Coco, the silent but deadly Calico Princess |
Tutu, the bad a$$ Tortie Gangster |
Tutu : Hey YOU! I'm talking to you! Coco : ??? |
Tutu : Hah! Hiding behind the air filter ain't gonna work |
Coco : Fine. I'm here...and there's nothing between us. So? |
Coco : Not so brave now, are we little one? |
Tutu : Wanna bet? **princess**? |
"Boomer to the rescue!!!!!" *sccccrreeeechhhhhh* |
"My job's done! Now, I'm getting the hell outta here!" |
The Tabby Cat Club is holding the event "What's in a name", hosted by Oui Oui. We would love for you to drop by to read about how we and our friends got our names! Click HERE to read about us.
Love, Cosmo and Ling