Showing posts with label Plant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plant. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Green Tuesday

I purchased a packet of Cat Grass Seeds recently and this is the result of my first attempt at planting them
Tutu : This is NOMMY!
I wasn't surprised that Tutu loved it because she likes to eat raw leafy vegetables
Tutu : Ouch. It's poking my nose!
Cosmo takes a sniff
Tutu : STAY BACK! It's MINE!
Cosmo : They sure are nice and tasty
Meow-Me : Better grab a bite while that bratty Tutu is distracted
Felix isn't quite sure what he thinks of it while Tutu stays guard
Boomer? What's up with that goofy face?
Ling and Coco were not really interested in the cat grass and Felix was not sure what to think of it. Everyone else liked it so looks like I'll be planting a few more pots!