
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Showing posts with label bill Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bill Clinton. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Romney Addresses Clinton Global Initiative

This is a speech that Mitt Romney gave in a den of thieves, the Clinton Global Initiative. It is one of his better speeches I've heard so far.

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

2012 DNC Convention: Wednesday Night Speeches

Here are the videos I've been able to find of the speeches that took place during last night's DNC Convention. The DNC apparently doesn't have a system or plan for processing the videos in a timely manner, so I had to use videos uploaded by other people and organizations. The DNC also has not posted the full texts of all their speakers on their website in a handy place, so I have decided not to search the Internet for other sources for the texts. If you want the texts, you'll have to search for yourself.

Some, but not all, can be found on the DNC Convention website

**update** I've found a two part video from ABC News of the events from last night. So, the speeches and parts of the convention that haven't been uploaded by the DNC or others are probably in these two videos:

The ABC News Livestream, in two parts

Podium Schedule at Time Warner Cable Arena
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Call to Order

The Honorable Antonio R. Villaraigosa
Chair of the 2012 Democratic National Convention Committee
Mayor of Los Angeles, California


Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, 10th Episcopal District
First Woman Elected Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

Presentation of Colors

National Anthem
Branford Marsalis
Saxophonist, Composer, and, Bandleader


The Honorable Luis V. Gutierrez
Member of the US House of Representatives, Illinois

The Honorable Diana DeGette
Member of the US House of Representatives, Colorado

The Honorable John A. Pérez
Speaker and Member of the California State Assembly

The Honorable Thomas M. Menino
Mayor of Boston, Massachusetts

The Honorable Judy Chu
Member of the US House of Representatives, California

Steve Westly
Former State Controller and Chief Financial Officer of California

An Economy Built to Last Video: Small Business


The Honorable John Larson
Democratic Caucus Chair and Member of the US House of Representatives, Connecticut

Ken Myers
Deputy Sheriff, Carroll County, Iowa

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM


Richard Trumka
President of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL–CIO)

The Honorable Steve Israel
Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Member of the US House of Representatives, New York

The Honorable Patty Murray
Chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Member of the US Senate, Washington

The Honorable Pedro R. Pierluisi
Chair of National Community Mobilization for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Non-Voting Member of the US House of Representatives, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico

An Economy Build to Last Video: Energy


Tom Steyer

Co-Founder of Advanced Energy Economy

The Honorable Charles E. Schumer
Member of the US Senate, New York

Remarks from Members of the Congressional Black Caucus

The Honorable Karen Bass
Member of the US House of Representatives, California

The Honorable Al Green
Member of the US House of Representatives, Texas

The Honorable Emanuel Cleaver, II
Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and Member of the US House of Representatives, Missouri


The Honorable Dannel Malloy
Governor of Connecticut

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM


Denise Juneau
Superintendent of the Montana Office of Public Instruction

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Democratic Leader and Member of the US House of Representatives, California

The Honorable Tom Vilsack

Women of the US Senate


The Honorable Barbara Mikulski
Member of the US Senate, Maryland

The Honorable Arne Duncan

Progress for People Video: Education

American Voices Remarks
Johanny Adames


The Honorable Jim Hunt
Former and Longest-Serving Governor of North Carolina

Remarks and Video Presentation in Memoriam

Presented by Harvey B. Gantt
Former Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina

Live Performance

Jessica Sanchez

8:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Stronger Together Video: Women’s Health

American Voices Remarks
Elizabeth Ann “Libby” Bruce


Cecile Richards
President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America

The Honorable Steny Hoyer
Parliamentarian of the 2012 Democratic National Committee Convention
Democratic Whip and Member of the US House of Representatives, Maryland

The Honorable Barney Frank
Honorary Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee GLBT Council
Member of the US House of Representatives, Massachusetts

American Heroes Video: Veterans

American Voices Remarks
Ed Meagher


The Honorable General Eric Shinseki

The Honorable Michael Nutter
Mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Honorable John Hickenlooper
Governor of Colorado

Sister Simone Campbell
Executive Director of Roman Catholic Social Justice Organization, NETWORK

The Honorable Jack Markell
Governor of Delaware

9:00 PM – 10:00 PM


The Honorable Karen Mills

Progress for People Video: Small Business

American Voices Remarks
Bill Butcher


The Honorable Kamala D. Harris
Attorney General of California

Stronger Together Video: Immigration


Benita Veliz
DREAM Act Activist

Cristina Saralegui
Journalist, Actress, and Talk Show Host

Sandra Fluke
Attorney and Women’s Rights Activist

Austin Ligon
Co-Founder and Former CEO of CarMax, Inc.

An Economy Build to Last Video: Auto-Industry
American Voices Remarks

Karen Eusanio


Bob King
President of the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW)

Randy Johnson, Cindy Hewitt, and David Foster
Former Employees at companies controlled by Romney’s Bain Capital

The Honorable Chris Van Hollen
Former Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Member of the US House of Representatives, Maryland

10:00 PM – 11:00 PM


Jim Sinegal

Co-Founder and Former CEO of Costco
Elizabeth Warren
Candidate for US Senate, Massachusetts

Nomination Process Set-Up


The Honorable Antonio R. Villaraigosa
Chair of the 2012 Democratic National Convention Committee
Mayor of Los Angeles, California

President Bill Clinton
42nd President of the United States

Closing Segment

Roll Call Vote

Alice Germond
Secretary of the Democratic National Committee


Rabbi David Wolpe
Sinai Temple, Los Angeles, California

Retire Colors


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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Screen Capture of the fake Twitter Account set up by local progressives to mock Chad Nesbitt

This is the tweet that likely started the moronic investigation

This just in from the Buncombe County Republican Party:

October 20, 2010

Chad Nesbitt


Earlier this evening, Buncombe County GOP Chair Chad Nesbitt was interviewed by the U.S. Secret Service and the Asheville Police Department.  Per the discussion, the contact was initiated in anticipation of former President Bill Clinton's Thursday visit to Asheville.

The contact was cordial, with the Chair assuring the Secret Service and APD that he nor anyone he knows represents a physical threat to Clinton.  "I think he's a scoundrel, but I am delighted that the Democratic power structure thinks he's the proper voice to represent their Party's understanding of our mountain values," said Nesbitt.  "I certainly wish him no physical harm, in fact I am delighted he is coming - it could only be better if Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid were coming to prop up Shuler.  He and his party evidently need a nurse, and we all know that Clinton is good at that.  The only thing Mr. Clinton has to fear from me is illumination of his credentials as an unprincipled person and fast talking advocate for the left's socialistic message of "something for nothing".

"Per discussion with the agent and officer who met with me, their concerns originated with comments on a Twitter account under my name," said Nesbitt.  "I do not have and have never had a Twitter account.  I reported this false account several weeks ago to the Buncombe County Sheriff's Department.  They consulted with Buncombe County District Attorney Ron Moore, who I understand refused to take action.  Per that lack of accountability, this situation reached a point of seriousness requiring Secret Service action.  I hope the Buncombe County Sheriff Department and Mr. Moore will now realize the seriousness of this matter and act on my complaint.  I will, again, make a formal request for action."

"The law enforcement officers I met with were respectful and indicated their concerns had been addressed," noted Nesbitt.  "I appreciate the Secret Service doing their job to protect our former President.  I am doing mine in turning on the lights."

For further information about the Buncombe County Republican Party, Or call 828-216-0147.



Personally, I think the Secret Service must be hiring retarded people if they didn't know that the twitter account was fake. When I say retarded, I mean that I think they scored lower than Congressman Shuler did on his Wonderlic. This indeed causes me to fear for the safety of our former Presidents. 

Take a look at the fake twitter account before it's creators take it down.

For those who want to follow Chad on Twitter, his account is here

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

NC-11 GOP Convention: Charles Taylor Speech Excerpt

We were honored to have former Congressman Charles Taylor address the NC-11 GOP Convention this morning, and here is an excerpt of the speech he gave...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Progressives Cry: "Take Back Barack"

Let's be honest: we didn't vote for the Barack Obama his campaign advertised. We didn't vote for an African-American man, nor for a US senator from Illinois, nor for a father, a husband, an activist, or a young politician.

We voted for the Barack Obama we fantasized — the progressive miracle worker. We voted for Change.

Millions of us stood up and shouted, handed out fliers, talked to our neighbors, donated hard-earned money, and drove people to the polls for Change. We screamed, hugged, kissed, and cried when we learned Change had come to America. We knew Change wouldn't come overnight, that it would take time, but we were excited that we had elected a man who was open to Change, who said he wanted to consider real people's needs while in the Oval Office. We eagerly awaited the first hints of Change, as the president-elect's transition developed.

And now, we have reason to worry that
Change is not coming to America after all. For nearly two years we were encouraged to "Be the Change you want to see in America." It is now obvious that we have a ways to go toward Being that Change. And so does President-elect Barack Obama. And that, above all else, needs to Change.

It was not the Democratic base, nor the centrists, nor even the center-left, who put Obama where he is today. The progressive movement rose from near death and kept Obama alive in the primary, eventually proving stubborn enough to carry him to victory over the Establishment candidate. And then, in the general election, it was the progressives whose energy infected the nation, whose enthusiasm reminded longtime vote-the-ticket Dems that elections were about the future, and whose contributions, tiny as each individual one was, funded the revolution of Change that swept Obama into the Oval Office.

[emphasis added]
The Phoenix
Hat Tip:


A couple of days ago, I got to play the part of a triumphant Hillary Supporter (even though I am not...I just did it to fan the fames of discontent on the other side of the aisle) on campus when I overheard a couple of professors complaining about the people Obama is surrounding himself with...I told them (with a smile the size of Texas) that with luck, the Clinton people could move Obama to the center so he could govern like Bill Clinton did. Boy, if I could have bottled up the anger that came from those would keep me warm all winter, not just giggling in glee.

Progressives should have known this would happen. If they really wanted change, they should have supported Kucinich, Gravel or Nader. 

Maybe we will get the last laugh after all as Progressives tear up the democrat party with internal strife. I don't think they will, though because the Democrat party Establishment will come down on them like a ton of bricks...especially since Team Hillary is in the White House steering Barack with their advice, and populating the bureaucratic staff positions...even Bill Clinton's personal secretary is back!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Third Clinton Administration

The Third Clinton Administration


While the liberal intelligentsia was swooning over Barack Obama during his presidential campaign, I counseled “prepare to be disappointed.” His record as a Illinois state and U.S. Senator, together with the many progressive and long overdue courses of action he opposed during his campaign, rendered such a prediction unfortunate but obvious.

Now this same intelligentsia is beginning to howl over Obama’s transition team and early choices to run his Administration. Having defeated Senator Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primaries, he now is busily installing Bill Clinton’s old guard. Thirty one out of forty seven people that he has named so far for transition or appointments have ties to the Clinton Administration, according to Politico. One Clintonite is quoted in the Washington Post as saying – “This isn’t lightly flavored with Clintons. This is all Clintons, all the time.”
Obama’s “foreign policy team is now dominated by the Hawkish, old-guard Democrats of the 1990,” writes Jeremy Scahill. Obama’s transition team reviewing intelligence agencies and recommending appointments is headed by John Brennan and Jami Miscik, who worked under George Tenet when the CIA was involved in politicizing intelligence for, among other officials, Secretary of State Colin Powell’s erroneous address before the United Nations calling for war against Iraq.

Mr. Brennan, as a government official, supported warrantless wiretapping and extraordinary rendition to torturing countries. National Public Radio reported that Obama’s reversal when he voted for the revised FISA this year relied on John Brennan’s advise.

For more detail on these two advisers and others recruited by Obama from the dark old days, see Democracy Now, November 17, 2008 and Jeremy Scahill, AlterNet, Nov. 20, 2008 “This is Change? 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama’s White House.”

The top choice as White House chief of staff is Rahm Emanuel—the ultimate hard-nosed corporate Democrat, military-foreign policy hawk and Clinton White House promoter of corporate globalization, as in NAFTA and the World Trade Organization.

Now, recall Obama’s words during the bucolic “hope and change” campaign months: “The American people…understand the real gamble is having the same old folks doing things over and over and over again and somehow expecting a different result.” Thunderous applause followed these remarks.

“This is more ‘Groundhog Day’ then a fresh start,” asserted Peter Wehner, a former Bush adviser who is now at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.The signs are amassing that Barack Obama put a political con job over on the American people. He is now daily buying into the entrenched military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned Americans about in his farewell address.

Source: Progressive Democrats of North Carolina


Here is mud in your eye lefties!!! While you were trying to avoid a Bush 3, you got a Clinton 3!!!

Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

Yep...President-elect Obama did give Hillary the most important cabinet post.


Crap. I should have known as soon as I started to gloat...this would happen.

Perhaps Obama has set a trap for the HildaBeast after all.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday Night Recap of DNC Democratic Convention

Here are videos of the speeches given by Bill Clinton and Joe Biden last night, along with the surprise appearance of Obama at the end of Biden's speech:

Former President Bill Clinton (after hearing him speak once again, I am glad that the DNC Rules Committee destroyed Hillary's momentum...that guy can charm birds out of the trees).

Senator John Kerry (on the shortlist for SecState should Obama win?)

Senator Joe Biden accepts the Democratic Party nomination for Vice-President

Senator Barack Obama pays a surprise visit to the DNC Convention

Later in the morning, I will have the "also spoke" speakers when people upload them to You Tube.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

West Virginia Primary Results and Ruminations

First, the Democrats:

  1. 67.0% Clinton 239,062
  2. 25.7% Obama 91,652
  3. 07.3% Edwards 26,076

And, the GOP:

  1. 76.0% McCain 89,683
  2. 10.3% Huckster12,175
  3. 05.0% Paul 5,914
  4. 04.4% Romney 5,188
  5. 02.4% Rudy 2,831
  6. 01.2% Keyes 1,426
  7. 00.6% Others 727
Source: New York Slimes


Edwards, the man who dropped out months ago, got nearly 1/3 the vote that Obama did, and nearly 75% of West Virginians voted against the presumptive Democratic nominee. What a protest vote, indeed!

On the other hand, 24% of Republicans voted against the GOP nominee. Not quite the showing the Democrats engaged in, to be sure. Also, there were two Republicans still on the ballot, and ordinarily one would expect the protest vote to coalesce around the minority candidate, however, this year that minority man is Ron unacceptable man to the majority of right-thinking Republicans. He received a mere 5%, while the Huckster received more than twice his vote (10.3%) and another 9.6% also said no to Ron Paul, McCain, and the Huckster.

This has been one of the very few benefits to the Ron Paul Supporters (I call them Pauleroids) joining the dampens any breakout power that they, or their candidate could have. They have been reduced to formulating resolutions, and planning temper tantrums that will further damage their standing in the party. Just imagine the damage a Ron Paul/Bob Barr ticket could have done to us in the General Election. By himself, Bob Barr is just sad humorless, sarcastic man. With Ron Paul, those two men could have been Ross Perot, redux. With a weak candidate like John McCain, we cannot afford that. God has already given us the gift of Obama, who is about the weakest candidate the Democrats could have put up. He hasn't decided to give us over to the fire just yet...we have been given another go at it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hillary Clinton: A History of Lies

The now-retired general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Hillary when she worked on the Watergate investigation, says Hillary’s history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes.

Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.


“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

How could a 27-year-old House staff member do all that? She couldn’t do it by herself, but Zeifman said she was one of several individuals – including Marshall, special counsel John Doar and senior associate special counsel (and future Clinton White House Counsel) Bernard Nussbaum – who engaged in a seemingly implausible scheme to deny Richard Nixon the right to counsel during the investigation.
Source: Hillbilly White Trash


Does this surprise anyone? Hillary Clinton is a liar. Bill Clinton is a liar
[1] [2] [3]. Barack Obama is a liar [1] [2] [3].

Friday, March 21, 2008

Jan 9th, Feb 21st and March 14th:.
What Do These Dates Have In Common?

January 9th was the day after the New Hampshire Primary, where Hillary Clinton and John McCain emerged as the winners.

February 21st was the day of the Texas Democrat deabte. [Transcript] [Video]

March 14th was the day the Wright Story was picked up by the Legacy Media, curiously replacing the Ferraro Furor.

Coincidence? Likely.

I notice that lefties are trying to place blame on their favorite enemy, George W. Bush. I say to them, "You had better focus your attentions on Hillary, because if you do not go after her with everything in your arsenal, she'll have the nomination. And if Obama gets the nomination, you can count on her to work to undermine him with more vigor than McCain. After all, he has suspended an aide who made a youtube video attacking Obama. What would he do to one of his people digging through Obama's passport info? Or to a Bush Admin effort to assist him? He'd run, not walk to a camera to denounce the effort.

You had better find a way to utterly destroy Hillary as a viable candidate, or make peace with her, for she will eat you alive. Never underestimate a Clinton. There are many who did, and have had their careers destroyed, lives destroyed, or have assumed room temperature. Just watch the Clinton Chronicles. And if the video gets taken down again, I have a copy of it I am willing to upload.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Goodbye Freedom Fighter Ronbo Barbour

A fellow blogger has committed suicide.

I would typically read his blog entries three or four times a week, and linked to them on a regular basis from my headline news site because they made good reading, and his analysis was bang on.

He quit posting at the end of last year, saying he was going on the road. I thought that he needed some time to figure things out. He still managed to average about 200 hits a day because his blog contains a vast amount of information, and (I'm sure) several people were checking periodically to see if he was back yet. (Once you've been bitten by the blogging bug, it's hard to let go for long).

Well, he did come back, for one last post to say farewell to the world. [Duplicate post from his backup blog] It was his attempt to make his planned death mean something. I am sure he wanted something good to come from his death. It may. That still doesn't justify what he has done.

He placed a great deal of blame on an incident in 1994 in which he felt railroaded by the feds. I can whole heartedly agree with his feeling. I know people who have been treated in a similar fashion, and every such incident took place during the Clinton Administration. Several people from western North Carolina are in federal prison from crossing an unwritten (then, anyway) line with federal officials who had ties to the White House.

Some of those people have served their time, and are still hounded by people who want to make their lives worthless.
Being part Scots-Irish and Cherokee, my advice to them (and to anyone else) is that the best revenge you can have is surviving, and succeeding though it may take the rest of your life. Never, ever, ever give the bastards the satisfaction of seeing you fail completely. If you fall, get right back up and crawl through broken glass if you have to, but never give in, never give up.

I feel like if I had known what he was going through, I could have talked him away from the edge.

Now, he'll not see another sunrise. He'll not be able to chuckle at the Hilda Beast's current struggles with Obama. He'll not get to horse laugh at Bill Clinton as he becomes totally irrelevant, not even able to help his wife win the White House. For that, I am truly saddened. I will have to remember to chuckle for him, to laugh for him. To take the time to appreciate what I do have...for him, and for all those I have known who can no longer do so.

Be sure you watch the last videos he posted over at his blog.

I will take the liberty of posting one of them here so you can see perhaps a glimpse of what he was worried about, but needlessly threw his life away trying to draw attention to:

Good Bye, Ron. I'll miss your posts, and your perspective. Both will be sorely missed in the coming Dark Days for the West...we will need freedom fighters to survive...

Others who have commented on Ron's passing...

Free Republic, where I first discovered it.

The Midnight Sun, where he sometimes posted.

Up Pompeii

Something, and Half of Nothing

I'll add blogs as I find them:

Gates of Vienna

Time Bomb 2000

Something Awful Forums


Winds of Jihad

Weasel Zippers

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bill Clinton Lashes Out Against Pro-Lifers in Steubenville, Ohio

STEUBENVILLE – Agitated after being greeted by over a hundred pro-life students at a rally in Steubenville tonight, Clinton lost his temper yet again after losing his cool at an Obama supporter in Canton, Ohio. This time, Clinton lashed out during his speech at the pro-life students:

“I gave you the answer. We disagree with you,” Clinton said. “You wanna criminalize women and their doctors and we disagree… I reduced abortion… Tell the truth, tell the truth… If you were really pro-life, if you were really pro-life, you would want to put every doctor and every mother as an accessory to murder in prison. And you won’t say you wanna do that because you know that because you know that you wouldn’t have a lick of political support. Now, the issue is who … the issue is, you can’t name me anybody presently in politics that did more to introduce policies that reduce the number of real abortions instead of the hot air putting out to tear people up and make votes by dividing America. “This is not your rally. I heard you. That’s another thing you need is a president, somebody who will stick up for individual rights and not be pushed around, and she won’t.”

Clinton’s heated response came after being questioned on his support of abortion-on-demand. Video has been captured of the outburst and will be posted on YouTube. The outburst is also being reported by MSNBC.

Source: Race 4 2008

Video will be posted here when it becomes available.

Gateway Pundit has the story on the tussle with an Obama Supporter.

Here is the video:

Updated link to Race 4 2008.

I hope this shows some of the people who were misguided by Bill Clinton's fake triangulation tactics during the 1990's to fake out out the social conservatives to vote for him. Just like any other lefty...he is full of hate, and we should never forget that his wife is of the same philosophy as him, although less skilled. She may have to resort to outright theft in order to secure the nomination.

The Clinton Chronicles

Here is the complete Clinton Chronicles, an hour and 43 minute documentary on Bill and Hillary Clinton.

I dedicate this posting to the hope that his wife, and co-conspirator, can be eliminated from the 2008 Democrat Primary by Barack Obama.