Showing posts with label Neko Flies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neko Flies. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Fly Fun

Butt sniffing done, let the games begin!
Tutu : I wanna start first
Boomer : NO you may not! It's MY turn!
Tutu : *smack*
Boomer vs Kragonfly
Boomer : Caught ya!
Tutu : Are you just going to lie there? Kill it!
Boomer : I'm trying!
Boomer : It's pretty strong!
*yanks Kragonfly back*
Tutu : Hurry up, will ya? It's my turn!
Boomer : Aiyeeeeeee!
Boomer : Arrrrrghhhhhhh!
The string had wound round Boomer's paw (in the 5 photos) and Daddy had no idea so he pulled which resulted in poor Boomer yelling for him to stop pulling. His nerves were soothed after some cuddling with Mommy
Boomer : How dare you wind your evil self around my paw!
Boomer : I'll kill you this time for sure!
Boomer : Closer now, CLOSER!
Boomer : Got ya! Die, Kragonfly, DIE!
Boomer : Whew, I'm exhausted! Time for some real snack!
Playtime isn't over until the kitty lays on his side and pants, says Jackson Galaxy. So with the killing done, it's time for a meal followed by a nap!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

We Were On The GOOD List!

Check out our Christmas presents!
Whisky : This freeze dried chicken is ear raising good!
Cosmo : More, please!
Ling : What do we have here?
Ling : EEEEEKKKK! It's alive!
Ling : I'll teach you to scare me like that!
....Itsy Bitsy Spider.....
...ran down Felix's back....
....down and down it went.... annoy the little cat....
Felix : STOP bugging me, will ya!
Boomer : Got ya!
Tutu : Haiii yaaaaaa!
Coco : Good heavens! There's no need to scream!
Coco : Ungggghhhh!
Meow-Me : Creepy crawlie, into my belleh you go!
All of us LOVE the freeze dried chicken and our Neko Flies!