The Macon County Board of Commissioners will be meeting at 6pm tonight in the Commissioners Boardroom on the third floor of the Macon County Courthouse. The public agenda and a link to the agenda packet are posted below.
Public Agenda
November 12, 2019
1. Call to order and welcome by Chaimran Tate
2. Announcements
3. Moment of Silence
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Public Hearing(s)
6. Public Comment Period
7. Additions to agenda
8. Adjustments to and approval of the agenda
9. Reports/Presentations
A. Explanation of NCDOT population and employment growth projections, which will be used to forecast traffic volumes - Rose Bauguess, Southwestern Commission
10. Old Business
A. Presentation of Space Needs Analysis - Dan Mace, Mosely Architects
B. Discussion concerning Macon County's desire to remain part of the Federal Negotiation Class established for Opioid Litigation - Chester Jones, County Attorney
11. New Business
A. Discussion concerning Macon County's Water Resources - Jim Tate, Chairman
B. Appalachian Growers lease expansion - Tommy Jenkins, Economic Development Director
C. Proposed 2020 County Holiday Schedule - Mike Decker, Human Resources Director
D. Presentation and funding request regarding International Agricultural Study Trip to Denmark -
Jenny Collins, FHS Agricultural Teacher
E. Presentation regarding funding assistance needed for FHS Athletic facilities - Bobby Bishop, FHS
Varsity Softball Coach, Kyle Barrington, FHS Varsity Wrestling Coach
12. Consent Agenda - Attachment
(All items below are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will be held except on request of a member of the Board of Commissioners.)
A. October 8, 2019, July 9, 2019, Regular Meeting, July 30, 2019, Continued Session Board meeting minutes
B. Rejection of Bid Request No. 4610 In-Car System and Body Cameras
C. Budget Amendments #101-111
D. Tax Releases for October in the amount of $608.36
E. Tax Office Monthly Report
13. Appointments
A. Macon County Planning Board (2 seats)
B. Macon County Board of Health (2 seats)
14. Closed session (if necessary)
15. Adjourn/Recess
View the full agenda packet [LINK]
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Published at 2:00pm on Tuesday, November 12, 2019