
Showing posts with the label Jeepers Creepers Theater

Jeepers Keeper

After Ghoulita left Jeepers Creepers Theater, Jeepers Keeper took over the hosting duties. He was played by Fred Stuthman, who stayed until the show ended.


Ghoulita replaced Jeepers Creepers in Jeepers Creepers Theater when he left the show. She was played by Lietta Harvey 1963 to 1964.

Jeepers Ceepers Songs

Bob Guy, who played Jeepers Creepers on Jeepers Creepers Theater , recorded two Jeepers songs with Frank Zappa. They were called Dear Jeepers and Letter from Jeepers . Click below listen to a sample of a song: Dear Jeepers Letter from Jeepers Click HERE to go to a site where you can hear the full versions of the songs. For downloadable version, sign up for an account at the site below and they will give you credit for two songs. Both Jeepers songs are available there. DOWNLOAD JEEPERS SONGS

Jeepers Creepers Theater

In 1962-63 KCOP-TV, Channel 13, Los Angeles broadcast a horror host show called Jeepers Creepers Theater . It was hosted by Jeepers Creepers, played by Bob Guy. Jeepers was a ghoul type of character and was joined by others including a shrunken head named Julie, a lizard named Billy Joe, Boris the stuffed werewolf, Pumpkin the rat, a skull named Aunt Minnie and her smaller skull relative Doris. After Jeepers left the show, it continued with other hosts, first Ghoulita then Jeepers Keeper. Bob Guy passed away on September 10, 1984. Almost no footage exists from the show, except for one episode that Bob Burns made a guest appearance on as the Mad Mummy and asked to keep a copy. Below is an excerpt from that show: Issue 30 of Scary Monsters Magazine featured articles and information on Jeepers Creepers and the others that came after him on Jeepers Creepers Theater .