
Showing posts with the label Jebediah Buzzard

Monster Madhouse - Jebediah Buzzard's Going Away Party

Karlos Borloff, Slo Frank, Lizard Man, Lord Stabsalot, Dr. Sarcofiguy, Countess Contessa Vanessa, and the rest of the Monster Madhouse gang present movie trailers and clips as they send off Jebediah Buzzard to Arkansas in an episode of the show. Watch the full show here: You will never want to leave the Madhouse when you visit:

Monster Madhouse - Buzzard Country

Buzzard Country was a mini movie that aired as part of one of the episodes of Monster Madhouse . In it, Sasha had been turned into a monster and run away, which prompts Karlos Borloff, Lizard Man, Jebediah Buzzard, Lord Stabsalot, and Slo Frank to go out searching for her. Watch most of the segments of the feature here: Follow all the monsters to:

New Host Merchandise

Many horror hosts have been coming out with new merchandise. Check out these recent items: Roxsy Tyler has a Roxsy Tyler's Carnival of Horrors t-shirt coming out soon. To order it, click this link: Roxsy T-Shirt Watch an ad for it here: To see the carnival attractions, visit: Jebediah Buzzard, from Fright Time FunHouse , has a music CD called D.I.Y. or Die!!! by his band Jebediah Buzzard & The Buzztones . You can get a copy at: D.I.Y. or Die!!! See a commercial for it here: For more fun at your house, go to:

Monster Madhouse - Christmas Party

Jebediah Buzzard and Dr. Sarcofiguy joined Karlos Borloff, Lizard Man, and Sasha for the Monster Madhouse 2010 Christmas party episode. Watch the show below: Part 1: Part 2: Jingle some bells over at:

Monster Madhouse - Enter: The Bone Jangler

The Bone Jangler paid a visit to the set of Monster Madhouse where he was joined by Karlos Borloff, Sasha, Lizard Man, Jebediah Buzzard, and Countess Contessa Vanessa to present trailers and scenes from monster movies. They also show clips from their time at the Monster Bash convention where they met up with Penny Dreadful, Garou, and Mr. Lobo. Watch the full show here: To see more monsters, go to: For more jiggling and jangling, visit: To go down to a hoedown, git to:

Jebediah Buzzard & The Buzztones - D.I.Y. or Die!!!

Fright Time FunHouse host Jebediah Buzzard has recorded a music CD called D.I.Y. or Die!!! with his band Jebediah Buzzard & The Buzztones . It features ten original songs, including Great Googa Mooga , You Gave Me Leprosy , and Journey to the Center of Uranus . The CD can be purchased by clicking here: D.I.Y. or Die!!! Listen to the song Ain't Gonna Miss You Again here: Hear a track cut from the CD, called Field Holler , here: For all kinds of plucking, visit:

Psychocharger - Blood Shock Video

The latest music video by the band Psychocharger, for their song Blood Shock , features guest appearances by many horror hosts. They include Dr. Gangrene, Marlena Midnite, Robyn Graves, Ms. Monster, Tit and Tat, Ormon Grimsby, A. Ghastlee Ghoul, Uncle Eerie Shiver, Penny Dreadful, Uncle Death, Miss Misery, and Jebediah Buzzard. Watch the video here:

The Bone Jangler Visits Monster Madhouse

The Bone Jangler and Jebediah Buzzard joined Karlos Borloff, Lizard Man, Sasha Trasha, Countess Contessa Vanessa, and the rest of the gang for the taping of an upcoming episode of Monster Madhouse . Watch a preview of the show here: For more madness, visit: For more jangling, visit: For more fun, visit:

Super 8 Action Theatre - Episode 7

Jebediah Buzzard from Fright Time FunHouse and Mr. Lobo from Cinema Insomnia join Karlos Borloff as he shows an episode of Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot in the seventh edition of Super 8 Action Theatre . Watch the full show below: See who else is roaming around the Madhouse at:

Monster Madhouse - Fury of the Wolfman

Karlos Borloff, Lizard Man, In one of the newest editions of Monster Madhouse , Karlos Borloff, Sasha, Lord Stabsalot, Jebediah Buzzard, Lizard Man, and the rest of the Monsterminators present the movie Fury of the Wolfman and other werewolf clips. Watch a preview of the episode here: For things that are furious and furry, visit:

Fright Time FunHouse - Bad Taste

The Peter Jackson movie Bad Taste is presented by Jebediah Buzzard, who is still in his spaceship with Karlos Borloff and Lizard Man from Monster Madhouse , in the newest episode of Fright Time FunHouse . Watch the first five minutes below and click the links in the video to see the full show: To see some things that are really in bad taste, visit:

Fright Time FunHouse - Deep Red

The 2009 Halloween episode of Fright Time FunHouse is also the eighth anniversary of Jebediah Buzzard's show. For the celebration, Jeb is joined by Lizard Man, Sasha, and Karlos Borloff from from Monster Madhouse , filmed during one of their episode tapings. Along with the movie Deep Red , Jeb shows a Scarlet Fry short film and clips of past Halloween FunHouse shows. Watch the first five minutes below and click the links in the video to see the full show: To see tings more interesting than the sideshow, visit:

Fright Time FunHouse - La Nave de los Monstruous

In the latest episode of Fright Time FunHouse , Jebediah Buzzard and guests Karlos Borloff and Lizard Man from Monster Madhouse try out Jeb's new spaceship and present the Mexican sci-fi/western/musical La Nave de los Monstruous . Watch the first five minutes below and click the links in the video to see the full show: For more terrestial adventures with Jeb, visit:

Virginia Creepers - Director Interview

Virginia Creepers , the documentary about Virginia area horror hosts, comes out on DVD this month. The movie and the director, Sean Kotz, is making the rounds promoting the release. He was interviewed recently by WDBJ7 TV . Watch the interview here: Check out what is creeping around Virginia at:

Virginia Creepers - Highlights

Here is a highlight reel of some of the hosts profiled in the upcoming documentary Virginia Creepers . For more information or to order a copy, visit:

Virginia Creepers Lobby Card & DVD

The horror hosts of Virginia documentary Virginia Creepers will be released on DVD on October 10, 2009. The DVD will include the festival cut version of the movie along with special features including music videos, funny stories, and more. A possible limited edition director's cut DVD might be produced if there is enough interest later on. Right now on the Virginia Creepers website there are pre-order deals for the DVD and also for the 11x17 lobby card version of the DVD cover as shown above. To get either of these, visit .

Monster Madhouse - 50th Episode

Monster Madhouse celebrated it's 50th show and 3 year anniversary on August 15, 2009 by having a live house party broadcast from Borloff's house. He was joined by the Madhouse regulars, including Lizard Man, Lord Stabsalot, Dr. Sarcofiguy, Jebediah Buzzard, and Sasha. See the madness that occurred in some clips from the show here: Part 1: Part 2: Music performance 1: Music performance 2: To party like it's 2009, go to:

Virginia Creepers Trailer

The first trailer for the Virginia Creepers documentary has been released. The film is about the history of horror hosts that have been seen in the Virginia area. It is hosted by Mr. Lobo and features Count Gore De Vol, Dr. Sarcofiguy, Karlos Borloff, The Bowman Body, Sir Graves Ghastly, Jebediah Buzzard, Doctor Madblood, and many others. Included are newly shot interviews and rare footage and photos of the hosts. Virginia Creepers will come out on DVD in October 2009. Watch the trailer here: See what they have dug up at:

Monster Madhouse - Episode 49 Continued

Monster Madhouse lives up to it's name when Karlos Borloff buys Sashaa pool during their presentation of Attack of the Monsters during episode 49 of the show. Watch some of the segments for the show here: Part 1: Part 2: Enter the Madhouse , where the walls should be padded, but aren't, at:

Fright Time FunHouse - The Monster Walks

In this recent episode of Fright Time FunHouse , Jebediah Buzzard presents us with the movie The Monster Walks , trailers, monkey clips, and a cartoon from his Random Cartoon Generator. Jeb also talkes about his card from the Horror Host Graveyard Trading Card set. Watch the first 5 minutes of the show below and follow the links in the video to see the full episode with the movie: Run away and join the Funhouse at: