Från Zickermans värld

Visar inlägg med etikett mucklor. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett mucklor. Visa alla inlägg

tisdag, februari 05, 2008

This one just wanted to say goodnight. I am thinking about calling them Tweedies. Haven't decided yet though.

Well. Good night then.

söndag, februari 03, 2008

Lazy lazy sunday.

We had a blizzard here last night. There were actual snow, as we normally have this time of the year in the northern parts of Europe. But it all went away this afternoon.

At least we had some cardemombuns me and Valdar made last night. The first thing he said when he woke up this morning was "Bulle mej nu" - "Bun me now". What can one say...

He was quite helpful making the buns, although he would much rather eat the pink and purple hearts than put them on the bun...

Today I had some writing to do. Me and Valdar had a look at a "Pettsson & Findus" computergame and tried to throw enough potatoes in a bucket. He was quite amazed.

We had an early lunch consisting of panncakes, äppelmos (mushyapples with cinnamon really) and the cherryjam I made this summer. It still tastes of summer.

I also had time to have a good look around at Etsy and some blogs - old and new. Some -to me-new discoveries of the day were: Little Red Stuga, Rosa Pomar, Lolly Knitting Around and - if you have not been there - Fine little day.

Later I prepared myself for this wednesdays Craftworkshop at Slöjdhuset. We are going to make small companions - the theme is "monster och mucklor".

There is no way to translate mucklor, they are creatures invented by the author and illustrator Sven Nordqvist.

Anyhow, my contribution is these two fellows.

Time to go to bed. I have an exciting week ahead..