... it's Raining.
It rained a Lot yesterday,
again last night and, so far,
all day today!
It's been dependable, steady, and fairly gentle.
Enjoy the sound.
But it is Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day,
brainchild of Carol of May Dreams Gardens!
And I couldn't miss the opportunity to participate.
Why don't you visit to see who else has posted?
And make sure you post sometime, too.
First of all, indoors...
(Is this #4 or #5 for these to bloom since coming indoors last October??)
The kalanchoe has never stopped blooming!
Cute unnamed violet beginning to bloom again.
The violet below USED to be what I named 'S. Blushing Raspberry Icee'
(click here to see photo of what she looked like
when I purchased her!)
Oh, well! Perhaps that's what happens when one takes credit
for something one didn't do! ;-)
Now, let's unfold that umbrella, cover the camera and head outdoors!
* In the Sunny Corner Bed *
Mother's Day Gifts for Grandma (me)
from my two visiting grandchildren!
Thanks L and A!
I love you, too! :-)
Last year's new coreopsis 'Nana'
Light yellow iris are standing despite the rain...
* In front of the house *
Sweet Woodruff and soon-to-be blooming sedum
* In the Raised Bed Gardens *
The chives are beginning to blossom.
Hurrah for Alliums!
We began our Alphabet Garden over Mother's Day!
(check out the sign!)
'Blue Spectacle' tulips planted last fall
Obedient Plant 'Vivid' is NOT obedient!
(Too late did I find out that the White Flowering variety IS!)
Want some?
* In the Backyard *
Heucherella 'Quicksilver'
Not really blooming, but it's getting ready! :-)
As is this astilbe... just getting ready!
I know, I know...
I have a love/hate relationship with ajuga (bugle weed).
The plant fulfills a purpose. If it gets "out of hand," you can
share it, dig it out of unwanted places,
or chop the runners so it can't spread.
I enjoyed the tour, as I haven't been able to be outdoors all week!! The reason??again last night and, so far,
all day today!
It's been dependable, steady, and fairly gentle.
Enjoy the sound.
But it is Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day,
brainchild of Carol of May Dreams Gardens!
And I couldn't miss the opportunity to participate.
Why don't you visit to see who else has posted?
And make sure you post sometime, too.
First of all, indoors...
(Is this #4 or #5 for these to bloom since coming indoors last October??)
The kalanchoe has never stopped blooming!
Cute unnamed violet beginning to bloom again.
The violet below USED to be what I named 'S. Blushing Raspberry Icee'
(click here to see photo of what she looked like
when I purchased her!)
Oh, well! Perhaps that's what happens when one takes credit
for something one didn't do! ;-)
Now, let's unfold that umbrella, cover the camera and head outdoors!
* In the Sunny Corner Bed *
Mother's Day Gifts for Grandma (me)
from my two visiting grandchildren!
Thanks L and A!
I love you, too! :-)
Last year's new coreopsis 'Nana'
Light yellow iris are standing despite the rain...
* In front of the house *
Sweet Woodruff and soon-to-be blooming sedum
* In the Raised Bed Gardens *
The chives are beginning to blossom.
Hurrah for Alliums!
We began our Alphabet Garden over Mother's Day!
(check out the sign!)
'Blue Spectacle' tulips planted last fall
Obedient Plant 'Vivid' is NOT obedient!
(Too late did I find out that the White Flowering variety IS!)
Want some?
* In the Backyard *
Heucherella 'Quicksilver'
Not really blooming, but it's getting ready! :-)
As is this astilbe... just getting ready!
I know, I know...
I have a love/hate relationship with ajuga (bugle weed).
The plant fulfills a purpose. If it gets "out of hand," you can
share it, dig it out of unwanted places,
or chop the runners so it can't spread.
I'm recovering from a heavy dose of the flu. "The family that cares, shares." Normally that's a good thing! ha! However... the flu... Now, that's a 'Shady' subject!!