1st up is TCOT Radio. The host of this show is Tony Katz out of Los Angeles, and he runs the show for the rapidly expanding TCOT Network of Conservative Activists:
The show starts at 4pm Eastern and runs for an hour, and will be archived shortly after the end of the show for your listening pleasure by Blog Talk Radio.
You can listen to the show here, or join in the chat room and interact with some of the other listeners and the show host.
TCOT Radio Showpage
TCOT Radio Blogpage
And last, but certainly not least, is Josh Allem's radio show, called JPA Live.
If you are a conservative, and Christian, you'll LOVE this show. If you are a heathen, then your brains will probably melt away like the Nazis did in the Ark of the Covenant scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark!!!
The show starts at 5pm Eastern.
Join in the chatroom.
JPA Live Showpage
Josh Allem's Blog (a must read!)
And as a bonus, I am going to poach his "Best of JPA Live Volume #16" and embed it here so you can hear what you have been missing! This volume is an hour and 26 minutes long: