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Visar inlägg med etikett Hippo. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett Hippo. Visa alla inlägg

torsdag, november 20, 2008


It is winter again. Cold and dark mornings, and I kind of wonder where autumn went? I haven´t had any, or at least to few, long walks enjoying the colours, cripsness and fragrance of fall.

But, I do enjoy the cold. I do. I´ve even started to knit socks, although I am no sockknitter. Now and then I forget this and I try, but I almost always fail. Hopelessly. Anyways; I´ve started a striped pair of "Sargents" from "Noro: Family" by Jane Ellison, using two skeins Noro Kureyon Sock - of different colourways. They will be kneehigh, striped socks and I need to finish them soon.. Wearing a skirt today was freezing I tell you...

Noro Socks
The ribbed and striped beginning.

All three of us had some calm and cozy evenings together, Valdar practising his A´s and V´s - he tend to draw the A´s upside down. Otherwise they look great.



And me, making collages, knitting or just enjoying the cardemomcake B and V made earlier.

Some weeks ago there was a Autumn-celebration at Valdars preschool; a Lanternfestival where there are grilled apples, hot soup outside and then - when it gets dark - the beautifully decorated paperlanterns are lit, songs about light in the dark sung and the children takes the lanterns and the light for a walk.

All of this demanded a lantern. So, I made one and Valdar wanted his to have foxes and dogs, so it had.

Making a lantern

Making a lantern


One thing I really enjoy about this flat is how our diningplace is such a nice and calm workspace. Look at my beautiful cut-work pillow from work...! :-)

At the moment I am dreaming about going to Mali. To visit Hotel Djenne Djenno and take a Bogolan course with Swedish artist Sophie Sarin. Maybe one day I will.

And I have to show you what came in to the shop today. Mrs Hippo! She was part of the result of a campaign for "Save the Children"-Sweden and several swedish designers and was designed by Gunilla Lundberg - who is one of the owners of AfroArt and handstitched at a Fairtrade cooperative in Bangladesh. The Hippo is sold at the AfroArt shops and over at "Save the Children"´s website. Go shop!

Take care!