Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2010

In response to this:
(A comment left this morning at 2:44 am:)
"Sara and/or fellow commentator's...
"I am sure you are swamped and don't ever have any time to read or respond to these blog comments,
but I notice as I have read other people's comments, I noticed a few said, "erased by author".
Are there requirements for these kinds of things?
If there are I would love to know,
so that I don't make a mistake and/ or offend anyone."
and another similar inquiry...
Please know that I do, NOW,
read every blog comment, e-mail and facebook message that comes my way.
In the hospital, that was difficult because of the sheer quantity of comments.
I scanned them and did read most,
gathered their intent and was buoyed up by their sentiment.
So please accept my sincere and heartfelt gratitude.
But my emotional state,
my anxiety about staying by Bronson's side and not leaving,
and my obsessive need to document every detail of the daily occurrences
not to mention my utter lack of sleep
made it difficult to actually read them all or comment in reply.
Even once we were home, I needed a few days to just... BE.
But now that I am trying to function like a real person again, I do make the effort.
Just so you know.
I do hear you.
And thank you... Thank you all for reaching out.
We have felt so loved and supported.
So please don't think that I don't take the time to read
what you take the time to write
and to send.
Because I do.
But as for the "erased by author" question, I can not say why.
Many of them have time stamps that are identical or similar to the post above or below.
Perhaps they were duplicates or contained errors that the author wanted to correct?
And to clarify, "erased by author" means they were erased by the author of the comment,
not by me, the author of the post.
I have done no moderation or editing of comments at all.
Not even once.
I was told of only one unkind comment that came in to our blog
during the time we were at the hospital.
It was lengthy and pointed, I am told.
A dear friend was alarmed and concerned about me seeing it, fragile as she felt I was.
She petitioned another dear friend, of the tech-geek variety ;),
and together they guessed at my password, until they hacked in to my blogger account
and removed the unkind post before I could see it.
Thanks to them.
Very thoughtful.
I am guessing it included many of the same points
I was reamed for on the KSL comment boards,
after Bronson's story aired on the news.
Regrettably, those I did read.
Until Matt made me stop.
And I'll be honest,
they hurt my feelings.
A lot.
For about two days.
And then I realized that there are many people who do not know me.
Do not understand me.
Do not care to understand me.
Many people who are unhappy.
And who choose to be critical of others.
I believe this is done in an effort to feel better about themselves.
To extract some of their own pain and fling it out onto someone else.
Someone they judge.
Someone they feel that they are better than.
And I was just the one they threw their stones at that day.
These brothers and sisters in spirit who have forgotten me.
But surely they've moved on to someone else by now.
Sad. So sad.
Oh, how I wish they could see themselves the way their Father in Heaven does.
I wish they could see how much they have to share
if only they'd let themselves be opened, and then filled.
Filled with something better and sweeter than the anger, bitterness
and judgement that consumes them.
Oh, friends...
Let us learn not to judge.
But instead allow ourselves to love, unreservedly.
And to forgive, unconditionally.
Let us encircle one another in arms of safety.
With open hearts, willing to see and understand another's anguish.
Let us give freely,
benefit, that casts out doubt.
Let us leave the judging for The Judge.
And let us be masters of mercy.
And benevolence.
And so, my dear anonymous friend,
thank you for your question.
Thank you for the sweet comment that followed.
And thank you for giving me the opportunity to address this issue,
I'm sure you were not the only one wondering.
And please let yourself rest at ease...
I try never to be offended.
If you haven't guessed by now, I am an open book.
For better or for worse, I am outed.
But feelings, I think, are much better out than in.
And besides, offense has to be taken.
Picked up and owned.
And I choose to leave it lying.
Alone, by the side of my path.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blast from the past!

WOW! Lookie what I was surprised to find on the Haley Family Blog this morning!

To read more or view the post, click here:
What a blast from my past!
Alison (Perry) Haley was my roomie- roommate my second year at Ricks College. We shared a room and our college-girl lives together in Harmony House #210 the school year of 1995-6. What a FUN time we had! we were such goofballs... I have so many great memories! Love that girl!
Alison and I had lost touch for a while and have only recently sent annual Christmas cards to each other. Until the WONDERFUL-world of blogging reconnected us! Alison google-searched me and found my Picture This... website and then, even better, our blog! She sent me an e-mail and we have been enjoying staying in touch for a few weeks now and catching up on each others lives.
This is what I love about the blogging-circuit! In 5-10 minutes a day (or several times per week), I can keep up with the goings on of family, friends and long-ago friends/acquaintances I don't otherwise often cross paths with. It is so fun to see what everyone is up to and feel in some small way connected to their far-away life. If you can't tell, I love it and am totally addicted!
Ali, remember? We took this CHEEZY photo in the Jailhouse at Smith Park to send to "our Matts" to show them how much we were missing them...
My Matt was attending Snow College, a million miles away and your Matt ("Bones", we called him!) was away on some Fashion Club trip, or something, I think. I'm not sure if you two were "together" yet or still part of the Harmony 210 triangle... (or was is a square? I can't remember how many of our roomies were into him... but at least 2 or 3 of you! ...Glad the best woman won!)
So crazy that 13-ish years later, we are both happily married to those very same "Matts"!
We both have 3 boys, almost the same ages and Alison just had a beautiful baby girl, Ella, last spring. I am expecting our 4th, (still to be determined as another boy or a sweet girl) ...funny how similar our families are! We also love so many of the same things and have nearly all the same interests. She is a true bosom-buddy!
I have such fond memories of that year together, Al. It was such a fun time! I am so glad to have found you (or to have been found!) and to be keeping in touch!
I love your guts, girlie and would LOVE to see you if/when you ever get out this way again!
(Or maybe we'll have to take a trip..!)
Until then, we have blogging!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Weakeast Links...

Okay, annoying... for some reason only about half of you can comment and/or use the links on our blog. We can't seem to find any rhyme or reason to why it works fine from some computers and not from others. (Even from here at my own house, we can access everything from my laptop and Matt's I-Mac, but not the boys' computer. Weird!) The links just don't work... nothing highlights when you roll over it, you can't download anything... it's like everything is locked. I've checked, re-checked and checked again all of the settings and profile preferences and can't figure out what the problem is. Even my computer networking guy took a look at the HTML code to see if something there was off. It's a mystery... and it's making me crazy! Anyone have any suggestions? I am still new to this whole blogging thing, so I'm open to ideas! We sent an e-mail to the tech support team at Blogger and asked them to take a look and see what they can determine. Until then, I just want everyone to know we are aware of the problem and doing what we can to fix it. Hang tight... I'll keep you all posted!