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Visar inlägg med etikett Studio violet. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett Studio violet. Visa alla inlägg

tisdag, april 28, 2009

Its a beautiful day!

Oh, I have SO much to tell and show you. But since my back, left arm and neck are really sore, and I am only able to use my right hand to type - that will just have to wait. In short - life is wonderful and there are so many things to be thankful for. Work, family and friends. Health and spring. Hopefully I will soon be able to knit again. I am SO bored from not being able to knit/sew/paint or even write for almost a week.

Valdar turned five on the 19 of April. Strange and wonderful. My dear, beautiful boy. He is growing, learing and becoming more himself every minute. We had two great parties, the last one over at Överjärva Gård this past weekend. Cupcakes, coffee and play in the woods. Little V and his friends having a treasure hunt, looking at the sheep, eating cupcakes, gingercookies and enjoying the sunshine. Little V spent ten minutes explaining to his friends everything about sheep, lambs and tractors. He is quite an expert..

Studio Violet makes beautiful things; visit the blog and the shop ( - and shop, I sure will...). Also visit talented Irina Lindqvist and her exhibition at the Glassery later in May.

And: this friday I will spend the afternoon over at Manos. There is a circus visiting!

Take care, enjoy the sun and breathe!