Showing posts with label Kaden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kaden. Show all posts

Thursday, January 13, 2011

In the Spotlight...

Our boys were featured in the Primary Spotlight section
of our ward's January Newsletter.
The write ups are so darling, I just had to share...
Our Primary Secretary is amazing!
(Thanks, Susan!)
Their interviews were a crack-up!
No shortage of personality in our house!
{Hee hee!}
But I do get a kick out of hearing their perspective on things
and I love to hear their budding testimonies...
So... Here's for posterity!
Ten year old Kaden Staker likes "The Hunger Games" series
because "the idea is so cool!"
He also likes the writing with it's twists and turns at every chapter.
Kaden would like to either be a computer animator or a football player.
He loves steak...
Closely followed by spaghetti, orange chicken, quesadillas and french toast.
"I Love to See the Temple" is his favorite Primary song.
The humble and brave missionary Ammon is his hero.
He admires the way Ammon "served King Lamoni
and taught him that Heavenly Father was real."
He also thinks that it is "pretty cool that he cut off all the bad guys arms."
As for a mission, Kaden has narrowed his choices to either New York or Nevada...
New York because "there are lots of non-Mormons there to teach
and lots of cool things to see."
Nevada because "Las Vegas is there... and it needs help!"

Ribs, Fajitas, steak, chicken nuggets, pizza, spaghetti, tacos & hot dogs
are all Trevan Staker's favorite foods.
As a future Fire Fighter he'll need all that protein to help repair his worn out muscles.
He wants to be a Fire Fighter so he can "save people and drive a big truck with lights...
and go really fast!"
Trevan likes to read "The Lemonade Wars" by Jacqueline Davies.
He also likes to read "I Love You Stinky Face" because it is his family's favorite.
Before he heads off to firefighter training, Trevan would like to serve a mission to New York.
He thinks New york is "awesome and there are so many people he could teach!"
Trevan's first scripture hero is Jesus-- "because he sacrificed His life for all of us."
He also admires Alma "for the way he changed his life after he saw the angel"
and "because he was an awesome missionary after that!"
"I Love You, Stinky Face" is also Daynen Staker's favorite book.
It's a good day when you get ot read your favorite book
and have "Macky Cheese" and "Chicky Nuggies" for lunch.
When Daynen grows up, he wants to be like his oldest brother, Kaden
and have big muscles like his daddy.
Daynen can't limit his favorite Primary Song to just one.
Currently, he has 3 favorites:
"I am a Child of God", "I Love to See the Temple"
and of course that old Primary hit
"You've Got a Friend in Me."
Daynen says he'd like to serve a mission in Disneyland with his green back pack
and quickly added, "Don't forget my green backpack, Mom!"
One day, Daynen's mom asked him to name his favorite scripture hero.
The conversation went something like this:
Mom: Daynen, who is your favorite scripture hero?
Dayne: Buzz Lipe-year! And Woody!
Mom: No, sweetie... Those are toys. Who is your hero from real life?
Dayne: Ummmm.... Justin Beiber!
Mom (and brothers, all laughing hysterically): No! Your scripture hero, Silly!
Dayne: Ummmmm... Spiderman!
Mom: No! He's not in real life or n the scriptures!
Dayne: Spiderman is too in real life! And he should be in the scriptures!
(Guess we'll keep working on that! Ha!)
"Kwinko, Kwinko Yiddo Staw" is wee Bronson's favorite Primary song.
Bronson's barely 2, but he already knows he wants to be a dad when he grows up.
He thinks chocolate milk, chips and ice cream are yummy in his tummy.
His favorite books are "I Love You, Stinky Face"
and "Good Boy, Fergus."
He says he likes it "cuz I knows all da words."
Bronson's scripture hero is his friend Jesus.
When asked where he wants to go on his mission,
he replied, "To infiniddy and beyond" Just like Buzz "Lipe"-year!
Way to go, Boys!
We are so proud of you!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cutie Patooties...

Just had to show off a few faves from my current
Top-Secret Project...
Hint, Hint...
Make sure to e-mail your current address if you want one of Baby B's
"Ooh-so-darling-already-and-he's-not-even-born-yet" Birth Announcements!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Squaw Peak...

So we followed this...
And ended up here... At the top of the World!
(Well, okay... the top of Provo/Utah Valley at least!)
Kade & Trev have never seen the entire cityscape before and were in awe...
Trevan asked if it was bigger than New York City...
(Uuhhhh... not quite, Buddy!)
But pretty, still the same!
I'm not much of a Landscape Photographer,
but I had fun taking a few shots of the beautiful view...
The clouds were so cool!
The boys and I were actually the "Designated Drivers/Shuttle"
for Matt's Priest's Quorum, who biked one of the trails tonight for their YM Activity.
What a bunch of tough guys...
Matt and Len, their "Fearless Leaders"...
And check out this HOTTIE! Woot-woo!
My Man has become quite the Night Rider, lately!
He usually goes biking up the Canyon several evenings a week (2-4)
and loves scoping out new trails to try with his buddies.
(They actually ride with helmet lamps late at night! So fun for them!)
And of course, as we shuttled back up to get the other cars,
I couldn't resist taking a few more photos of the gorgeous night-time view...
A rare sight for me, that he enjoys all the time...
I'm going to have to get him to let me tag along more often!

Great to be 8!

Kade-o had his Annual Well-Child Check-up this morning...
He's growing like a weed!
53 inches tall...
and 56 pounds...
(Stringbean... He still has a few to gain back from being sick a couple weeks a go...)
He has perfect eyes...
And seems healthy as can be!
Yea! He's 8 and feelin' great!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Good CLEAN fun!

While were were picking up this morning,
I handed Trevan a pile of his laundry to take to the Laundry Room
and told him to go put it in the Washer, so I could start a load.
He disappeared down the hallway.
A few minutes later, I found that same pile in a heap on the Laundry Room floor...
Rolling my eyes, I picked it up to finish the job.
As I opened the lid to the Washer, I nearly hit the ceiling...
I literally about peed my pants as he popped out and said, "Boo!"
(It would have been the funniest video!)
Just for laughs, we repeated the trick, this time on an unsuspecting older brother...
Same result... Kaden about had a heart attack!
We are still laughing!
What a little stinker!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

How is it possible?

I put a toy sword to Kaden's chest this afternoon and said jokingly,
"Hello.... My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Father... Prepare to die."

He looked at me like I was an idiot and said, "Mom... What are you talking about?"

I realized with horror that my boys had NEVER seen the best movie of all time!
Never even heard of it!
A travesty! I could not believe it!
We rushed upstairs to remedy that little problem... right away!


I quickly introduced them to Wesley and Buttercup...


Two hours later, I breathed a sigh of relief...
And, as I knew they would, they'd LOVED it!
(Really... Pirates, a Fire Swamp, sword-fighting, a giant, The Pit of Despair... what's NOT to love?)

They spent the rest of the afternoon dressed in black chasing each other around with plastic swords and really bad spanish accents! :)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kaden's Perfect Day!

There are few days that actually qualify to be called "perfect"...
This was one of them for our family!
Kaden had a wonderful Baptism
surrounded by family and friends who love him
who came to show their love and support of his decision.
Here's a look at his darling invitations... I loved how they turned out!
He and his Daddy looked so handsome all dressed in white together!
The men who stood in the Priesthood Circle to help confirm him...
What an awesome group of incredible guys!
(Back Row: (Left to Right)- Dear Friend/Home Teacher Ross Schofield, Daddy Matt, Grandpa Joe Cotton, "Uncle Pete" Ron Kaas
Front Row: (Left to Right)- Kade's Idol Greg Schofield, Cousin Jeff Bench, Man of the Hour Kaden Staker, Grandpa Larry Staker, Cousin Kelly Kaas
Kaden with "honorary" big sister, Alli...
And favorite Babysitter, Cassie...

And here's a peek at my latest "little project"...
A couple of weeks ago, I was looking around for a Baptism Book for him.
I couldn't find one I "loved" anywhere, so I decided to make one for him.
An afternoon Photo Session and a couple of sleepless weeks later... wah-lah!



It has been so fun to do and I hope it will be a treasured keepsake from his momentous day!

I am so grateful for everyone who helped and offered input!
Thanks to all the Grandmas and Grandpas who took time to send their kind words and testimonies for Kaden. And thanks to my friends who shared their ideas... I knew what I "wanted" to do and had my outline, rough draft and most of the photos done, but it was nice to have input before I finalized my layout and designs! So a special thanks to Shannon Taylor and Gretchen Knell, both friends who's Baptism Books I borrowed, and Heather Gibb, a fellow-photographer (who collaborated on Gretchen's book), who I borrowed a couple "shot ideas" from at the last minute! They were the perfect finishing touch! Thanks, Ladies! I loved your creativity and it sure helped to inspire mine!
Thanks so much to everyone who came to share this special day with Kaden and our family...

We are so proud of you Kaden!
You are an incredible young man...
We love you and are so happy you made this great decision.
We loved sharing your "perfect" day with you!