Showing posts with label Fantastic Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantastic Friday. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fantastic Friday!

We began yesterday by purchasing a load of dirt. (!)

Part of the day was spent across the road in a little flower bed at a neighbor-friend's house.

FLASHBACK: This is what happened May 31, 2010
I began with a few little Joe Pye Weed seedlings begun over the Winter.

Because I was preparing for the June Garden Tour, I only dug small beds in a short row.

Here we see the planted Joe Pye Weed and Blackberry lily seedlings begun during the Winter.
I managed to get a little strip dug in which we also planted a small miniature rose,
a few iris, Tennessee Coneflower seedlings, Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' and a few other items.

Yesterday (August 9) was the big gardening day!! I joined the strips made earlier and
enlarged the beds. Do you know you can shallowly dig small areas of grass, roll them up, dig out a deeper hole, replace the grass (upside down) in the hole, and cover with the dirt (add a bit of additional soil)?
The grass will die, disintegrate, and enrich the soil.

Here we go...

All dug and waiting for new plants!
(Notice the little Joe Pye Weed in the foreground - it didn't grow tall this year, but it bloomed!)

New Plants! Ta-dah!

Plant list:
Joe Pye Weed
Butterfly Milkweed
Miniature rose
Blackberry Lily'Stella d'Oro' Daylily
Miscanthus sinensis, 'Gold Bar'
Gaillardia Daisy 'Firefox'
Tennessee Coneflower
Purple Coneflower
Chelone - Turtlehead
Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm'

Mulching in Progress!

You might have noticed the 4" deep trench around the edges of the bed. It took nearly two bags of mulch to fill the trenches. We're adding a light coat of mulch to cover the beds today.

Happy Friday!!