
Showing posts with the label Ormsby's Cinema Insane

Ormsby Asks For Hurricane Sandy Assistance

Ormsby, from Ormsby's Cinema Insane , has recorded a video asking people to contribute to the relief efforts of the Red Cross for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Watch the piece here: Donate to the Red Cross by using one of the following ways: Go to: Call: 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) Test: REDCROSS to 90999 to place a $10 donation

Ormsby - Stop The Ban On Halloween

Ormsby, the host of Ormsby's Cinema Insane , recently spoke out about groups that are trying to ban Halloween celebrations. Watch his opinion piece here: Celebrate whatever you want at:

Ormsby Interviews Alia Lorae

Ormsby, from Ormsby's Cinema Insane , interviewed the singer Alia Lorae at the 2012 Macabre Faire Film Festival . Watch the piece here: To see a very modern monster, visit:

Ormsby's Cinema Insane - The Ape Man

Ormsby needs to earn some money to pay his bills and tries to find ways of doing that as he presents the movie The Ape Man in an episode of Ormsby's Cinema Insane . Watch the full show below: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: You earned the right to visit:

Ormsby's Cinema Insane - Doug Jones

At the 2012 Macabre Faire , Ormsby, from Ormsby's Cinema Insane , interviewed the actor Doug Jones. Watch the piece here: Surf on over to:

Ormsby Interviews The Geek Girl Burlesque Performers

Ormsby, from Ormsby's Cinema Insane , interviewed The Geek Girl Burlesque Performers at the Macabre Faire in April 2012. Watch the interview here: Fortify yourself at:

Ormsby's Cinema Insane - The Giant Gila Monster

In an episode of Ormsby's Cinema Insane , Ormsby fills the in audience with what he has been doing since his last episode and presents the movie The Giant Gila Monster . Watch the full show below: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Audition to be a clone at:

SH!# Horror Hosts Say...

Ormsby, from Ormsby's Cinema Insane , has compiled a list of common sayings utter by horror hosts in a clip called SH!# Horror Hosts Say... Watch the piece here: For things that one host says, visit:

Ask Ormsby - Episode 8

In the 8th episode of Ask Ormsby , Ormsby responds to a letter asking for some dating advice. Watch the episode here: Match yourself up with some fun at:

Ask Ormsby Holiday 2011 Gift Guide

In a special episode of Ask Ormsby , Ormsby gives his picks for the top Christmas gifts of the 2011 season. Watch the show here: It's always a monster's holiday at:

Ask Ormsby Continues

Ormsby's Cinema Insane host, Ormsby, has been continuing his Ask Ormsby series of weekly viewer question segments. One recent episode was Thanksgiving themed. Watch some of the segments below: Visit Ormsby's website, now tryptophan free, at:

Ask Ormsby

Ormsby, from Ormsby's Cinema Insane , has been personally answering viewer questions in a series of videos called Ask Ormsby . Watch the first few editions below: Question yourself as you visit:

Ormsby's Cinema Insane - The Giant Rubber Monster Movie

Ormsby's Cinema Insane is presenting a limited time viewing of The Giant Rubber Monster Movie in their most recent episode. In it, Ormsby presents the movie, along with an interview with the director and bloopers form the filming. The short film also includes other horror hosts, such as Roxsy Tyler and Dr. Sigmund Zoid. Watch the full show here: See what else Ormsby can find at:

Ormsby's Cinema Insane - Scared To Death

After a failed experiment, Ormsby's mad scientist license is called into question in the April 2011 edition of Ormsby's Cinema Insane , in which he presents the movie Scared To Death . Watch the full show below: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Get scared silly at:

Ormsby's Cinema Insane - Monster From A Prehistoric Planet

The first episode of the second season of Ormsby's Cinema Insane finds Ormsby trying to cheer up one of the clones by sending her back in time, while presenting the movie Monster From A Prehistoric Planet . Watch the full show below: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: For a good deal on a slightly used Type 40, visit:

Horror Host St. Patrick's Day

Horror host seem to love holidays. Ormsby and Butch R. Cleaver are two that are celebrating St. Patrick's Day by making special videos for the day. Watch Meet Cleaver Theatre Sub-Atomic # 201, with the trailer for Patrick , here: See Ormsby celebrate with his neighbors here: Ask for an extra green olive for your martini at: Find out if it is green being easy by visiting:

Ormsby's Cinema Insane - Jack and the Beanstalk

In the Thanksgiving themed episode of Ormsby's Cinema Insane , Ormsby has to deal with some turkey related issues, gives horror merchandise reviews, and presents the movie Jack and the Beanstalk . Watch the full show below: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Gobble up more Ormsby at:

Ormsby's Cinema Insane - House On Haunted Hill

In the October 2010 edition of Ormsby's Cinema Insane , Ormsby has to deal with a problem with one the clones, defend Halloween, and present the movie House On Haunted Hill . Watch the full episode below: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Keep checking for sales on slightly damaged clones at:

Ormsby's Cinema Insane - The Terror

Ormsby is having problems trying to keep his lighthouse's haunted status and enlists the clones to help, during which he presents the movie The Terror in episode four of Ormsby's Cinema Insane . Watch the full show, with the movie, below: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: To see where Ormsby is collecting prizes to trade up for The Redhead, visit:

Ghoul A Go-Go at I-Con 27

On April 5, 2008, after hosting the cabarets in Stony Brook, New York's I-Con conventions for a couple of years, Vlad and Creighton from Ghoul A Go-Go brought out the host of I-Con 27 , John Sheehan, who has a hand in making Ormsby's Cinema Insane . Tim Russ, from Star Trek Voyager , also appears briefly in the clip. Watch their full performance here: To see where the guys have buried things, visit: