The Franklin Town Council met last night for their regular meeting for June 2021. An executive summary, followed by a video of the meeting and a table of contents to assist the reader in finding a section of the meeting they wish to view.
Roll Call
(Media outlets, elected critters and candidates for public office in attendance at the meeting. If an outlet is not listed, no one from that outlet was present at the meeting)
Macon Media (me, present for entire meeting)
The franklin Press (one editor, present for entire meeting)
The Macon County News and Shopping Guide, one reporter, present until completion of item 6 on the agenda)
Danny Reitmeier, candidate for Mayor
Macon Media is being underwritten today by "Barbarian Utopia: Encounters on the Appalachian Trail," a documentary that celebrates the history, beauty, and magic of the Appalachian Trail and the communities that support it through the stories of a recent college graduate and over 100 other hikers. You can rent or purchase it today at []
Franklin Town Council
June 07, 2021 • 6:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order - Mayor Bob Scott
2. Pledge of Allegiance - Vice-Mayor Jack Horton
3. Adoption of the June 7, 2021 Town Council Agenda - Town Council
4. Approval of the Consent Agenda for June 7, 2021 - Town Council
A.) Approval of May 3, 2021 and May18, 2021 Town Council Minutes
B.) Budget Amendment
C.) Setup Revenue Fund for American Rescue Plan (ARP)
D.) United Community Bank Signature Authorization
E.) Street Closing Request for WYFC Car Show
F.) Street Closing Request for Taste of Scotland Festival
G.) Re-Appointment of Connie Gruberman to TDA Board
H.) Re-Appointment of Candy Presley to TDA Board
5. Public Hearings:
A.) Public Hearing 6:05 p.m. for Town of Franklin Fiscal Year 2021 – 2022 Budget
B.) Public Hearing 6:10 p.m. for Sign Ordinance
C.) Public Hearing 6:15 p.m. for Consideration of Economic Development Loan
6. Public Session
7. New Business:
A.) Board Action on Town of Franklin Fiscal Year 2021 – 2022 Budget - Town Council
B.) Board Action on Sign Ordinance - Town Council
C.) Board Action on Consideration of Economic Development Loan to Hendon Tiller Franklin, LLC - Town Council
D.) Gemstone Village Water and Sewer Allocation – Alec Stillwell
E.) Resolution in Support of Closing North Carolina’s Health Insurance Gap - Town Manager Summer Woodard
F.) Discussion on Town Sponsored Events - Town Manager Summer Woodard
G.) Update on Skate Park Request - Chief Bill Harrell
H.) Budget Amendment Request for New Town Hall Vehicle - Town Manager Summer Woodard
I.) Discussion on Town of Franklin Employee Recruitment and Retention - Town Manager Summer Woodard & HR Director Travis Tallent J.) Rules for Sunny Side Disk Golf Course - Town Manager Summer Woodard
8. Legal
A.) Discussion on Draft Ordinance 2021-006, Police and Fire Ordinance Corrections
B.) Discussion on Draft Ordinance 2021-007, Discretionary Warning Citations
C.) Closed Session Pursuant to G.S. 143-318.1(a)(3), to consult with the Town Attorney in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege.
9. Announcements
A.) Town of Franklin Annual Fireworks and Downtown Block Party Saturday July 3, 2021. Block party starts at 12 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and fireworks starts at 9:30 p.m. No public entry will be allowed at the fireworks due to insurance and Fire Marshal regulations. Rain date for fireworks will be July 10, 2021.
B.) Town Hall Offices will be closed Monday July 5, 2021 for Independence Day &
nbsp; C.) Town Council Meeting Tuesday July 6, 2021
10. Adjourn
The agenda packet with more informmation may be downloaded in PDF Format [Download PDF]
Executive Summary
During the meeting, they held public hearings for the budget, the sign ordinance, and an economic development loan to Hendon and Tiller, LLC (Chic-Fil-A) and no one appeared in favor or in opposition, and all three measures passed with a unanimous vote.
No one appeared to address the board or the community at the Public Comment portion of the meeting.
The board voted to approve water and sewer allocation to a new adult restricted community called Gemstone Village.
The board also approved a submitted resolution calling for the "Closing of the North Carolina Health Insurance Gap." Summer Woodard, the Town Manager, updated the town council on what events the town sponsors.
The council also discussed the Skatepark concept they had been pursuing in earnest after a number of people appeared at a recent meeting. [See Video]. Representatives from JE Dunn (the construction company building the new hospital) appeared and discussed with the town council their desire to give back to the community after they are finished with the new hospital in June 2022. After a discussion of options, the option of targeting the Franklin Memorial Park (formerly the JC Memorial Park) as a location to build a park. Their estimation of the final cost would be around $100,000 with JE Dunn Corporate picking up part of the cost, matching up to a portion of the amount raised by the community and/or appropriated by the town.
The town council approved the purchase of a new vehicle for the town hall and donating the current town hall vehicle to the police department. The town approved a one-time half percent bonus to assist in the retention of employees with 5 years of service to the town.
The board discussed and approved preliminary rules for the new Sunny Side Disk Gold Course. They are, as follows:
• Use is on a first-come, first-served, basis
• Pick up trash and place trash in the provided receptacles
• Use after dark is prohibited
• Pick up after pets
• Do not throw at or toward vehicles
• Amplification equipment is prohibited
• No alcohol allowed, violators will be prosecuted
• No concealed weapons
The council had a first reading of Daft Ordinances 2021-06, Police and Fire Ordinance Corrections and Draft Ordinance 2021-07, Discretionary Warning Citations. The board is expected to further discuss and approve these in the July 2021 meeting.
The mayor made announcements concerning the schedule of the Franklin Annual Fireworks and Downtown Block Party on Saturday, July 3rd. The rain date is July 10th. The town offices will be closed on Monday, July 5th, for the observance of Independence Day. A special meeting for the proposed skatepark may be called before then.
The town council went into a closed session "to preserve the attorney-client privilege," and after 45 minutes, the meeting was called back into session. The board voted to move $60,000 in the Water and Sewer Budget from one line item to another line item.
Summer Woodard, the town manager, remarked on her leaving and expressed appreciation to the council and employees and the media for their help during her seven years as manager. Members of the council also expressed their appreciation of her time as manager.
The meeting was adjourned.
Video of Meeting
Table of Contents
00:00:00 Supporters
00:00:15 Meeting Start
00:00:40 Pledge of Allegiance
00:01:05 Adoption of the agenda
00:01:30 Approval of the Consent Agenda
00:02:05 Public Hearing for the 2021-2022 Budget
00:04:30 Public Hearing for Sign Ordinance
00:06:38 Consideration for Economic Development Loan (Chic-Fil-A)
00:09:36 Public Comment (no one was present)
00:09:35 Board Action on 2021-2022 Budget
00:11:05 Board Action on the Sign Ordinance
00:11:30 Board Action on Loan to Hendon-Tiller, LLC (Chic-Fil-A)
00:12:37 Gemstone Village Water and Sewer Allocation
00:17:48 Closing North Carolina's Health Insurance Gap
00:19:44 Town-Sponsored Events
00:22:01 Update on Skatepark
00:41:51 New Town Hall Vehicle
00:46:08 Employee Recruitment and Retention
00:50:16 Rules for Sunny Side Disk Golf Course
00:55:56 Police and Fire Ordinance Corrections
00:56:35 Discretionary Warning CItations
00:58:38 Announcements
00:59:37 Closed Session
01:00:03 Out of Closed Session (audio difficulties)
01:01:45 Town Manager Appreciation and Farewell
01:03:23 Move to Adjourn Meeting
01:03:42 Town Manager Explains the Vote of Closed Session
(the audio was not working at the time the council came back into open session)
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Published at 12:12pm on Wednesday, June 08, 2021