March 2, 2021
This afternoon I was made aware that private communications (text messages) between two individuals was copied and posted to social media by an individual who was not a part of the original conversation. I was also made aware that one of the individuals allegedly involved in the private communication was a current member of the Macon County Sheriff’s Office.
At the time of this statement, I have not received any official complaints regarding this incident. I have also not received a complaint from the person involved in the private communication that has now been posted to social media.
Based on information that was made available to me this afternoon, I have requested an official review into the incident. That investigation has already been initiated.
This is a personnel matter of the MCSO and as such, I am limited to what information can be released at this time. Having said that, no further information will be released until it is deemed appropriate and only after a complete and thorough investigation has been conducted.
Sheriff Robert L. Holland
Macon County Sheriff’s Office
Source: [LINK]
The material in the posts that were shared online can be seen on Facebook at [LINK]
Macon Media is in the process of obtaining permission to report them here.
**9:28pm update** Permission has been obtained. Here is the screenshot of the alleged communication. The image of the officer's face will not be shared by Macon Media and the officer's name has been removed by Macon Media from the image.
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Published at 9:25pm on Monday, March 01 2021
Edited at 9:28pm to add image
Edited at 9:45pm to make image larger and to add watermark.
Edited at 10:23pm to make the title more clear. (Sorry, I've been up since 2am).