Showing posts with label Basketball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basketball. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Okay, so it's not really an April Fool's joke, but we HAVE been holding out on you!
I unrealistically wish that I had time to record/scrapbook/blog every moment of my boys' lives, (which of course, is completely ridiculous!)
I DO take a LOT of photos... and I DO (eventually) get around to editing MOST of them...
It's just that since that's what I "do" for everyone else, often times MY OWN family's stuff gets put on the back burner and done LAST! (Hate that!)
ANYWAY, here are a few of the "Momentous" things that have happened in the last week or so in-between my other posts, that I still haven't gotten around to sharing with you...

Daynen, sweet thing that he is, cut another tooth!
(His 3rd on the bottom... hopefully you can see it, just below the tip of his tongue.)

Amid his cold, ear infections and surgery, I never got around to posting this darling pic of his cute "new" smile!

Trevan, smarty-pants, passed off all his letters/sounds at Preschool and moved up a Reading Level!

This was a HUGE accomplishment for him and he was SO excited and proud of himself!

(You should have seen him run to tell me at the end of class!)

He has been working really hard and is enjoying learning to read.


And here is the one I feel a little bad about...

Kaden just finished his first Junior Jazz season... and I have yet to post a single picture!

(What kind of mother am I?)

I was there, taking photos at EVERY game, just never got any online. Oh well...

To ease my conscience, here are just a couple of my faves:

Let me just say that the improvement from the first game to the last was remarkable! His little team went from ball-hogging ("Pass? What?"), shoulder-high dribbling, half-court shooters to quite a team of "real" players!

Kade learned to play GREAT defense, and was even the high-scorer of his team a couple times... 14 points one Saturday! Wahoo!

We were all sad to see the season end and think it may be our favorite sport, so far!