Showing posts with label Fall 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fall 2011. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2011

What a Wonderful Fall We Have Enjoyed!

Frankly (my dear!), I was worried all through October about my not being home long enough to do yardwork.  I thought perhaps I would have to "let things go," and see how it all "shook out" next Spring.  But I have been truly blessed (as has everyone else) by this wonderful, long, Autumn season.

Yes, the temperatures have been cold during these past couple of weeks.  Yes, the days are growing shorter.  BUT, perhaps you'll understand why I'm so thankful!  I've been able to rake (the same areas several times due to the WIND!) and get ready for Winter.  Truly grateful.

Photos? Okay, but be forewarned ... there are several! ;-)  Some may enlarge a little bit if you click on them.

 On the left:  Japanese Blood Grass - On the right:  A variety of sedum
 Ever faithful, ever prolific Gaillardia Daisy!

Below:  From the middle of the front yard, looking south towards "The Raised Beds."  
Notice the nicely raked lawn! (Well, a few leaves blew in this morning.)  :-)

Over-the-shoulder look back towards the garage.

On the west side of the house, near the south end, you can tell where some "Peppermint Ice" Hellebores 
and a Ligularia will be thriving in the next couple of years!

This view, on the south side of the house, makes me happy.
Nice and neat!  (For the third time!)  ha.   Well, there is the matter of a Multitude of Acorns this year!

Two views of  "The Woodland Trail" garden.
Left:  Continuing on the south side of the yard, looking east.
Right:  Looking back after the walk-through.  (Oh, yes... notice those hellebores.
They've been there for awhile!)

Below takes around the south end of the house.  The shed is off to the right.

This is the east side of the house looking north.

 As long as we're near the house, I'll walk along that little path you see above.
(Yes, it's incomplete.  Just as the pergola that's supposed to be outside the door is "incomplete." lol)

This view shows you a few stubborn green plants.  Heartleaf brunnera and tiarella.

'Touch of Class' hosta, next to a sad-looking wild ginger leaf.

Looking back (south) at the little path through the large Center Beds in the backyard.

Backyard "East Bed."  I've begun a pathway behind this bed.
A new bed has been begun (see the upright logs in the background?).

This is another view of the backyard "East Bed."
(There used to be a TON of leaves on the yard back here.
Two separate rakings have it looking like this!)

Now we'll walk behind it.
As we walk here, this is almost exactly what you'd see to your left and to your right.
This bed curves around and up.

This is the "Top Backyard Bed."  
(It was created to help camouflage the big, unsightly shed that was built -
shortly after we moved into our home.)
(I've planted a Pagoda Dogwood, a 'Quickfire' Hydrangea, a Viburnum,
and several wild (SLOW GROWING) cherry trees.  More to come.)

Looking towards a neighbor's house on the North side of our home.
I've not raked here much... will do some tomorrow (I hope!).

This little bed is next to the garage/driveway.  There are several burning bushes and to P.J. Rhododendron.
(I'm thinking about doing a little adjustment on the number of burning bushes next Spring.)

 'Mohican' Viburnum on the North side of the house.

Back in front:  On the front porch, our two new locally-made adirondack chairs 
and two pots that need to be emptied tomorrow.

They were so pretty all summer.
The coleus did so Well (it always does here).

Are you prepared for Winter?
After tomorrow (no... make that After Thanksgiving Weekend!)
Let it  Snow!  


May you enjoy these next couple of weeks with family and friends.  May you find MUCH for which to be Thankful.  Count those Blessings!  :-)

"Shady" Gardener