Showing posts with label Tony Robbins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tony Robbins. Show all posts

January 25, 2020


If you have kids, you have experienced the why game. A four year old won't just accept "because" or "it just is" or "just do it, I'm your mother" and let it go. But we slowly let that inquisitive process slip away as we get older.

Then we may stop asking why. 

Change is not easy but status quo can appear safe. Our inner four year old needs to show up more often so we can discover why do we do what we do.

Tony Robbins shares his thoughts.


December 9, 2013

Yeah, But Why?

If you have kids, you have experienced the why game. A four year old won't just accept "because" or "it just is" or "just do it, I'm your mother" and let it go. But we slowly let that inquisitive process slip away as we get older.

Then we may stop asking why. 

Change is not easy but status quo can appear safe. Our inner four year old needs to show up more often so we can discover why do we do what we do.

Tony Robbins shares his thoughts.

Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.

TED | Tony Robbins

July 15, 2012

We’re All The Same

You may want a raised bungalow with a pool while she has her eyes set on that new condo building downtown, but it’s not about the stuff, it’s about the stuff inside. It’s about the stuff that drives us to find passion in our work and relationships.

Climbing some corporate ladder begins to lose its luster after a while. There has to be more. We need to strive for growth in areas other than titles and compensation. Yes, we want to make a living but the key word is living, not sustenance.

Show You The Money?

I could triple your salary then take away all of your freedom and creativity, and you may enjoy some new toys for a while but it won’t last long. The victories and challenges we think back on are rarely linked to salary or position. Anyone who got there, had to struggle to get there. There are no short-cuts, there are no lottery tickets, there are no replacements for doing the work.

I have the unique privilege of working with leaders from Canada, Belgium, Germany, the U.S., and China and we may not be as different as we suspect. I often refer to a quote that makes a lot of sense. Maybe it will resonate with you.

No matter how many mistakes or how slow your progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t even trying. 
Tony Robbins

Kneale Mann


October 15, 2011

Why We Do What We Do

We have all tried and failed. We have all found sufficient excuses not to get it done. We have all blamed seemingly endless reasons why it didn’t go our way.

Tony Robbins has been helping people for more than three decades. If you need that kick in the butt, watch this. If you’re one of the over 3 million who have seen it since 2005, watch it again.

Then what will you do?

Kneale Mann

visual credit: TED

December 31, 2008


For some reason, most of us find it necessary to make resolutions as we embark on a New Year. First of all, we think we’ll fool ourselves this time in to thinking that we’ll do what we say we’ll do on December 31st. Most New Year’s resolutions don’t see the end of January. This begs two questions: why do we lie to ourselves? and who do we think we are we fooling?

We mean well. We want to do these things and we think our friends, family and colleagues want to hear that we’re trying to improve. Keep in mind; they’re doing the same thing!

According to who asked 2,000 people over the age of 18; Two-thirds of those surveyed have made a resolution in their lives while only 17% have kept them. One third cites financial issues as the biggest hurdle in reaching their goals – that seems low.

Time is a huge one – for some strange reason we feel that our time is under someone else’s tutelage. And this is interesting, 33% of the sample said they use social networking and search engine tools to achieve their goals.

It was startling to find out that more men kept their resolutions than women. 74% of the women missed the mark while 58% of the guys did the same. Perhaps it’s because we make fewer promises or ours are not as adventurous? That’s just my guess.

This year, I thought I’d ask followers on Twitter if they had any New Year’s resolutions. Thanks for all the responses! Here is the Top 20 (in no particular order):

Exercise more
◦ Make me the priority
Worry less
◦ Get to know more social media friends
Talk less
◦ Pay less attention to the News
◦ Play more
◦ Take better care of myself
Stay away from negative people
◦ Stop drinking
◦ Find balance – for real this time
Write more
◦ Live with passion
Collaborate more
Act more than say
◦ Release the past
◦ Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts
◦ Laugh more
Enjoy what I do
◦ Work less

Whatever your goals or plans for 2009, I hope you reach them.

Happy New Year!


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