Från Zickermans värld

Visar inlägg med etikett mars2009. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett mars2009. Visa alla inlägg

fredag, mars 13, 2009

Yet another week

This week, winter returned to Stockholm. Some of us (Little V) highly enjoys this, some of us don't. Monday, I had cup of coffee outside at Skogsbo, sitting at the stairs - listening to the birds and the silence. When I arrived there tuesday morning it was like arriving in a christmas card.

I also wanted to show you some random pictures from this past week at Skogsbo; weaving-, upholstery- and paintingcircles and the sleeping herbgarden . A ordinary Tuesday at Skogsbo - I will launch the blog soon. This weekend!

Yesterday I went to the opening of a very exciting collaboration between swedish and slovakian craftspeople called "Sloverige" at Svensk Slöjd. Andrea Filová told us about her beautiful perforated and painted eggs - who are a part of this exhibition which will travel Sweden and Slovakia. Showing the similarities in traditions and tecnique, rather than the differences. It is well worth a visit! The pictures are taken from the Svensk Slöjd website!

Eggs by Andrea Filová and wooden birds by Miloslav Jaros.

I also FINALLY met Frida Engström, the author of design/slöjd/craftblog "Kurbits". She is also one the editors of Tidskriften Hemslöjden.

Nest week I will finally get along to see a very interesting exhibition at Nordiska Museet: Fair fashion?. Every wednesdayevening there is a debate on sustainable fashion at the museum, see you there this upcoming wednesday? I'll be there.

Valdar has bulit some WONDERFUL robots this past week - and I asked him if I could show the to you. And I could; may I present - Little V and the Robots!

I just LOVE them, and him of course!

So, what else? I am still knitting at my Trellis scarf, and since the pattern will not show properly until finished and blocked I don't have any pictures for you. What I do have is BEAUTIFUL pics of blankets from The Great English Outdoors. All these wonderful blankets and woven loveliness comes from their website, where you also can purchase them... *sigh*

Pictures, Tapestries and Blankets from The Great English Outdoor.

If you are in Sweden, I do hope that you have not missed out on the premiere episode on one of the best tv-programme on SVT for a long time ... "Från trädgård till tallrik" or "From the Garden to the Table: Growing, Cooking, and Eating Your Own Food ".

Finally some great music;
Jenny Wilson and the equally talented Yael Naim - especially love the line "How can you stay outside - there is a beautiful mess inside" from the song "Far far".

Have a great weekend!

EDIT: Frida just put up a video of Andrea Filová over at Kurbits!