After spening an hour or two at Skogsbo we visited my grandmother who lives close by. Valdar and Farmor enjoys eachothers company a great deal, and it also feels great for me to be able to be closer to her at least a couple of days a week. After all, she turns 85 years this August.
This evening I have been replanting all our indoor plants - there are quite a few - and I got to use some of the 1950´s flowerpots I thrifted this wednesday, visiting Heléne in Täby. I have got a softspot for beautiful flowerpots you see, so I have alse fallen in love with pots by Anna Broström.

And then I painted my fingernails. It is Saturday, after all...
My knitting at the moment is going very well thank you. I bought some lovely, soft green/yellowish 2ply pälsull by Fjällbete at a craftfair in Östersund 1,5 years ago. I am knitting a kind of rustic version of the Trellis scarf by the talented Evelyn A. Clark. Lovely and fast knit, since I am using a thick-er and thick-er needles, although the rows where I have to knit seven stitches together no less then three times gets me inventing new profanities . Have to finish it soon though, in order to wear it a s a p ...
And so I finally got to visit one of the more impressive on-line shops I have ever seen! I bet you have been there before, but I had not. Such a impressive and tasteful collection of great products. Do visit Cosas, and if you don't have time I will show you some of the thing that left me speachless, impressed and longing.. Pictures are taken from the Cosas website.
All these pictures comes from the Cosas website
So, how are you? Have you noticed that it smells of spring outside? Even on the cold and gloomy days, something has shifted - and I always enjoy the shift. And I celebrate it by replanting flowers, cleaning, sorting out messy cupboards, piles of fabric and linen, by taking baths and long walks. By trying to take time to breath and enjoy - and sometimes succeding. By planting seeds to later plant outside on the balcony. Little V enjoys planting, and he also enjoys the idea of an aquarium of his own. In a couple of weeks that will be a reality. He can't wait. He wakes up every morning, asking about the water, the fishes and the aquarium. We will see, it is great seeing him this engaged. It is actually very nice to come home earlier aswell, to spend more time with Little V, B and by myself.
Take care, and have a lovely sunday!
Studio Violet
Afroart - do notice the new Etiopian stools!