The Franklin Town Council held a budget work session on Tuesday, May 18th, and the video of the meeting is embedded below. The next scheduled meeting of the town council is June 7th at 6pm.
Timeline (for those who wish to scrub to a particular topic)
00:00 Call to Order
00:20 Approval and Adoption of the Agenda
00:37 Approval of the Consent Agenda
New Business
00:58 Revenue Update [Article]
05:07 Discussion on Proposed Budget for FY 2021-20211
46:53 Closed Session
48:06 Back in Open Session
48:34 Set Economic Development Public Hearing
48:57 Appoint Justin Setser Interim Town Manager [Article]
Roll Call
(A record of media outlets physically present at the meeting in the interest of promoting transparency in local media coverage and ethics)
Macon Media (me)
The Franklin Press (one editor)
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Published at 4:20pm on Wednesday, May 19, 2021