S2 | Lottery School Capital Fund Formula. | S | 01/29/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S3 | Smoky Mountains National Park Plate Changes. | H | 08/05/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S4 | Clarify Emergency Judge Qualifications. | H | 03/02/2009 | Ref to the Com on Judiciary III, if favorable, Appropriations |
S13 (= H1503) | Injury to Pregnant Woman/Penalty. | S | 01/29/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary I |
S15 | Session Limits. | H | 02/24/2009 | Ref to the Com on State Government/State Personnel, if favorable, Appropriations |
S17 | Pay Teachers the ABC Bonuses They Earned. | S | 02/02/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S18 | Amend Cemetery Act. | R | 07/20/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-102 |
S20 | Public Financing Changes. | H | 07/07/2010 | Placed On Cal For 7/8/2010 |
S23 | Restraint/Juvenile in Custody/Ct's Discretion. | S | 02/03/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary I |
S24 | Special Plate for the Given Memorial Library. | S | 02/03/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S30 (= H91) | Funds for Project C.A.R.E. | S | 02/04/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S31 (= H12) | Bioptic Lenses/Drivers License Tests. | S | 02/04/2009 | Ref To Com On Commerce |
S32 | Employers Must Use Federal E-Verify Program. | S | 07/07/2009 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S33 | Child Welfare Collaborative Funds. | S | 02/04/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S65 | Amend Computer Solicitation of Child. | R | 07/24/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-336 |
S66 (= H149) | Comprehensive Arts Education Plan. | R | 07/01/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-34 |
S82 | Graduated Matching Funds Based on Tier Status. | S | 02/10/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S89 (= H128) | Authorize Grandfather Mtn. as State Park. | R | 03/31/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-12 |
S118 | Four-Year Term Implementing. | S | 02/11/2009 | Ref To Com On Ways and Means |
S119 | Four-Year Terms. | S | 02/11/2009 | Ref To Com On Ways and Means |
S125 | Housing Trust Fund Appropriation. | S | 02/12/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S138 | Salvia Divinorum Unlawful. | R | 08/28/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-538 |
S139 (= H201) | Add Division of LESS to CCPS. | S | 02/12/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S140 | Protect Victims/DV Shelters. | R | 06/07/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-5 |
S141 (= H163) | Limit Well Water Testing for VOC's. | R | 06/19/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-124 |
S142 (= H93) | Caisson Coordinator Contract Position/SHP. | S | 02/12/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S143 | Continue Child Supp./21 Yrs/College Students. | H | 05/14/2009 | Ref to the Com on Juvenile Justice, if favorable, Judiciary III |
S144 | Amend Innocence Inquiry Commission. | R | 08/02/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-171 |
S146 (= H114) | Honor Roger Bone. | R | 03/09/2009 | Ch. Res 2009-5 |
S147 (= H504) | Tax Credit For Energy-Efficient Homes. | S | 02/12/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S153 | DMV to Notify Employer of CDL Convictions. | S | 02/12/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary I |
S154 | Disability Income/Eliminate Veterans Offset. | S | 02/12/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S159 | Update Funeral Expense Allowance/Estates. | R | 07/10/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-288 |
S162 | NAACP's 100th Anniversary. | R | 02/16/2009 | Ch. Res 2009-1 |
S163 (= H230) | Clay County Local Sales Tax Modification. | S | 02/16/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S170 | Our Children's Place Funds. | S | 02/16/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S199 (= H6) | Davie's Law/Humane Euthanasia in Shelters. | S | 02/18/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary I |
S204 (= H329) | Retired Nurses Return to Work. | R | 06/19/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-137 |
S205 (= H2) | Prohibit Smoking in Public & Work Places. | S | 02/18/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary I |
S206 (= H173) | Kids Voting Funds. | S | 02/18/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S229 (= H232) | Scholarship Loan for Rural Social Workers. | S | 02/19/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S230 | Continue Rural Economic Transition Program. | S | 02/19/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S239 (= H372) | Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Credit. | S | 02/19/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S241 (= H775) | Alt. Testimony/Children and Adults with Disab. | S | 05/20/2009 | Re-ref Com On Judiciary I |
S252 (= H380) | Comply with Melendez-Diaz Decision. | R | 08/26/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-473 |
S253 (= H378) | Absentee Voting Improvements. | R | 08/28/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-537 |
S254 (= H379) | Susie's Law | R | 06/23/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-16 |
S255 (= H377) | Authorize Emergency Mgmt. Certification Prog. | H | 05/11/2009 | Ref to the Com on Homeland Security, Military, and Veterans Affairs, if favorable, State Government/State Personnel |
S256 | Clarify Local Government Evacuation Authority. | R | 06/22/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-146 |
S257 (= H381) | Expand Division of Emergency Mgmt. Authority. | S | 05/05/2009 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S258 (= H382) | Authorize Voluntary Medical Registry Program. | R | 06/30/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-225 |
S259 | Interscholastic Sports Open to All Students. | S | 02/23/2009 | Ref To Com On Education/Higher Education |
S262 | Expunctions/Purge Online Databases. | R | 08/26/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-510 |
S267 (= H376) | Adequately Fund Seventh Hazmat Team. | S | 02/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S271 (= H206) | Affordable Housing for Local Employees. | S | 02/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S272 | Defense of Marriage. | S | 02/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Ways & Means |
S273 (= H387) | School Nutrition Program Funds. | S | 02/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S274 (= H263) | Funds/NCSU Vet. Teaching & Research Fund. | S | 02/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S277 (= H23) | Strengthen Child Labor Violation Penalties. | S | 02/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary II |
S280 (= H940) | Funds/NC Special Olympics. | S | 02/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S292 | Citizens Commission on Compensation. | S | 02/25/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S298 (= H1143) | Military Wartime Veteran Special Plate Change. | S | 02/25/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S299 | U.S. Navy Specialty Plate Change. | S | 02/25/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S306 (= H537) | New Assistant Principals/No Pay Decrease. | S | 03/18/2009 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S308 (= H769) | Low Profit Limited Liability Company. | R | 08/03/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-187 |
S321 (= H187) | Encourage Policies to Facilitate Graduation. | S | 02/26/2009 | Ref To Com On Education/Higher Education |
S322 (= H185) | Communities in Schools Funds. | S | 02/26/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S323 (= H184) | Funding for Learn and Earn. | S | 02/26/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S324 | Medicaid/Hemophilic Drugs/No Prior Auth. | R | 06/29/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-210 |
S325 (= H325) | Mountains-to-Sea Trail Special Plate. | S | 02/26/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S326 (= H385) | Public School Bus Use/Stecoah Valley Ctr. Prg. | S | 02/26/2009 | Ref To Com On Education/Higher Education |
S329 | Right to Hunt. | S | 02/26/2009 | Ref To Com On Ways & Means |
S342 (= H590) | Study Grandparents' Visitation Rights. | S | 03/02/2009 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S343 (= H375) | Funds for Medical Examiner Equipment. | S | 03/02/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S344 (= H373) | Expand Flu Vaccines for Children/Funds. | S | 03/02/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S345 (= H374) | Public Health Technical Changes. | R | 08/07/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-442 |
S362 (= H229) | Retired Teachers Return to Work. | S | 03/03/2009 | Ref to Education/Higher Education. If fav, re-ref to Appropriations/Base Budget |
S367 (= H568) | Franchise Tax-Overbilling Out of Capital Base. | R | 08/05/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-422 |
S368 | Various Changes in Motor Vehicle Law.-AB | R | 07/31/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-376 |
S371 | Honor Richard John Matthews. | S | 03/04/2009 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S376 | Honor Jim Long. | R | 05/26/2009 | Ch. Res 2009-16 |
S383 (= H319) | Water and Sewer Infrastructure/Funds. | S | 03/04/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S384 | 50th Senatorial District Local Act. | S | 03/04/2009 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S385 | Macon Subdivisions. | R | 05/26/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-33 |
S408 (= H457) | Recommended Approp. MH/DD/SA Oversight Comm. | S | 03/05/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S409 (= H458) | Recommendations of MH/DD/SA Oversight Comm. | S | 03/19/2009 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S410 | Increase Cig. Tax/Proceeds to MHTF. | S | 03/05/2009 | Ref to Finance. If fav, re-ref to Appropriations/Base Budget |
S411 (= H766) | Amend Survivor's Alternate Benefit. | R | 06/16/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-109 |
S414 | NC Symphony Funds. | S | 03/05/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S438 | Safer Communities Ministry Funds. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S442 (= H419) | Customized Training Prog. Funds/Comm. Coll. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S443 (= H198) | Differentiated Funding/Allied Health Programs. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S444 (= H199) | Salary Funds/Comm. Coll. Faculty and Staff. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S445 (= H420) | Community College Equipment Funds. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S446 (= H217) | Comm. Coll. Technical Education Funds. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S454 | DOT/Fiber-Optic Cable. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary II |
S455 (= H483) | School Calendar Flexibility/Some LEAs. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Education/Higher Education |
S456 | Expand Energy Star Sales Tax Holiday. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S457 (= H606) | Add Definition of Biodiesel. | R | 06/30/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-237 |
S465 | Amend State Fair Housing Act. | R | 07/31/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-388 |
S466 (= H496) | TROSA Substance Abuse Funds. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S468 | Authorize Insurance for Former Employees. | R | 08/28/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-564 |
S470 | Spay/Neuter Program Funding. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S471 | Pay Equity Study. | S | 03/09/2009 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S488 | Establish Proportionate Sentence Lengths. | R | 08/28/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-556 |
S489 (= H1606) | Even Out Prior Criminal Record Points. | R | 08/28/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-555 |
S490 (= H1607) | Adjust B1-E Felony Penalties. | S | 05/13/2009 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S500 | Raise Homestead Exclusion Income Limit. | S | 03/11/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S501 (= H1423) | IDF Eligibility Modifications. | S | 03/11/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S505 | DHHS Block Grant Funds. | S | 03/11/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S517 (= H602) | Mental Health Services Funds. | S | 03/11/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S534 (= H177) | Healthy Families and Healthy Workplaces Act. | S | 03/12/2009 | Ref To Com On Commerce |
S557 (= H697) | Remove Restriction/LEO Disability Benefits. | S | 03/12/2009 | Ref To Com On Pensions & Retirement & Aging |
S558 | Retirement System COLAs. | S | 03/19/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S559 (= H549) | Increase Fire and Rescue Pension. | S | 03/19/2009 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S583 | Tuition Reciprocity/Community Colleges. | H | 05/18/2009 | Ref to the Com on Education, if favorable, Appropriations |
S584 (= H570) | Amend Private Protective Services Act. | R | 07/24/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-328 |
S592 (= H853) | Workforce Training for Economic Recovery. | S | 03/16/2009 | Ref to Education/Higher Education. If fav, re-ref to Appropriations/Base Budget |
S594 (= H659) | Study Existing Children/Youth Programs. | S | 03/16/2009 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S600 (= H1080) | Condemnation of Conservation Easements. | R | 08/07/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-439 |
S603 (= H658) | Funds for Juvenile Crime Prevention Councils. | S | 03/16/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S604 | Funds/CAARE, Inc. | S | 03/16/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S620 | P.E.O. Special Registration Plate. | S | 03/17/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S621 (= H681) | Folkmoot USA Funds. | S | 03/17/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S626 (= H521) | Children's Advocacy Centers Funds. | S | 03/17/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S632 (= H556) | Treasurer's Governance & Transparency Act. | H | 06/03/2009 | Re-ref Com On Finance |
S633 | Stipulation for Final Decision by OAH. | R | 06/01/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-51 |
S678 | Establish Physician Assistant Scholarships. | H | 06/02/2009 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations |
S679 (= H813) | Uniform Apportionment of Tort Responsibility. | S | 03/19/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary I |
S735 (= H369) | Civil War Special Plate. | S | 03/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S736 | Friends of Camp Daniel Boone Special Plate. | S | 03/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S737 (= H218) | Parent & Student Educational Involvement Act. | S | 03/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Education/Higher Education |
S749 | Revise UM/UIM Liability Coverage Requirements. | R | 08/28/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-561 |
S759 | Modify DWI Checking Station Requirements. | H | 06/25/2009 | Re-ref Com On Judiciary I |
S760 (= H1066) | Per Diem Erosion Control Penalties. | S | 05/04/2009 | Re-ref Com On Finance |
S766 | Magistrate Appointment Changes. | S | 03/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary I |
S767 | Consultation in Appointing Magistrates. | S | 03/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary I |
S768 (= H1415) | Increase Earned Income Tax Credit. | S | 03/24/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S781 | Workers' Comp/Choice of Physician. | S | 03/25/2009 | Ref To Com On Commerce |
S788 | Expunge Nonviolent Felonies/Young Offenders. | S | 03/25/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary I |
S811 | Fuel Rationing Authority for Governor. | H | 05/18/2009 | Ref to the Com on Homeland Security, Military, and Veterans Affairs, if favorable, State Government/State Personnel |
S847 (= H618) | Funds for Farmland Preservation Trust Fund. | S | 03/25/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S908 | Fire and Rescue Separation Allowances. | S | 03/26/2009 | Ref To Com On Pensions & Retirement & Aging |
S915 | Repeal County Land Transfer Tax. | S | 03/26/2009 | Ref To Com On Finance |
S928 | The Castle Doctrine. | H | 05/19/2009 | Ref to the Com on Judiciary I, if favorable, Ways and Means/Broadband Connectivity, if favorable, Appropriations |
S948 | Study Comm./Youth Aging Out of Foster Care. | S | 03/26/2009 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S966 | Expanded Voter-Owned Elections. | S | 05/12/2009 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S968 | Mountain Resources Planning. | R | 08/26/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-485 |
S970 | Fund Regional Economic Recovery Alliances. | S | 03/26/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S982 (= H814) | Small Business Assistance Fund. | H | 08/07/2009 | Conf Com Appointed |
S983 | DOT Vegetation Removal Changes. | S | 03/26/2009 | Ref to Commerce. If fav, re-ref to Finance |
S990 | Increase Penalty/Timber Theft. | R | 08/26/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-508 |
S992 | Pyrotechnics Operator's License. | R | 06/25/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-22 |
S1022 | School Calendar Flexibility/Inclement Weather | S | 06/01/2010 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1028 | Volunteers to Support Acad. Success in School. | R | 08/07/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-453 |
S1069 (= H1038) | Joining Our Business and Schools Commission. | R | 07/24/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-339 |
S1073 | Amend Alarm Systems Licensing Act. | R | 08/28/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-557 |
S1074 | Wildlife Protectors/Public Safety Stops. | S | 03/31/2009 | Ref To Com On State and Local Government |
S1075 (= H793) | Salary Supplement/Some Automotive Teachers. | S | 03/31/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1076 | Modify Crim. Justice Partnership Program. | R | 07/27/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-349 |
S1077 | Remove E-NC Sunset. | S | 06/30/2010 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1078 | Delay Bond/Probationer Arrested For Felony. | R | 08/05/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-412 |
S1079 | Agricultural Research Farms. | S | 03/31/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1080 | Mining Permit Application Review by Locals. | S | 03/31/2009 | Ref To Com On Agriculture/Environment/Natural Resources |
S1081 | Drug and Alcohol Education Program. | S | 03/31/2009 | Ref to Education/Higher Education. If fav, re-ref to Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1082 | Juvenile Records/Probation Risk Assessment. | H | 04/23/2009 | Ref to the Com on Juvenile Justice, if favorable, Judiciary III |
S1083 | Little Tennessee River Basin Advisory Comm. | H | 08/05/2009 | Re-ref Com On Finance |
S1084 | Child Welfare Collaborative Funds. | S | 03/31/2009 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1085 | Legislative Commission on Gasoline Shortages. | S | 03/31/2009 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1086 | Correctional/Probation Training Comm. Study. | S | 05/12/2009 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1087 (= H926) | Continuous Alcohol Monitoring Systems. | S | 04/20/2009 | Re-ref Com On Judiciary I |
S1088 | Funeral Expenses State Highway Patrol. | H | 08/06/2009 | Ref to the Com on Homeland Security, Military, and Veterans Affairs, if favorable, Appropriations |
S1089 | Low-Risk Probationers May Be Unsupervised. | R | 07/10/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-275 |
S1090 | Amend Civil Procedure Rule 4. | S | 03/31/2009 | Ref To Com On Judiciary II |
S1091 | Clarify Wt. Measurement/Meth Trafficking. | R | 08/07/2009 | Ch. SL 2009-463 |
S1095 | Honor John Hope Franklin. | S | 04/02/2009 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1106 | Honor Vernon Malone. | R | 07/13/2009 | Ch. Res 2009-26 |
S1150 | Funds for Special Olympics NC. | S | 05/17/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1156 (= H2070) | Defense of Marriage. | S | 05/17/2010 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1177 (= H1810) | Rev. Laws Technical & Admin. Changes. | R | 07/17/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-95 |
S1178 (= H1959) | No Felon as Sheriff. | S | 05/18/2010 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1189 (= H1703) | Adult Day Care Criminal Record Check Process. | S | 05/18/2010 | Ref To Com On Health Care |
S1190 (= H1698) | Update Long-Term Care Statutes. | S | 05/18/2010 | Ref To Com On Health Care |
S1191 (= H1732) | Nurse Aide Training Review. | R | 07/08/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-69 |
S1192 (= H1692) | Medicaid Dental/Special Needs Population. | S | 05/18/2010 | Ref To Com On Health Care |
S1193 (= H1704) | Implement LTC Partnership Program. | R | 07/08/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-68 |
S1194 (= H1693) | Develop Special Needs Dental Care Workforce. | S | 05/18/2010 | Ref To Com On Health Care |
S1198 (= H1699) | Education Cabinet Est. STEM Priority. | R | 07/01/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-41 |
S1199 (= H1724) | Est. Regional School Planning Comm. | R | 08/03/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-183 |
S1200 (= H1718) | JOBS Commission Pilot Schools. | S | 05/18/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1201 (= H1719) | Add'l Flex./Coop. Innovative High Schools. | R | 08/03/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-182 |
S1202 (= H1700) | Budget Technical Corrections. | R | 07/21/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-123 |
S1203 (= H1705) | Consumer Guidelines for Hearing Aid Purchases. | S | 05/18/2010 | Ref To Com On Health Care |
S1204 (= H1694) | Comsn. on Children with Special Needs-Dentist. | S | 05/18/2010 | Ref To Com On Health Care |
S1211 | NCSU Funds/Industrial Extension Service. | S | 05/19/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1240 (= H1788) | DV Funds. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1241 (= H1762) | Domestic Violence Training for Judges. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1242 (= H1874) | Clarifying Changes to Gen. Statutes. | R | 07/20/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-97 |
S1243 (= H1812) | DV Cases/Review Criminal Record. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Judiciary I |
S1246 (= H1877) | Four-Year Cohort Graduation Rate. | R | 07/20/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-111 |
S1247 (= H1876) | Amend Dropout Prevention Grants. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Education/Higher Education |
S1248 (= H1875) | Early Identif. & Interv. for At-Risk Students. | R | 07/23/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-162 |
S1249 (= H1879) | Study Raising Compulsory Attendance Age. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1250 (= H1878) | Communities in Schools Funds. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1256 (= H1778) | Brevard Academy/Retirement Election. | R | 07/21/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-137 |
S1257 | Honor Transylvannia County's 150th. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1258 (= H1679) | Disapprove Comm. College Rule/Illegal Aliens. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Education/Higher Education |
S1259 (= H1677) | Delay Boylston Creek Reclass./Pub. Meetings. | R | 07/22/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-157 |
S1260 (= H1785) | Critical Water Grants/Jobs in Rural Areas. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1261 | NC Child Welfare Ed Collaborative Funds. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1262 (= H1663) | Multicampus Funds/Blue Ridge Comm. Coll. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1263 (= H1664) | Brevard Charter Amendment. | H | 06/14/2010 | Ref To Com On State Government/State Personnel |
S1264 (= H1772) | Cherokee School Board Terms. | S | 06/30/2010 | Re-ref Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1265 (= H1897) | Treatment of Autism Disorders. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Health Care |
S1266 (= H1899) | Funds for School-Based Health Centers. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1267 (= H1742) | Funds for Prevent Blindness. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1268 (= H1889) | CASTLE/Funds. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1284 (= H1832) | Farm to School Program/Funds. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1285 (= H1774) | Eliminate Reduced Price School Meals/Funds. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1286 (= H1904) | Screen For BMI Children CCNC Network. | H | 06/22/2010 | Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
S1287 (= H1726) | Improve Child Care Nutrition/Activity Stnds. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Health Care |
S1288 (= H1776) | Electronic Funds Transfers/Farmers Markets. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1289 (= H1756) | Update Statewide Nutrition Standards. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Health Care |
S1298 (= H1894) | Various Local Occupancy Taxes. | R | 07/09/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-78 |
S1333 (= H1701) | NC Sustainable Communities Task Force. | S | 05/20/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1351 | Regional Partnership Econ. Dev. Funds. | S | 05/24/2010 | Ref To Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1358 | School Calendar Flexibility/Inclement Weather. | S | 05/25/2010 | Ref To Com On Education/Higher Education |
S1359 (= H2044) | Amend Highlands Scholarship Fund. | R | 06/23/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-9 |
S1415 (= H2039) | Change Name to WNC Public Lands Council. | S | 06/08/2010 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations/Base Budget |
S1436 | Graham County Relief. | S | 05/27/2010 | Ref To Com On Judiciary II |
S1437 (= H2045) | Highlands Mayor Pro Tem. | R | 07/07/2010 | Ch. SL 2010-58 |
S1440 | Create Broadband-Smart Grid Task Force. | S | 05/27/2010 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1441 | e-NC/Request NC Pilot for LifeLine OnLine. | S | 05/27/2010 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |
S1442 (= H1752) | E-NC Connectivity/Economic Development Funds. | S | 05/27/2010 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate |