Did you guess that I really didn't want to take down my Christmas tree?
It was December 2, 2009 when I brought the tree indoors.
It had been growing on the south side of the house
(very near a bedroom window),
and it was getting way too large for its location.
So I cut the top 90% down and we used it.
It's very sweet... and I'd grown accustomed to it.

I have no idea what type of tree it is.
(Is there a tree expert in the audience??)
Very short needles - not too prickly.

All the crocheted bells were made by my Aunt MEA,
my gardening heroine, last year.

You might notice some of the paper book-ornaments we made this year.
Isn't it just so pretty?

Well, I did it. Last week. I forced myself to remove all the ornaments.
I put them away and carried the tree outdoors.
Here it is in the front yard.

I set it in the snow and tied it to a shepherd's hook.
Then I went indoors and took enough time to thread a short
popcorn and cranberry string.
(Do the birds really eat these? I've seen many birds sitting on the tree,
but the string remains.)

Now I must tell you something perplexing.
I'd gone to the grocery store today... nothing unusual about that.
We do eat (with the allowance left after purchasing bird food!). Ha!
Back to the story: I carried the groceries indoors and looked out the kitchen window.
(Do I need to stop doing that?) Look at what I saw!

Who in the world??
How in the world?
What in the world?
Is it safe to go outdoors?
Well, I did.

Looks like he's been very busy...
I haven't figured out who he is, or what he's been doing.
But he does look a friendly sort.

"My name's Shady Gardener," I ventured.
"Pleased to meet you," he responded. "Just call me 'friendly'."
(He does look that, doesn't he?)

"Well, Mr. Friendly," I began. "Can you tell me what you're doing out here?"
"Of course," he smiled. "I noticed the birds that you care for, and I noticed this lovely tree. I'm partial to caring for these small creatures. But I've been traveling quite awhile and have encountered a good deal of snow. You have a yardful, yourself."
"Yes," I said, smiling in return. "But what are you doing with your shovel?"
"Ah! I've decided to move the snow away from your tree... it's for the little critters, you know."
"Oh. Thank you very much," I said. "You must be tired and hungry. Wouldn't you like to come indoors for awhile?"
"No, no. I'm very happy outdoors," he said. "However, I did hear just a bit ago (a little birdie, don't you know?) that it may rain in the next day or so. Would you happen to have an umbrella? I'd just as soon stay for awhile, in case it snows again. But, should it rain, I'd rather not get wet!"
I told him, "I understand completely. I have a small umbrella in my car. I'd be glad to let you use it... especially after all you've done in my yard!"
So, now you know as much as I do.

He looked very happy when I departed.

And he's still standing there!
I don't think there's anything shady going on here... do you?