Showing posts with label Curly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Curly. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our Special Guest Is Here!

Whisky : She should be here by now...but where is she?
Nellie has been feeling rather ignored at home since Jo-Jo joined the family so she decided to go visiting. And since she loves hot weather, we told her she HAD to come here! It was a long trip to Malaysia but Nellie finally arrived! We were a little surprised she landed just outside our catio and it gave Meow-Me a little shock. But we got over our surprise and welcomed our guest in after Whisky gave her a little garden tour on a bright sunny day
The Cats From Hell share a hellish joke which made Tutu so happy it got her tail thumping!
Boomer : We introduced Mr Rat to Nellie and she wasted no time showing him who's boss!
Meow-Me : Nellie asked how we travelled so we showed her our super sized tunnel that can teleport ALL of us in one go. We can even enjoy some tussling action while we teleport! Nellie was furry impressed and said she may have to consider getting one so Bob can join her on her travels
Curly and Pok weren't sure what to think of our guest so Curly decided some water was needed to calm his nerves while Pok gave Nellie the stink eye
Cosmo : Nellie was a little tired when evening came so we kept her company while we waited for dinner
Nellie : After the Whisppy's Mommy gave us dinner, I spent time with Whisky, chatting about how it's like being an elderly pet with young furblings. Then we settled down for a snooze on her comfy bed before I left on another long trip to visit a special Bun!
Thank you for visiting us, Nellie! We had such a wonderful time, we hope you will visit us again one day. Have a safe trip to England!

Please visit Nellie's blog to read more about our visit together!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tortie Tuesday

I really love leafy greens
Even better if it's a young green!
How about a carrot?'s not green!
That's more like it
Think Green, EAT Green! Yeahhhhhhh!
Curly & Pok : Wheek! That's supposed to be ours!
Pok : We don't eat YOUR kibbles. So stop eating OUR greens!
Mommy here :

Tutu will be going for her spay surgery tomorrow, Wednesday (August 8th). Time sure flies - she's 6.5 months old! While I'm sure she'll do fine, we'll sure appreciate some purrs for a smooth surgery and quick recovery.  :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Boomerang Meets The Pigs

I let Boomerang into the boarding area once in a while so he can play with Meow-Me, Coco and Felix.  On this day, he finally discovered the pigs.....

WHOA!!!  Check out the size of my dinner!  *yummy*

Hmm...This one looks nice and plump and juicy....
"Come here little juicy piggy....".  Admiral My Love, you won't need those pills once you see what I got for you! (Do you see the heart shape on my muscular arm?  That's for YOU, Sweetheart!)

Unggghhh.....drat!  Missed again!

"No pigs were harmed in this photo taking session".  :)