Showing posts with label Jardiniere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jardiniere. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

ABC Wednesday - J is for jardinière

 According to, Jardiniere is an ornamental receptacle or stand for holding plants, flowers, etc.
 My Favorite Jardiniere.... 
a large, glazed ceramic pot!  Located in my front garden bed.
By the way, the ONLY time the gaura, in the above photo, bloomed was when it was first planted!  What's the deal???  Do you have any idea??

This jardiniere holds a variety of plants and was found in 
Central Gardens, Clear Lake, Iowa.

The jardiniere below was found last year in the garden
of my friend, Nancy B! 
 (Black and Yellow - Iowa Hawkeye colors)

Does this qualify as a jardiniere?  
These planters (and patio) were created by my brother.

Yes, the containers continue to get larger, it seems!  
This "jardiniere" is found outside the home of my friend Carolyn S.

 I found some very interesting jardinieres at my friend Dixie's house.

I created the following "jardiniere" from hypertufa.  
The concrete mixture was placed over an upturned squirrel baffle.  The nature of hypertufa allows rainwater to slowly seep through the container.

 Enjoy the "fairy gardens" in a variety of jardinieres.
This is at Bobbi's house.

This is at Nancy B's house.

Bobbi also has a "jardiniere" in the shape of a chair!  ;-)

Okay!  Thanks for joining the "Garden-Faire in Jardiniere!"
:-)  SG

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