
Showing posts with the label The Pimp's Horror House

The Pimp's Horror House - Good Against Evil

Satan makes a visit to The Pimp's Horror House when The Pimp presents the movie Good Against Evil . Watch the full show here: Go to hell with yourself at:

The Pimp's Horror House - Night of the Living Dead

The Pimp presented the movie Night of the Living Dead in a season four episode of The Pimp's Horror House . Watch a five minute preview below and follow the links in it to see the full show: To see a place where it's not the windows that are getting hammered, visit:

The Pimp's Horror House - The Beast From Yucca Flats

The Pimp brings The Ogre and Chick Magnet along for a ride through Yucca flatts when he shows the movie The Beast From Yucca Flats on an episode of The Pimp's Horror House . Watch the full show here: Roll with The Pimp at:

The Pimp's Horror House - Christmas Show

The Pimp's Horror House had a Christmas episode in season 4 where Satan Claws visited The Pimp. Watch a clip of the show here: Slide down The Pimp's chimney at:

The Pimp's Horror House - Monster From Green Hell

In this episode of The Pimp's Horror House, The Pimp presents the movie Monster From Green Hell as well as a Master of Puppets animation. Watch the first five minutes below and click the links in it to watch the full show with the movie: Visit The Pimp's crib at:

The Pimp's Horror House Yak Sack

At the April 2009 Cinema Wasteland convention, The Pimp introduced The Pimp's Horror House Yak Sack . A sample of the public's reaction: See The Pimp at:

The Pimp's Horror House - Sneak Peek

The Pimp's Horror House is starting it's fourth season soon. Here is a preview of some of it: See The Pimps pad at:

The Pimp's Horror House

Cleveland based horror host The Pimp presents The Pimp's Horror House . During the showing of the movie there are lots of break-ins with comments from The Pimp and his guests. Also inserted into the movie are clips from cartoons and old films, custom computer animation, skits, and audio additions. Joining The Pimp on the show are characters such as Son of Pimp and The Ogre. Here is a clip featuring Killer Shrew : Here is a clip featuring She Beast : Here is a clip featuring Werewolf in a Girls Dorm : Visit The Pimp at: