ABC Meme - Round 6
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A Beautiful Daylily!(hemerocallis)
I thought I'd show you what's been blooming this past week.
(Sunny Corner) 'Siloam Dream Baby'

(backyard lily bed) 'Summer Wine'

(raised beds) unknown

(raised beds) unknown

(raised beds) unknown

(raised beds) unknown

(raised beds) unknown

(front beds) unknown
(small peach-transplanted from our last home)
(front beds) unknown
(transplanted from our last home)

(sunny corner) 'Pardon Me'

(sunny corner) H fulva 'Kwanzo'

(sunny corner) unknown (plant originally in raised beds)

(driveway gardens) unknown

Below are the No-Name triplets - three plants purchased
bare-root this Spring. Supposed to be Pink ('Romantic Rose').
Hopefully they can send me new roots sometime this Winter.

(front beds) 'Rosy Returns'

(raised beds) unknown
(I ordered in 2003, but lost the tag)
(raised beds) unknown

(front beds) 'My Melinda'

(raised beds and woodland walk) 'Custard Candy'

(raised beds) unknown

(raised beds) 'Siloam Double Classic'

(raised beds) 'Spiritual Corridor'

(raised beds) 'Startle'

(front beds) 'Ed Brown'

(backyard lily bed) name unknown

(backyard lily bed) 'Purple d'Oro'

(backyard lily bed) 'My Reggae Tiger'

(backyard beds) 'Pretty in Pink'

(backyard beds) 'Madonna'

(backyard beds) 'Total Look'
(from Iowa Boy - 2008)