Showing posts with label Dishy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dishy. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Weary Wednesday

Tutu : What's up with that ridiculous title? WEARY. I'm not weary
But honey, I am...
Tutu plays I spy with the chicken in the dehydrator
Tutu : Hee hee. Do you like my artwork? I made a smiley face!
This chiffon cake was wrapped in cling wrap which I had removed and thrown into the bin. I covered the cake with a cover, only to find it smiling at me 10 minutes later. Tutu had also dug out the cling wrap, ate half of it, which reappeared the next morning
Tutu : Uggghh! Why is this bin covered!
I had to change the bin to a covered bin to keep Tutu out (and safe)
Tutu : I'll figure it out...just you wait...
Ahh...what a nice happy Panda Bear with her cub. Notice anything wrong? No? 
See it now? Tutu loves to eat greens but you would think she'll know there's a difference between REAL greens and fake ones *rolls eyes*. And yeah, those chewed off greens reappeared the next morning as well
Remember Dishy? Tutu sure loved him to bits. Literally
Tutu : That's your explanation for the WEARY title? I still don't get it...
There's never a dull moment with Tutu around. If I don't see (or hear) Tutu after about 8 minutes, I can almost bet she's up to some kind of mischief...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tutu Thursday

Tutu : Time to play, Tees
Tutu : FELIX! Tees doesn't want to play with you
Tutu : Oh well. Never mind. We'll play together, Greens
*kick bite kick bite*
Felix : That looks like fun!
Felix : I think I'll join you
Tutu : NO YOU DON'T! Greens is MINE!
Felix : Not anymore! Heh heh heh
Tutu : Don't worry Greens. I've got my paws tightly around you now
Tutu : Ahhh Dishy Darling. I haven't forgotten you. Now's OUR special time
Tutu : * R O A R * I love my cloth mates!
* K I S S *
Tutu : Dishy Darling. You will always be my special first love
Mommy here :

We're sorry for having "disappeared" the last week or so. There was an accident last Friday involving Dino, our tortoise. She was rushed to our vet who was, thankfully able to fix her. She has to go back to the vet for antibiotic jabs every 2 days until the vet is convinced she has no risk of infection. She has been eating very well and doing really good. It will take months before her shell heals completely, but the important thing is that she'll make a full recovery (the accident missed her internal organs). Incidentally, it was also her 14th Gotcha Day last Friday so, HAPPY GOTCHA DAY, DINO! We're so thankful you're with us today.

We miss everyone very much so we're not going to waste any time. Get ready, for the Furries of Whisppy will be knocking at your blog doors very soon!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tortie Thursday

Tutu is now strong enough to jump onto the kitchen counters and she's found her love...Mr Dishy, the dish cloth. 
Jumping up the counter....easy peasy!
Hello darling Dishy...your beloved Tutu is here
Slowly does it
*H O P*
Now the tricky bit...
Don't worry, Dishy Darling...I've got a firm grip on ya....
Just a few more feet and we'll be all alone to enjoy each other....
Help me, Tutu!!! The evil Human has gotten hold of me!
Tutu won't let you go without a fight!
Tutu's crazy about this particular dish cloth. I've offered her a similar dish cloth but she shows no interest. It's also becoming quite a challenge to keep her safe from hot stoves and even kitchen waste. We've tried using the spray bottle on her but she doesn't even flinch. Does anyone have any other ideas on how to keep her from getting into things other than to lock her in a cage?