Showing posts with label Volleyball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Volleyball. Show all posts

Monday, June 2, 2008

Volleyball Party & BBQ at the Rhodes...

...Always a FAB-u-lous time!
. .
The "grown-ups" (if we can qualify to be called that!)
enjoyed a mean bracket Volleyball Tournament...
Our team rocked... 2nd place! Woot-woo!
Teresa, Me, Matt, Dusty &... Jared?
(Hey... wait! Jared wasn't on our team!)
...And that is... ahem... NOT necessarily because of me, I might add...
(Look at everyone... just praying I'll get it!)

...Although I DO launch a pretty consistent "Under-handed Missile"!
...Which I think everyone would totally agree... (Right?)

My Man Matty, on the other hand, showed off some "Mad Skillz"!

And so despite our rough start, we played like CHAMPS!


Meanwhile, the "kiddies" barely left the Pool!

My Little Fish NEVER want to get out...

...Unless it's for the Waterslide!

Some "Water-Babies" even crashed, Pool-side... KJ was out for the night!

Good Food... Good Friends... Good Times...

What's NOT to love about a Rhodes Family Party?