Showing posts with label Sore Thumb Sunday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sore Thumb Sunday. Show all posts

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sore Thumb Sunday

A sweet gardening friend invited members of our Gabby Garden Gals club to tea yesterday. She had set the most lovely tables. We enjoyed lively conversation and liberal treats! ;-) She even gave "door prizes." We wore hats. That was fun.

The special table settings - #1

and #2

Could we have a garden party without Myrtle Underkirker?
(Whew! Was my friend Gladys mad when she found I'd gone without her...
and that Myrtle had been there!)

After our teaparty, we were invited to the basement/garage/workshop where
her Very Patient hubby waited.

Click on the little video to catch a glimpse of what kept us busy!

Yes, we put our "carpentry skills" to work.

The finished product! Something we can use
and our birds can enjoy!

Who was the unlucky fellow that hurt his thumb?
Frank the Patient Hubby should have quite a blood blister by now!

We're sorry... but we're Grateful for the (Blooming) fun time!