Showing posts with label Desa Parkcity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Desa Parkcity. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2013

Park Day, April 26, 2013

It is Park Day today (April 26, 2013), hosted by Finn and Gizmo!
We couldn't make it to the Park the last few weeks because first it was way too hot (Mommy worried I might get a heat stroke) and then the rainy weather set in. So Mommy is using photos taken about 2 years ago. We hope that is alright.

Whisky : Sure is windy!
Whisky : This is one of only two dog-friendly parks in the city. I prefer to stroll on the pavement since some dogs leave their, uh, stuff behind and no one picks it up. Yuck.
Whisky : Since I'm an older girl, our walks are very leisurely
Whisky wasn't properly socialized as a puppy (totally my fault - I didn't know better then). While she doesn't get aggressive, her behavior sets off the other dog and there have been several near misses and one where she actually got bitten. We would like to avoid that so we only visit the park during non-peak doggy hours
Whisky : Taking a short break to enjoy the view and for some treats and water
Whisky : I'm shocked (can you tell?)! Daddy had put down my treats that were in a small bag to take my photo and the wind blew it into the pond (after almost falling in, Daddy finally did manage to fish it out - but my treats were ruined!)!
Whisky : Heh heh. This is the BEST part of Park Day. Nom NOM time at the restaurant!
Whisky : Okay folks. This older girl needs her beauty sleep. We hope everyone had a fun Park Day!