if you can do it?
• You are where you think you are. If you don't like it, change your thoughts
• Curiosity can be your biggest strength

And Happy 145th Birthday, Canada!

Kneale Mann


November 3, 2011

Reframing Ideas to Create Magic

I showed this video to a colleague last week. It is inspiration of creativity, imagination, ingenuity and our ability to see around a seemingly impossible problem to find an even better solution.

Our impatience can stop us from crushing the box and starting over. The pressures of making revenue numbers are often the very catalysts to decimate creativity. And as you look around to your team, your colleagues, your friends and your customers, you may be surprised how close the solution can be if you pay closer attention.

Will you take the escalator or the stairs?

Kneale Mann

visual credit: anca4vlad
© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
leadership development business culture talent development human capital