Showing posts with label fox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fox. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

My birthday was actually Monday (yesterday). Wow, what a nice day that was. An enjoyable walk around town, lunch with a friend, a library trek and refreshing "sodas" with another friend, dinner with my hubby - sounds like the day was all about food! But it didn't stop there... cards and e-mails from several special people and a phone call from my brother-in-law. A special day!

But then, my birthday "stretched" into today! It was another beautiful day, weather-wise. Got my hair cut, had lunch with a friend, scooped up a whole pickup load of "used mulch," mixed with bush trimmings that someone was getting rid of (!), unloaded and spread it on flower beds, had Bible Study with another friend in my backyard :-), more cards from special people, and now I'm home.

I'm never sure if I want to continue remembering my birthdays... you know how it is: Every year it's another year older. Somehow I just don't seem to feel older. Oh well. It sure is nice to be specially remembered!

Thanks Kris! My birthday Bleeding Heart surrounded by the free mulch! Looks pretty "chipper," wouldn't you say?

Lady's Mantle. I moved a smaller one from a spot that was too shady to her new residence next door to the gal shown below. I'm sure they'll get along famously.

And here's a snapshot of our fox! I was driving the truck back to town when I spotted him in the ditch. I stopped the truck, on the road, on the downside of a hill. Needless to say, I didn't stay long enough to take a good photo! Oh well. He seemed very satisfied with himself and his environment. (Click on the photo for a close-up.)