
Showing posts with the label Goth the Crow

FENDRED's Chamber - Roger Corman Trailer Tribute

Fendred Freakin, Mama Freakin, and Goth the Crow present a tribute to Roger Corman's movies in the third trailer episode of FENDRED's Chamber . Watch the full show here: Storm Castle Freakin at:

FENDRED's Chamber - Trailer Episode 2

The second FENDRED's Chamber trailer episode focuses on William Castle and features Fendred Freakin, Mama Freakin, Goth the Crow, and Roxsy Tyler presenting trailers from some of his films. Watch the episode here: Freak out at:

FENDRED's Chamber - Ghosts Part 3

In part 3 of the Ghosts series of episodes of FENDRED's Chamber , Roxsy Tyler visits Fendred and Mama Freakin, but loses her voice, while Goth the Crow unfortunately doesn't lose his. Roxsy is determined to get her voice back while Fendred shows a Casper the Friendly Ghost cartoon. Watch the episode here: See the whole Freakin family at:

Fendred Freakin & Roxsy Tyler Horror Host Graveyard Promos

Two promotional spots for the Horror Host Graveyard have been filmed by the makers of FENDRED's Chamber . The first features Fendred Freakin, Mama Freakin, and Goth the Crow and the second has Roxsy Tyler, who is joining the show in the next episode. Watch the promos here: Fendred, Mama, and Goth: Roxsy: Visit the Freakin Castle at:

FENDRED's Chamber - Ghosts Parts 1 & 2

In the "Ghosts" edition of FENDRED's Chamber the Freakins explore their new castle and deal with some apparitions while they show scenes from ghostly movies. In the second part, it is their Christmas episode and their focus is on the most famous Christmas ghost story, A Christmas Carol and has an appearance by Sally the Zombie Cheerleader. Watch the first two parts below: Part 1: Part 2, featuring the movie Scrooge : Say "BOO!" to Fendred at:

FENDRED's Chamber - Horror Trailers Episode

The Horror Trailers Episode of FENDRED's Chamber has Fendred Freakin and Goth the Crow presenting trailers for many different horror movies. Watch the full episode here: Talk with Fendred at:

FENDRED's Chamber

The internet based show FENDRED's Chamber is hosted Fendred Freakin and Goth the Crow. The latest episode has them hosting the movie Horror Express Watch the full show with the movie here: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Enter the Chamber at: