Showing posts with label ABC Meme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ABC Meme. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Z Stands for Zowies!

And it stands for Zip,

As well as Zealous

(My effort in participating in this meme.
However, this final post is Way Late!)

And it stands for Zoom!

It is the Zoom that I will employ here.

Meet Kopper King hibiscus. I introduced him into our raised beds three Springs ago... which means that this is his third growing season. He stands in a partly shady area. But, Tah! Dah!
I'm happy to announce that the King has begun to Rule!

He's going to bloom, and I'm going Zany! ha.

He stands in partial shade, but
he's NOT shady! ;-)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Y Stands for Yum!


(Which way do I go? Which way do I go?)

As you can see, our neighbors' mulberry tree was loaded with berries!


That was three weeks ago.

There are no more berries to be had.

(We do have some chubby squirrels, though!)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

X is for eXcited! :-)

ABC Meme - Round 6
Click on the logo below to visit Mrs. Nesbitt. Then click on the same logo there to see who else is participating!!

A Beautiful Daylily!

I thought I'd show you what's been blooming this past week.

(Sunny Corner) 'Siloam Dream Baby'

(backyard lily bed) 'Summer Wine'

(raised beds) unknown

(raised beds) unknown

(raised beds) unknown

(raised beds) unknown

(raised beds) unknown

(front beds) unknown
(small peach-transplanted from our last home)

(front beds) unknown
(transplanted from our last home)

(sunny corner) 'Pardon Me'

(sunny corner) H fulva 'Kwanzo'

(sunny corner) unknown (plant originally in raised beds)

(driveway gardens) unknown
Below are the No-Name triplets - three plants purchased
bare-root this Spring. Supposed to be Pink ('Romantic Rose').
Hopefully they can send me new roots sometime this Winter.

(front beds) 'Rosy Returns'

(raised beds) unknown
(I ordered in 2003, but lost the tag)

(raised beds) unknown

(front beds) 'My Melinda'

(raised beds and woodland walk) 'Custard Candy'

(raised beds) unknown

(raised beds) 'Siloam Double Classic'

(raised beds) 'Spiritual Corridor'
(raised beds) 'Startle'

(front beds) 'Ed Brown'
(backyard lily bed) name unknown

(backyard lily bed) 'Purple d'Oro'

(backyard lily bed) 'My Reggae Tiger'

(backyard beds) 'Pretty in Pink'

(backyard beds) 'Madonna'

(backyard beds) 'Total Look'
(from Iowa Boy - 2008)

Monday, June 21, 2010

V and W - ABC Meme

(Miriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary - 2a: the spirit and enthusiasm animating artistic composition or performance)

Gooseneck Loosestrife
(demonstrating either Verve or Nerve)


(Miriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary: 1. Brit: Unsteady, shaky

This little retaining wall/collection of oddities including recycled chunks of sidewalk does its job, looks rather quaint (if you will), but don't try walking on it without knowing that it's precipitous (and Wonky)!!

Trying hard to keep up with this meme.
If you want to see who else has posted lately, click on the logo here and again at Mrs. Nesbitt's site.