
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Showing posts with label 911 Retards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 911 Retards. Show all posts

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Another Roasted Paulnut...

Nearly two months ago, Paulnut Debra Medina took herself out of the running for governor of Texas when she failed to condemn the 9/11 Troofers who have been debunked at every turn when she was being given the chance of a lifetime on The Glenn Beck radio show on Feb 11, 2010.

Here is the audio of the interview captured in a You Tube video.

This is the same way Ron Paul has played footsie with the Truthers for the last few years as well, and it’s not uncommon among Paul followers. Given the fact that conservatives demanded that Barack Obama remove Van Jones for essentially saying the same thing — something Beck doesn’t hesitate to point out — shouldn’t conservatives rebuke Medina for the same thing? Beck jokes about french-kissing Rick Perry after hearing from Medina and calls him a “good-looking man” in comparison, so he’s already given his answer to the question.

I’d say that Medina’s hit the apex of her political career today.
Source: Ed Morrissey, writing at Hot Air

And Jim Hoft, at Gateway Pundit provided some good links (and commentary) about the self-immolation of the Medina campaign. A commenter on the ground in Texas tells us that:

Jim, here is my report from on the ground:

Medina is a Ron Pauler. She worked on Paul’s last campaign and has adopted the tactics the the Paulians did when Paul threw his hat in the presidential ring.

When polls are taken (Perry, Hutchison, Medina) her supporters (former Paulians) crash the polls by calling in time after time after time, just as they did during the presidential campaign.

She claims to have the Tx. Tea Party groups behind her, but she doesn’t.

Yeah, we knew she was a Truffer. But she had done her best to keep that little fact under wraps because she knows it won’t play well in Texas.

Good to see she lost it with Beck. Her campaign is probably now on life support, along with KBH.

I could tell she was probably a Troofer because all the Troofers supported her and were posting articles supporting her campaign on their Facebook walls and sending me messages about how good for Texas Debra Medina was. I don't think these people realize that their support for candidates is turning more people off than not. Of course, if these idiots are busy gaming polls, then they'll be doing less damage elsewhere. I'd also prefer that they donate to her campaign than donate to campaigns locally.

And if you need one more reason to be suspicious of Debra Medina, just watch this collection of four video where she appears on the Alex Jones radio show. (Alex Jones is the King of nuts):

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Exposing Truther Lies

One of the blogs I follow is called Ft Hard Knox, and has a too infrequent series called Exposing Truther Lies, and just today has posted the fourth in the series, and here is an excerpt:

Lie number 10 is that the towers never reached full occupancy ( reference).

As we see here, as of February of 2001, the WTC occupancy rate was 98%- and in January of 1997, Real-Estate Director Cherrie Nanning stated that 97 % occupancy would be considered full occupancy.

Lie number 11 is the “truther” claim that photos and videos of the bowed columns were a result of light refraction ( source ).

As usual. “truthers” ignore the basic laws of physics. Here are the real facts: 1)  The many TV cameras in the area before the collapse- and after the airplane impact- were at numerous different angles.  Since light refraction will change with the person who’s observing it, it is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for every single camera to have shown the refraction in the same way regardless of angle ( reference and source), 2) Videos only show bowing on one side of the building; if it had been heat, it would have been shown on ALL sides of the building, and 3) Every single piece of video evidence shows the columns being pulled in violently when the collapse began, meaning there’s NO POSSIBLE WAY for it to be refracted light ( source

Clearly, we have more Roadrunner Cartoon physics from the “truthers.”

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Twoofers Lose To Science, AGAIN

This is the final report on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) investigation of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7), conducted under the National Construction Safety Team Act.  This report describes how the fires that followed the impact of debris from the collapse of WTC 1 (the north tower) led to the collapse of WTC 7; an evaluation of the building evacuation and emergency response procedures; what procedures and practices were used in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the building; and areas in current building and fire codes, standards, and practices that warrant revision.  Extensive details are found in the companion reports, NIST NCSTAR 1-9 and NIST NCSTAR 1-9A.

Also in this report is a summary of how NIST reached its conclusions.  NIST complemented in-house expertise with private sector technical experts; accumulated copious documents, photographs, and videos of the disaster; conducted first-person interviews of building occupants and emergency responders; analyzed the evacuation and emergency response operations in and around WTC 7; performed computer simulations of the behavior of WTC 7 on September 11, 2001; and combined the knowledge gained into a probable collapse sequence.

The report concludes with a list of 13 recommendations for action in the areas of increased structural integrity, enhanced fire endurance of structures, new methods for fire resistant design of structures, enhanced active fire protection, improved emergency response, improved procedures and practices, and education and training.  One of these is new; the other 12 are reiterated from the investigation into the collapse of the WTC towers.  Each of the 13 is relevant to WTC 7.
October 2008

NIST NCSTAR 1A:  Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 

NIST Video: The Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Building Fell

Source: Science Daily

Hat Tip: Pirate's Cove


I have been in more arguments with the loons known as 9/11 Twoofer (or Truthers) than I care to recall. One thing they all share in common is a blatant disregard for science (even when I walk calculations through with them step by step), photographic evidence, and a severe lack of connection with reality (I mean look at it, these guys listen to ANYONE who says it was a conspiracy of some sort, and ignore ANYONE who says it wasn't, and lays out the evidence).

I predict this will mean nothing to the lunatic fringe who need to believe that there is a conspiracy involved for purely selfish, insular, and psychological reasons (mostly to compensate for cases of severe inadequacy, paranoid delusions, and so forth). I also have a hunch that there may be a spiritual component to this mental virus these people suffer from, it is so destructive to those that suffer from it.

Attempting to show these people the truth is more akin to spreading pearls before swine. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Insane Alex Jones and Other Lefties Attack Michelle Malkin

I have less than zero respect for the Alex Jones crowd, including the 9/11 Twoofers and Ron Paul Supporters who are part of this insanity. They have nothing to offer this country, and I should stop now before I say something that can be held against me in a court of law...

Read about these Human Pond Scum at Founding Bloggers.
**update** 2.55PM Here is a video produced by Pajamas Media about the event above:

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories

Yesterday, I released a video debunking chemtrails in response to an obviously disturbed individual's video.

The person refused to allow it to be posted as a response to their video. This was, of course, expected. These people will not allow their religious faith to be assaulted, at least, that was my assumption. Upon further research, there may be a better explanation:

Goertzel identified three traits as being correlated with a belief in conspiracy theories:

* anomia, the respondent stated a belief that he/she felt alienated or disaffection relative to “the system;”
* a tendency to distrust other people; and
* a feeling of insecurity regarding continued employment.

Citing Volkan, who suggested that insecure and/or discontented people very often feel a need for a tangible enemy on which to externalize their anger, Goertzel notes that conspiracy theories may serve to provide an “enemy” to blame for problems which “otherwise seem t
oo abstract and impersonal.” He further observes that conspiracy theories also provide ready answers for the believer’s unanswered questions and help to resolve contradictions between known ‘facts’ and an individual's belief system. The latter observation seems to be verified by the widespread acceptance within the Muslim world of the contention that the September 11 attacks were the work of Israel, in conjunction with the Bush Administration, in order to increase anti-Muslim sentiments abroad.6

Surprisingly, Goertzel found that there was no correlation between race, age, and economic status and the latter two traits. Although he did not suggest that the two latter traits mentioned above may be self-perpetuating (people who have experienced employment difficulties in the past may be more distrusting of others which, in turn, may lead to future interpersonal issues that can have a negative impact on employment), intuitive reasoning suggests that this could be possible.

In summary, I accept the published findings and opinions of Goertzel et al as being at least subjectively valid. Successful conspiracy theories are those that to some degree empower the believer against what are perceived as external forces that he/she blames for some unpleasant or undesirable facet of their lives. In addition conspiracy theories serve to absolve the individual of some degree of self-accountability since, if the individual is being “oppressed” by some powerful conspiracy, the individual’s efforts at self-advancement will always be futile and thus become nothing more than “a waste of time.” Sadly, it seems that conspiracy theories and their advocates are now deeply engrained in the popular psyche and without prospects for their ultimate refutation.

Source: The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories

Suggested Reading:

Psychology Today

San Fransisco Chronicle

The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories (Power Point Format)


This is so sad that so many people are falling prey to these pernicious beliefs, and to those who use those beliefs to make a living...even becoming rich from them. I have tried to reason with some of these people, and found myself frustrated at their universal unwillingness to accept science, and even photographic evidence (even when identifying engine parts from a 757 inside the Pentagon for a 9/11 nut), and eventually, I was accused of being "on the payroll" of X (the Illuminati, Israel, ZOG, Karl Rove), or of being a complete idiot.

I feel like someone trying to tell cavemen that lightning is not made by the gods, that it is just a natural event. Persistent Contrails are the same thing...water vapor frozen into ice crystal in the atmosphere.

I weep for the future of mankind...and the legacy of In Search Of, and the satanic Coast to Coast AM.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Asheville IndyMedia Call Ron Paul a Liar

You know things are looking bad for your candidate when even the Socialists and Anarchists "Pile On!"

Anyway I believe my posts below from message board this weekend explain my feelings about Ron Paul aiding James Davidson's's 'naked short claim' penny stock frauds.Further I would remind Mr.Paul that his own state is harboring penny stock criminals making the same false claims as he and his corrupt penny stock tout 'Libertarians'.Houston attorneys John O'Quinn and James Wes Christian have dumped worthless shares of Jag Media Holdings,Endovasc of Montgomery,Texas and others while the folks at Endovasc who lied about being a Stanford University connected 'biotech' company(including Judge Ken Reilly),worked with a Kuala Lumpur and Dubai connected boiler room called Bellador Group and now thanks to irresponsible politicians such as Ron Paul the fraudulent claim has finally crossed the Atlantic and entered into UK penny stock lore.
So far Ron Paul supports an econic lie and fraud and does a disservice to his economiust heroe Ludwig Von Mises.And as one who was born in Texas Ron Paul makes me ashamed of that state's corruption as epitomised by his support of this fraudulent penny stock claim used even by Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi's GenesisIntermedia penny stock fraud that Paul Singer and Carl Ichan benefitted from but also Bernie Kerik's Taser.So far Ron Paul comes off looking as bad as Rudy Giuliani for aiding and abetting penny stock fraud with its consequent money laundering and drug laundering potential,(ie.-Skyway Communications,etc.).

If Mr.Paul and Christopher Shay and the other House of Representatives member who wrote their scammy letter to the SEC are as ignorant as they pretend about the fraudulent 'naked short selling' claim'(used to divert attention from illegal insider manipulations of their own stock) then they would be doing their country a favor by resigning from the House of Representatives - and certainly not do us the further disservice of seeking higher office.
Ron Paul should pressure the appropriate offices in his own state to prosecute attorneys O'Quinn and Wes Christian for using courts and the legal system to protect their fraudulent penny stock clients and distort the legal system with lies about 'naked shorting' causing share collapse when in truth Endovasc of Montgomery,Texas and Jag Media Holdings and O'Quinn and Christians other penny stock criminal clients were dumping their own shares.In fact the lying Texas attorneys were dumping their clients worthless shares as well while lyting about 'naked shorting'.

Tony Ryals
Source: Asheville IndyMedia, if you have the stomach to read the whole thing. There is a payoff, however, if you are in the "9/11 Conspiracy Thing" because the author eventually gets around to connecting Ron Paul with 9/11.


I used to think the Black Helicopter Crowd in the 90's were strange, these guys have shown me a whole new level of strange! Perhaps even more strange than the insane people who believe the crap on Coast to Coast AM!

For example, I started ignoring Jerome Corsi after I started hearing him on Coast to Coast AM while I was prepping my web sites with new new content. Now, I have an XM Radio, and don't have to listen any more!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Bill Clinton Delivers Smack Down To Twoofer

I am no fan of President Bill Clinton, but his reaction to a 9/11 Twoofer could not have been more eloquently stated!

The video will no longer play for me, so as I backup, I have re-uploaded it to another account:

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Why The Left Must Deny September 11, 2001

In the endless Summer of Love there is no 9/11. And to tens of millions of dreamy folk on the Left, the Summer of Love never stopped. For those people there is no dangerous Ahmadi-Nejad in Tehran, threatening a fiery new holocaust for Tel Aviv and Washington, DC. There is no nuclear proliferation by mad little mass-murdering Kim Jong Il. There is no Osama Bin Laden stirring up terror cells around the world -- just a poor, confused man somewhere in the mysterious, deeply spiritual East, whom we have offended in some terrible way.

For the Dreamy Left there is no history, and no fundamental human conflict. There was no Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor half a century ago -- except as a terrible misunderstanding, because our parents and grandparents were just so ignorant and racist in that benighted time. There was never a Cold War, there is no necessary war ever, there is no human value worth fighting for. We have transcended all that by our saintly morality and good will. History was mostly a big misunderstanding. Reality is only an agreement. Peace and Love are forever and ever, and nobody has to do anything to make it so, except to wish for it hard enough. If everybody wants it, it will be so.
Source: The American Thinker

Hat Tip: The Freedom Fighter's Journal

As long as I have breath, I will remember that day, and tell others about that day. I will pull out audio, video, and written accounts of that day and show my nephews, nieces, children, and grandchildren.

We must never forget.

Or else, we will end up like these idiots in (where else) AshevilleSan Fransisco:

The anti-American War Protesters all gathered in San Fransisco, and the crowd included 9/11 Truthers, International ANSWER, Communists, Idiot Ron Paul Supporters, the Revolutionary Workers Group, Vegans, Cannibis Action Network, Wonder Woman and Spiderman.

Don't believe me? Check out Zombietime's Photo Essay, from whom I swiped the headlining photo for this post.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Anti-Semitic and Far Left Supporters of Ron Paul

Rob Taylor has been digging around the fevered swamps of Ron Paul supporters, and has found some real nut jobs:
This time it’s the paranoid mouth breathers from Freedomtown who are putting up YouTube videos supporting Ron Paul’s fight against “neo-conservatives” and demanding “9-11 truth.”

Wow. Feedomtown has (I kid you not) a Sheeple De-programing section on their website where they ironically recycle Communist propaganda and as you would suspect promote Alex Jonesian hoaxes. It’s funny to check out Paul’s supporters, until you realize that President Paul would have people just like them in positions of power.

Imagine Secretary of State whoever telling the U.N. that we need to contain the NWO (Jews) by force if necessary. Or Ron Paul brownshirts rounding up “Zionists” for stirring up trouble in the mid east. If Paul was elected that’s exactly what would happen.

In case you want to make the case that Freedomtown isn’t anti-semitic, check out this page then try to make that argument. Yeah, I didn’t think so.

But is Freedomtown really a bunch of rabid conservatives and libertarians. No their quite far left actually, or at least their trusted anti big media sources are. A few progressive websites the “patriots” at Freedomtown think you should be reading (taken from their links page):

Source: Red Alerts

Hat Tip: Center for Vigilant Freedom Blogroll

Monday, June 4, 2007

Ron Paul's IDIOT Supporters Captured on You Tube

These people are idiots.

Hat Tip: LGF (read the comments!)