Showing posts with label Feather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feather. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Toy Tuesday

Wanna guess what this is? A torture basin, you say? That's pretty close! It was actually our toy box. Mommy added those nasty plastic spikes to the bottom after SomeCat poo'd in it (yup, with our toys in it!). Then Mommy felt bad because she would see us walk on the edge of the basin to try to fish out our toys so she removed the spikes. Then SomeCat came back and this time, PEE'd in it!
Guess we should say Thank You to SomeCat because now we have this pawsome Toy Rack!
Meow-Me : Rude Mommy says my tummy is as round as Pooh's. Well, POO to Mommy!
Felix : All our toys are arranged according to type which makes selection easy
Coco : Good choice, Felix! I haven't seen this feather in a long time!
Meow-Me : We stay in a separate area from Cosmo, Ling, Boomer and Tutu because Coco behaves like a semi-feral and Felix doesn't get along with Tutu. Me? I'm a sweetheart but that brat of a Tutu keeps growling at me. We're much happier in our own place (our room connects to the Catio - we get access to the Catio in the daytime and the Brats get it at night and early morning). We have the same things the Brats have (love, treats, toys...) but Mommy has a tough time taking our pictures because we tend to sit at Mommy's feet when she comes to our room
Ling : This is OUR playroom! See our own Toy Rack?
Ling : I suppose we won't get a Toy Rack upgrade since it's pretty much impossible for SomeCat to do a poo or pee in the basins now
Boomer : I heard it's the FIFA World Cup now so I know exactly what I want!
Boomer wins the coin toss and off he goes!
Boomer looks to be off to a good start then PRRREEPPPP! The referee's whistle goes off!
Oh noes! It looks like Cosmo has to be stretcher off after Boomer dived in front of him
Boomer reacts after being given the yellow card!
Cosmo's replacement, Tutu is in and she starts off slow...
And Boomer takes the opportunity to swipe the ball from her
There was a mild confusion as Tutu faced TWO crinkleballs...
but gets her bearings quickly and she's off!
Tutu has mad dribbling skills and rushes past Boomer
Tutu continues to charge towards the goal while Boomer looks on helplessly
And G O A L L L L L L L !!!!
Tutu : 1
Boomer : 0
The crowd goes wild and the cheers are deafening! Tutu can't help but puff up with pride!
And Boomer can only watch in dismay as Tutu does her victory dance

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Whirly Wednesday

I went to the annual Pet World event recently and was very pleased to find Primal. It's finally made it's way to our shores! Everyone LOVES it! Next to the Primal is the newly launched Addiction dehydrated raw diet for cats (Whisky loves the one for dogs) which the cats find very yummy!
I bought these for myself.  :) They were being sold to support a private Animal Shelter
Tutu : I don't want this. I want Primal!
Ling : Your head smells yucky. Did Tutu lick you?
Cosmo : Lick? I think you meant BITE
Tutu : How RUDE! You're just jealous, Ling!
Cosmo : I'm the oldest among the kitties so I get first dibs at the toy
Cosmo : Just look at it whirl around!
Cosmo : Doesn't it look like I have flames shooting out of my paw? Hee hee
Cosmo : I really like this toy! Thanks for getting it for me us, Mommy!
Tutu : Are you done with that thing? Mommy won't feed us dinner if you keep playing
Cosmo : Shush, little kid. I'm concentrating
* F L I C K *
Ling : Look how high it went!
Ling : What goes up must come down! Yarrrrrrr!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Boomer!

We are a day late in celebrating Boomer's 2nd Gotcha Day but he didn't mind! Boomer's an easy going Mancat!

Boomer : I received a brand new Silvervine P-Low! Can you tell I'm really happy? :p
Boomer : I love, LOVE LOVE my new pillow!
Boomer : Oh it smells SOOOOOOO good!
Boomer : I received a brand new box too!
Boomer : AND a new feather! But the best present of all.....
even if it isn't *new*, is my VERY OWN playmate!
Tutu : OW! I know you're excited and all, but watch it!
Boomer : Tutu and I are the only ones with no blood furbling among us kitties
(Cosmo and Ling are brother / sister, Meow-Me, Coco and Felix are mama / daughter / son)
Boomer : We have so much fun together!
Boomer : We even play with the Turbo Track together
Boomer : I am so grateful to have my very own family! And Katie Isabella, the most beautiful Ladycat in the world!